Hi There:
Hope this note finds you in great spirits. Having over 6 years of experience, having the following skills.
Have built Report generation, BI and Survey platforms. Will love to share the Case studies and client references if required.
Key skills :
Backend: Python, Django, Flask, Redis, Celery, ML, AI, Deep Learning
Database: MySQL, MongoDB
Frontend: Angularjs, Reactjs, JavaScript, Bootstrap, Html, CSS, D3.js, NVD3, Chartjs
Participation in the entire development lifecycle, from planning through implementation, documentation, testing, and deployment, all the way to monitoring.
Strong expertise in Python (2.7, 3.6) and Python-based web frameworks Django, Flask
Good knowledge of database schemas and converting business requirements to code
Dynamic Complex Forms creation using MongoDB
Notification Engine using Python, Django and Web Sockets Automated Email Tasks with Celery and Redis
Data Extraction and Upload on server
Dashboard Required Statistical Data Fetch using Aggregate Queries Testing and debugging of written APIs
Unit Testing Using Pytest
We are a team of IT professionals mentored by very experienced leadership. We offer solutions on WEB and Mobile technologies. Please visit our company site www.kennedia.net. We have a local representative based in Africa (Nigeria) for program & client Management.
Look forward to hearing from you!!
Thanks, Raman