Bonjour Émilie;
Je m'appelle Nader, fondateur d'une start-up qui s'appelle eDonec. Pour commencer je vous invite à jeter un coup d'oeil à votre boîte de réception (contact@locadeco), je vous envoie plus de détails par email ( la limitation du nombre des mots sur Freelancer ne m'arrange pas).
Since you asked for a fluent French, AND English speaker. I will carry on in the latter language so that you have an idea about my fluency.
Our start-up is mainly working on IT projects. However my cofounder and I have built quite the experience with marketing. For the sake of our business we grew good at selling and we would love to assist you with our knowledge and experience.
Regarding the marketing strategy, I believe we will need to discuss more and have a better grasp of your actual situation and work flow in order for us to build the most suitable strategy and grasp all the critical aspects of your business ( Your target customers, your proposition of value etc). It will be important to understand everything that you do in order to identify not only hot spots for optimization but also the potential opportunities to grow your business and increase your income. Thus, in regards to our gratification, it will really depend on what we are going to do and how. But in the end, we will find the best possible formula of payment that will satisfy both of us.
So I invite you to reach back to me and to check your email for more details.