Hello Laure Caye,
First, I visited your web-site and there are beautiful designs in it, harmonic simple colors and textures.
Second, I speak French, but still I don’t want make it in work till I am good enough in it, but I think I will soon. J’ai commencé à apprendre le français depuis plusieurs années mais jusqu’à maintenant je le pratique seulement dans chansons et dialogue normal.
Well, I am architect and I have more than 15 years of experience mainly in residential field, and this will be my pleasure if I do work for you.
I do have some images in my freelancer, but actually I prefer not exposing the work I do for my customer online, also many people steal images online to show a profile.
Instead I would offer a different way, how about starting making one perspective without awarding me the project in freelancer, then at first or second sketch you will see how we could cooperate together, so you will take decision if I continue or not, and it won’t be a cost just if you agree to continue.
If you will agree we confirm the award in freelancer and go for that.
I will be happy if that convince you and I get your message in freelancer so we can step for the next.