Build Oasis Poker Bot for net ent casino's

Terminé Publié le Oct 7, 2010 Paiement à la livraison
Terminé Paiement à la livraison

I also would like to purchase a netent Oasis poker bot.

PHP Architecture Logicielle

Nº du projet : #816781

À propos du projet

2 propositions Projet à distance Actif Oct 9, 2010

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Thanks for the invite. What rules do you want it to play? I'll send you one I have already done, and if you like it as is, I'll drop my bid to $300. Thanks, Goose.

%selectedBids___i_sum_sub_7% %project_currencyDetails_sign_sub_8% USD en 7 jours
(13 Commentaires)