XML (eXtensible Markup Language) is a specialized language used for applications such as data exchange and web services, where structured communication is needed between legally, syntactically and semantically different systems. XML Developers are those with an in-depth understanding of the language and all its technical aspects. With an XML Developer, a client can structure their data, automate web service communication, optimize data analysis and transfer, format documents or integrate an XML API onto their system.

Here's some projects that our expert XML Developers made real:

  • Developed efficient solutions to process large volumes of data exchange
  • Created automated communication systems to ensure smooth operations
  • Optimized complex data analysis initiatives for better organization
  • Developed customized document formatting solutions to fit the client's requirements
  • Improved user interface design by integrating APIs into existing system

At Freelancer.com, our expert XML Developers have put their skills to countless projects with successful results. Clients have hired freelancers on Freelancer.com and trusted them to create innovative solutions while solving meaningful problems.

If you're looking for an experienced XML Developer to help develop, optimize or integrate your application or system, why not post a project on Freelancer.com to take advantage of our vast pool of talented developers today.

Sur 202,068 commentaires, les clients ont évalué nos XML Developers 4.84 sur 5 étoiles.
Embaucher des XML Developers

XML (eXtensible Markup Language) is a specialized language used for applications such as data exchange and web services, where structured communication is needed between legally, syntactically and semantically different systems. XML Developers are those with an in-depth understanding of the language and all its technical aspects. With an XML Developer, a client can structure their data, automate web service communication, optimize data analysis and transfer, format documents or integrate an XML API onto their system.

Here's some projects that our expert XML Developers made real:

  • Developed efficient solutions to process large volumes of data exchange
  • Created automated communication systems to ensure smooth operations
  • Optimized complex data analysis initiatives for better organization
  • Developed customized document formatting solutions to fit the client's requirements
  • Improved user interface design by integrating APIs into existing system

At Freelancer.com, our expert XML Developers have put their skills to countless projects with successful results. Clients have hired freelancers on Freelancer.com and trusted them to create innovative solutions while solving meaningful problems.

If you're looking for an experienced XML Developer to help develop, optimize or integrate your application or system, why not post a project on Freelancer.com to take advantage of our vast pool of talented developers today.

Sur 202,068 commentaires, les clients ont évalué nos XML Developers 4.84 sur 5 étoiles.
Embaucher des XML Developers


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    21 missions trouvées

    mainly works with online cad files ,What I need is a software that I can’t afford to purchase, but I need something that works from email because a lot of our requests come from email either directly from a client or from a form or from some kind of trigger then from there I’d like it to go into my CRM then from the CRM going into the project managementand then deliver to the client Right now we have cats software for all the manufacturers that we sell products for we do the layout we do the rendering and we come up with a parcel list, but then we have to save it as an XML file and then we have to bring it in to some quoting software, and then from there once a customer agrees to the price into the terms then we have to go into QuickBooksand do a invoice and then turn the invo...

    €392 Average bid
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    mainly works with online cad files ,What I need is a software that I can’t afford to purchase, but I need something that works from email because a lot of our requests come from email either directly from a client or from a form or from some kind of trigger then from there I’d like it to go into my CRM then from the CRM going into the project managementand then deliver to the client Right now we have cats software for all the manufacturers that we sell products for we do the layout we do the rendering and we come up with a parcel list, but then we have to save it as an XML file and then we have to bring it in to some quoting software, and then from there once a customer agrees to the price into the terms then we have to go into QuickBooksand do a invoice and then turn the invo...

    €428 Average bid
    €428 Offre moyenne
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    **Project Description:** We are looking for an experienced programmer to develop a module to be integrated into our existing software, created with FireMonkey (Delphi). The module's objective is to: 1. Decode handwritten documents, DDT (Transport Documents), and invoices with fields identified through masks. 2. Automatically insert the decoded data into the tables of a MySQL database. **Important Note:** The module is required to decode not just standard documents using simple OCR but also handwritten texts. **Required Skills:** - Experience in developing with FireMonkey (Delphi). - Strong knowledge of MySQL for database and table management. - Ability to analyze and decode text from both handwritten and printed documents. - Knowledge of masking techniques to identify fields within...

    €1165 Average bid
    €1165 Offre moyenne
    25 offres

    Am nevoie de un profesionist cu expertiză în programare, analiză și/sau economie, OBLIGATORIU cu experiență în gestionarea datelor SAF-T. Obiectivul principal al acestui proiect este de a ajuta la înțelegerea și rectificarea erorilor semnalate de ANAF cu privire la declarația financiară depusă în iunie. Responsabilitati cheie: - Identificarea si corectarea erorilor din declaratia depusa - Asistenta la interpretarea datelor financiare Abilități ideale: - Expertiza in programare, analiza si economie - Experiență cu datele SAF-T - Abilități puternice de analiză financiară Acest proiect este esențial pentru a asigura raportarea financiară corectă și conformitatea cu standardele de reglementare. In urma depunerii declaratiei pe iunie, s-a primit o notificare cu priv...

    €14 / hr Average bid
    €14 / hr Offre moyenne
    1 offres

    Debo enviar el cuerpo de facturas y/o documentos contables en formato json, a al aplicación de un tercero mediante metodo POST. URL Así mismo registrar las respuestas en los registros respectivos de las transacciones enviadas(Facturas, notas credito, etc) El objetivo es resolver el tema de Facturación electronica, emitiendo los respectivos registros a la DIAN, pero a travez de un Proveedor Tecológico que tiene la API dispuesta para tal fin.

    €637 Average bid
    €637 Offre moyenne
    11 offres

    I am seeking a seasoned Lotus Domino Notes developer to help in the development of a workflow automation application. This project is focused purely on application development within the Lotus Domino HCL environment. Key Responsibilities: - Design and develop a desktop application leveraging the Lotus Domino HCL platform - Implement workflow automation features into the application Ideal Candidate: - Extensive experience in Lotus Domino Notes application development - Proficient in creating workflow automation within applications - Able to deliver a high-quality desktop application Skills: - Application Development - Lotus Domino HCL - Workflow Automation - Desktop Application Development

    €20 / hr Average bid
    €20 / hr Offre moyenne
    8 offres

    I am looking for a seasoned Flutter developer to build a VPN app for me. The application needs to have a solid backend, so knowledge of MYSQL or SQL Server is crucial. Backend 1. User signup with random username and password api 2. Get user detail api 3. Get a premium plan 4. Buy premium by user 5. Referel point update for the user 6. If require payment gateway api Frontend 1. Api integration 2. Payment gateway 3. Referel code submission Payment in RMB and USDT is required, with Chinese software Thanks

    €178 Average bid
    €178 Offre moyenne
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    I need a functionality built that will enable me to import a simple view CRM events feed, currently in XML format, into WordPress and jet engine via wpallimport. The CRM events feed contains various data fields, but the one I'm particularly interested in translating is the Event Date into the Event Start Date in WordPress. The ideal freelancer for this job should have: - Extensive experience with WordPress and its Jet Engine plugin - Proficiency with WP All Import - Strong skills in XML data handling - Ability to create custom functions for data translation - Understanding of CRM event feeds

    €140 Average bid
    €140 Offre moyenne
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    Xml Travel System
    4 jours left

    Sto cercando uno sviluppatore che possa integrare varie connessioni xml dai fornitori di hotel, noleggio auto, voli ecc per poter mostrare i loro risultati sul nostro sito. Devo poter caricare anche i nostri contratti diretti con le strutture. Ci sono tante aziende che danno questo servizio già pronto, magari qualcuno di voi ha un servizio simile. Il mio unico "problema" dovrà essere quello di cercare i partner da agganciare con il loro xml in modo da effettuare/modificare/cancellare le prenotazioni per tutto il mondo. Ho bisogno di un'interfaccia che possa garantirmi questa cosa Non rispondo a chi invia quotazioni senza leggere quello che cerco Non rispondo a messaggi automatici Non rispondo a persone che mi chiedono di uscire fuori da freelancer.com Ri...

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    I need a skilled programmer to create a tool that converts media metadata from JSON files into XML files compatible with Final Cut Pro. Key Requirements: - Understanding of both JSON and XML formats - Ability to work with media metadata - Proficiency in programming languages suitable for file conversion Specifics: - The JSON files will contain media metadata - The XML output must include the 'File format' field as a minimum - The final XML must adhere to the 'Final Cut Pro XML Interchange Format' Experience with media editing software and understanding of its XML requirements will be a significant advantage. You need to convert to while making the project in a working state in Adobe Premiere Pro

    €47 Average bid
    €47 Offre moyenne
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    Amazon S3 Image Storage & Setup
    4 jours left

    I'm seeking an expert to set up Amazon S3 for image storage. This will allow us to store images and access them via URL for future CSV uploads. Key Requirements: - Create a structured S3 bucket for image storage - Ensure the setup is efficient and scalable, given we will be uploading various image formats (most types, including JPEG, PNG, GIF, and others) - tutorials on how to upload the images - Provide guidance on the best practices for this setup Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with Amazon S3 - Knowledge in image file storage and management - Understanding of CSV upload processes - Ability to provide clear and effective guidance Please note, the method of uploading images to the S3 bucket has yet to be determined. Therefore, experience with providing and implementing third...

    €23 Average bid
    €23 Offre moyenne
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    I'm looking for a skilled developer to create a simple desktop application that interfaces with the Lightspeed API. The program's purpose is to export data from our Lightspeed store to XML format, and subsequently import modified data back into Lightspeed. Key Features: - Export product descriptions, dimensions, weight, and all three of our custom fields (Custom field 1, Custom field 2, Custom field 3) - Import modified data back into Lightspeed - The formatting of the description needs to be maintained Ideal Skills: - Proficient in working with the Lightspeed API - Strong experience in desktop application development - Excellent understanding of XML format - Familiarity with Lightspeed's custom fields - Command over data export/import processes Please provide examples ...

    €139 Average bid
    €139 Offre moyenne
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    I need a JavaScript code that will take our project in JSON format and transform it into XML format suitable for Final Cut Pro. Key Requirements: - The transformation should cover 'Clips and sequences' as well as 'Metadata and settings' from the JSON. - The final XML should retain 'Timestamps' from the original JSON. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in JavaScript - Experience with JSON and XML formats - Familiarity with Final Cut Pro will be a plus. Please only bid if you can meet the above requirements and can deliver a working code. You need to convert into (the files are attached in the "Files section")

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    XML product link developer
    3 jours left

    XML link product link developer

    €162 Average bid
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    Looking for someone who can help with a simple API integration. The flow goes as follows and has a Loom video so that you understand the project: Vapi > Make > Ringba What should happen here is that the AI assistant receives a phone call. This happens in Vapi where the AI talks to the customer and customer gives information. Then the customer is transferred through data post on Make to our call transferring Software Vapi. It's my understanding that this data post should be somewhat straightforward. I have attached documentation necessary for Ringba and will. provide all documentation necessary on Vapi as well.

    €22 Average bid
    €22 Offre moyenne
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    I am seeking an experienced Odoo developer with a strong background in Odoo migration. The task at hand involves migrating my data from an older Odoo version (16) to the same self-hosted version. Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Extensive knowledge of Odoo and its migration processes - Experience with handling data migration to self-hosted versions of Odoo - Proficiency in data integrity verification post-migration - Ability to troubleshoot and resolve issues during the migration process

    €22 / hr Average bid
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    I'm looking for a talented developer to create a payment processing system specifically for flash USDT. This system needs to be integrated with a web-based wallet. Key Requirements: - Develop a USDT payment processing system - Integrate this system with a web-based wallet - Include transaction tracking features within the system Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive experience in payment system development - Proficient in web-based wallet integration - Strong understanding of USDT and its transaction mechanisms Please note that user authentication and automatic currency conversion are not required for this project. Your main focus will be to ensure seamless transaction tracking.

    €447 Average bid
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    I'm in need of a skilled Android developer to create an all-encompassing school management system. The application should cater to students, teachers, and administrators, incorporating several crucial functionalities. Key Features: - Attendance Tracking: A system to monitor student attendance - Grade Management: Tools for recording and tracking student grades - Homework Assignments: A feature for assigning and tracking homework - All Activities: A comprehensive view of all school activities Ideal Candidate: - Extensive experience in Android app development - Previous work on educational or management systems is highly desirable - Strong skills in designing user-friendly interfaces for diverse user groups - Excellent understanding of integrating tracking and management tools in an ap...

    €344 Average bid
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    I'm looking for a skilled professional to create a captivating promotional campaign for my project, "Promo Like Weapons." Key aspects of the project: - The type of promotion is open-ended, so creativity is welcomed. Whether it be a video advertisement, a social media campaign, or a print advertisement, I am eager to see your innovative ideas. - Ideal candidates should have experience in creating diverse promotional content and a strong understanding of various marketing channels. Creativity, strategic thinking and excellent communication skills are essential for this project.

    €191 Average bid
    €191 Offre moyenne
    3 offres

    I'm in need of a co-engineer to help me complete a project involving an automatic mobile shelves system for item retrieval in a warehouse. This system is not just for storage management or inventory tracking, but specifically designed to automate item retrieval. Key Responsibilities: - Collaborate with me to design and implement the system - Utilize Node-Red, Esp32 (esp-idf), SQL database (postgresql), MQTT and UI design skills - Create a user-friendly web dashboard for system control Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Node-Red and Esp32 (esp-idf) - Experienced in UI design - Knowledgeable in SQL database (postgresql) and MQTT - Previous experience with warehouse automation projects is a plus

    €230 Average bid
    €230 Offre moyenne
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    I’m looking for a freelancer to integrate the Logihub API into my platform Ship24go (a shipping price comparison tool). The goal is to allow shipment creation directly from my platform using the provided Logihub endpoint. Integration Details: Endpoint: POST Authentication: You need to send the token in the headers: Authorization: Bearer 3774b3677ade1d6171e37e6fbd41e20bc0a95d781fbf39cd4c30a29d533a5ad3 Required Parameters include: Shipment type (pickup/drop off) Branch ID Shipping date Sender and receiver details (name, address, phone) Country, state, and area IDs (origin and destination) Payment type (prepaid/postpaid) Package details (quantity, weight, dimensions) Additional Information: You can refer to the Logihub API Board for more details on the parameters and available values.

    €142 Average bid
    €142 Offre moyenne
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