A. There is a psychometric assessment called “Frost Multidimensional perfectionism scale”, or sometimes “FMPS” for short.
B. It measures six psychological characteristics, or traits:
1. Concern over Mistakes
2. Doubts about Action
3. Personal Standards
4. Organization
5. Parental Criticism
6. Parental Expectations
C. This task involves collecting descriptions of traits 1-4, but not 5-6.
These descriptions can be found in manuals, studies etc.
Put together one word document for each traits, so that all descriptions of trait 1 (Concern over mistakes) are in word document, descriptions of trait 2 (Doubts about Action) are in word document 2 etc.
Deadline today February 5, 4 PM CET.
Dear Client,
I read your job description.I am professional internet research expert. Work will be delivered with accuracy and on time. I wish positive response from your side.
Hello There,
I've gone through your post that you're looking for expert in research in following :
1. Concern over Mistakes
2. Doubts about Action
3. Personal Standards
4. Organization
5. Parental Criticism
6. Parental Expectations
I am professional internet research expert. Work will be delivered with accuracy and on time.
Just send me a message to discuss this in details .