SMART BOARD APP TYPE ActiveX Control for Transparent Drawing Controls -
$30-250 USD
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Publié il y a environ 4 ans
$30-250 USD
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We are Looking for White Board type Writing in a Active X Control where
Use should have Tool Menu .
We need Tool Enable and Disable Option.
1) We should have 4 Different Color Writting at the same Time . in a way of Selecting a Pencil.
2) We should have Different Types of Shapes to be make
3) We should have Possibility to Change the COlor of Writing.
4) We should be Able to Save the Writing as JPG .
5) Developer should give us the Full Completed Working Active X Control with the Documents
6)Source Code should be Hand Over.
7)Active X Control should be Transparent so It can be Placed on any Video or Image . or any any other control.
8)APi should be able to Call through the DLL so we can save by calling the Procedures or Class.
9)We required almost 3 Revisions incase something is missing as part of the Project . with Time limit of 3 Months.
10)We should be able to add External Image as Icon on the Active X Control and shoudl be able to scroll it .
11)We should have Different types of Shapes .
12)We shoud have Number.
13)We should have Chart to be there to select .
14)We need Transparent Control .
15)Background Change Color.
16)Some of the Example of Pictures are there
Should work on Desktop Application and Web Applciation .
Should be Visual C#. Visual Basic.