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    2,000 sipix pocket printer driver missions trouvées link Prestashop
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    ...reference 12345). Automatically print these files using a connected printer. 4. Technical Constraints 4.1 Target Platform The project must be implemented on , using a fully automated scenario. No direct modifications to PrestaShop or Boxtal are required. 4.2 Tools and Modules Use the following modules (indicative list): PrestaShop - Watch Orders to monitor new orders. PrestaShop - Get an Order to retrieve detailed order data. PrestaShop - Get a Product to fetch unit weights of products. Tools - Iterator to process each product individually. Tools - Aggregator to sum up weights. HTTP - Make a Request to interact with Boxtal's API. Google Drive/Dropbox/File Manager to locate PNG files for stickers. Printer - Print File to print shipping labels, delivery slips, and ...

    €169 Average bid
    €169 Offre moyenne
    7 offres
    Thermostats seller
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    ...25 euros par installation vous gagnez 10 euros par vente + prime 500 euros chaque 100 installations Donc 1800 dans votre poche pour juste 4 ventes par jour en 1 moi Need an experienced salesperson Goal: Sale of Thermostats Remuneration :Payment by commission, Each Thermostat costs 25 euros per installation you earn 10 euros per sale + bonus 500 euros per 100 installations? So 1800 in your pocket for just 4 sales per day in 1 month...

    €955 Average bid
    €955 Offre moyenne
    3 offres
    logo design
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    It's very simple, it's not going to be a small logo, it's going to be huge on the homepage. There won't be anything in writing, just a speaker or speaker driver(s) with a sky at dawn inside. The sky should be like a warm Californian sky after sunset. You can take 2 weeks to submit your first proposal. users will have to click the logo to then be redirected to a webpage to set up an appointment

    €20 - €170
    À la une Scellé
    €20 - €170
    65 offres

    Nous voulons une application pour faire du e-transport semblable à Uber driver. il s'agit de mettre en relation un client qui veut se déplacer d'un point A à un point B, que ce soit au restaurant , chez lui ou dans un aéroport. nous voulons une application capable de fonctionner partout sur la terre et qui sera logé chez play store et apple store pour téléchargement avec des passerelles de paiement comme stripe et autres. merci

    €3364 - €6728
    Scellé LDN
    €3364 - €6728
    28 offres

    Hello! We are looking for a freelancer partner to create a website in order to develop the company's activity. We are a tourist transport ...for a freelancer partner to create a website in order to develop the company's activity. We are a tourist transport services operator focused on combining the best cultural attractions across the country. The services provided by our company are as follows: a) Transfers between the airport and hotels, ressorts, etc. b) Private tours (visits to the main tourist areas of the country); c) Private driver (companies, government and other state services, etc.); d) Business assistance (mail, visits to business groups, etc.); e) Private guide; We would like the site to be live before the end of February 2022. At your disposal for any addit...

    €6 / hr Average bid
    €6 / hr Offre moyenne
    8 offres

    j'ai déja le code source d'une application de taxi j'ai installé le coté admin panek j'ai configurer le coté APK il me reste que le coté IOS booking je veux qqn qui va me générer les fichiers APK & IOS parce que j'ai installé le coté admin panel 1- changer le package name a HANIA 2- changer la couleur de l'application : rose 3- génerer le fichier IOS c'est tout

    €814 Average bid
    €814 Offre moyenne
    8 offres

    1. À propos de l'entreprise : NHN, l'une des meilleures entreprises informatiques sud-coréennes, cherche des traducteurs et des relecteurs-correcteurs français freelance du webtoon (bandes dessinées en ligne sud-coréennes qui sont publiés en ligne). Ayant lancé le plateforme du webtoon en Corée sous le nom de Comico (), au Japon et en Amérique du Nord sous le nom de Pocket Comics, nous comptons élargir le champ des services dans des régions européennes pour s'implanter sur le marché français. 2. Titre : Traducteur(trice) et/ou relecteur(trice) 3. Langue source : Anglais 4. Langue cible : Français 5. Date de début : Immédiat (après test) 6. Sal...

    €57 / hr Average bid
    €57 / hr Offre moyenne
    2 offres
    Connexion au driver ASIO
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    Bonjour, Le driver ASIO permet de connecter des cartes sons multi entrées et multi sorties à un ordinateur. Je souhaite permettre de nommer une entrée et de gérer le flux audio associé. Je suis à votre disposition pour tout complément d'information. JMP

    €384 Average bid
    €384 Offre moyenne
    4 offres

    J'ai une application de transport. Les clients peuvent faire une demande instantanée pour faire appel à un driver dans l'immédiat. J'aimerai rajouter une fonctionnalité à cette application c'est le fait de pouvoir réserver une course pour plus tard ou pour une autre date. Le design de la fonctionnalité existe déjà. Lorsqu'un client fait une réservation, la réservation arrive sur le tableau de bord. Mais il faudrait que l'administrateur puisse désigner un driver sur son tableau de bord et lorsqu'il attribue la course à un driver, la course apparaît immédiatement dans les réservations de l'application driver. Et q...

    €181 Average bid
    €181 Offre moyenne
    8 offres


    €660 Average bid
    €660 Offre moyenne
    19 offres
    Spécialiste Cloud et Kubernetes
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    Dans le cadre d’un développement d’une plateforme de gestion d'assurance santé selon une a...Kubernetes avec un VPC sur Google Cloud - Configurer les environnements de développement, UAT et production - Réaliser un benchmark de performance pour optimiser l’allocation des ressources à nos différents micro-services - Sécuriser l’accès aux micro-services depuis l’extérieur du cluster et également à l’intérieur du cluster - Configurer le monitoring des micro-services via Google Cloud Stack-driver ou autre outil adéquat - Configurer et sécuriser nos infrastructures cloud de bases de données sur Azure (SQL SERVER) et Mongo ATLAS (MongoDB) Pro...

    €2418 Average bid
    €2418 Offre moyenne
    4 offres

    ...réalisation effective des 2 logos sous une forme exploitable par l'imprimeur et le graveur. ENGLISH NEEDS : creative route for a logo that will be declined in 2 levels (Annexe 1 - examples of illustrations A and C) CONTEXT I am looking for a new logo for my Dice game GooaAAAal!, which also has to get a new name for trademark reasons. (Therefore GooaAAAal! cannot be used anymore). That is a quick pocket game for kids, based on sports. I have created it, so part of the revenues are used in favor of children's education. 1st execution was soccer, but basket ball, rugby and other sports follow. Therefore, the logo cannot be only soccer based. TARGET AUDIENCE Children (boys & girls) from 7 years up. I expect the logo to be fun and attractive for them. CO...

    €46 Average bid
    19 propositions
    Sesame EveryGates
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    ...cybersécurité permettant à deux dispositifs de communiquer, de s’authentifier et ainsi d’améliorer la sécurité des systèmes dans lesquels ils sont intégrés. A cet effet, nous sommes à la recherche d’un(e) freelance pour le développement d’un driver NFC et de deux fonctionnalités UX. -- Environnement de développement -- o Kit développeur de programmation : FRDM-K64F-AGM01 o Module NFC : OM5578 / PN7150ARDM -- Mission -- Après réception des kits développeurs envoyés par nos soins, les missions du (de la) freelance seront : - Développement du driver NFC suivant les conditions suivantes - o Développ...

    €1307 Average bid
    €1307 Offre moyenne
    7 offres
    Translation from French to Polish
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    ...Eagle stationnera chez Stig Johansson, au nord de Stockholm, où étaient Timoko et Up and Quick en 2017. » Avez-vous envisagé de confier Bold Eagle à un autre driver, Björn Goop pour ne pas le citer, dans l’optique de l’Elitloppet ? PP: « Franck était déçu de ce qui s’est passé lors de la précédente finale et en toute franchise, il ne voulait pas y retourner. Au départ, je m’étais dit que si Franck disait non, alors on n’y retournait pas. Mais pourquoi pas ? "Bold" a le record de la piste de Solvalla quand même ! On aurait pu mettre Björn (Goop) à la place, c’est vrai, d’autant qu’il était disponibl...

    €36 Average bid
    €36 Offre moyenne
    14 offres

    Good morning, We are looking to develop android mobile app and ios mobile app for our car with driver application. Please apply ONLY IF YOU HAVE ALREADY DONE A SIMILAR PROJECT. --------------------------------------------------------- French / Français----------------------------------- Bonjour, Nous avons une application de reservation de voiture avec chauffeur et souhaitons développer des applications mobile Android et ios pour cette application. Merci de postuler que si vous aviez déjà développé un projet pareil. Thank you for your proposal. Mr. TALO

    €769 Average bid
    €769 Offre moyenne
    18 offres
    Trophy icon I need a logo for a dropshipping store
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    ...----------------------------------------------------------------- Hello, I need a logo for my online shop about utensils, accessories and kitchen decor. I like these logos. I would like something similar with the chef with a fork and a spoon that form the face, the bow tie and the round collar in the background. I would also like to add the name of my shop below, being written with a sleeve pocket (I don't know how to translate sorry but look at the last photo ^^): Spoons & co. Thank you in advance for your suggestions! Good luck! ;)...

    €33 Average bid
    9 propositions

    Besoin d'un model 3d pour imprimer un support pour une camera raspberry pi. Regarder les photos ci-joint.

    €145 Average bid
    €145 Offre moyenne
    9 offres

    Travaillant avec R 3.3.0 et mongodb nous recherchons un freelance ou étudiant qui sera capable de mettre à jour le driver RMongo ( ) ou mongolite () afin qu'il soit possible de se connecter à une base de donnée mongodb avec Replicaset et SSL. Le projet porte sur l'une ou l'autre des solutions (RMongo ou Mongolite) Dans le cas de Mongo, la dernière version du pilote Mongo Java à utiliser est la 3.3 () Dans le cas de Mongolite, la version du driver C à utiliser est la 1.4 () Dans les 2 cas, nous devons être en mesure de nous connecter à une base de donnée Mongodb version 3.2.9 et de faire des requêtes de base (CRUD et find) A

    €142 Average bid
    €142 Offre moyenne
    4 offres
    Windows Phone Application
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    I want a windows phone application that is like " Careem " Application, That App can determine the position of the driver to enable the client to reach to any place he want to go. wit a payment method of Visa Card and Cash. This App is split into 2 Apps , One is for the Client and the other for the Driver. The Required Application is Very Very Similar to That Application: ............................................................................ Notice That: i will provide you with : 1- Design 2- api 3- Admin Panel . Thank you .

    €16 Average bid
    €16 Offre moyenne
    2 offres

    projet de grand marché sur le monde et contruire des voiture et une banque

    €48 / hr Average bid
    €48 / hr Offre moyenne
    1 offres
    Installer les drivers sur mon PC
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    Bonjour j'ai des probleme de driver, je souhaietrai si posssible avoir de l'aide.

    €226 Average bid
    €226 Offre moyenne
    5 offres
    Finalisation de site Wordpress
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    Afin de finaliser mon site je recherche une personne qui pourrait me donner quelques conseils et me driver, afin que j'évite de publier un site qui serait mal fait/terminé. Recherche personne avec de bonnes connaissances de Wordpress et du Web design. Rdv à mon bureau (Paris est). JE pense que quelques heures suffiront (3-4h maximum). Des connaissances en Plugin Multilingue pour Wordpress seront un plus! Merci

    €156 Average bid
    €156 Offre moyenne
    17 offres
    Créez une vidéo en Motion Design
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    ...⇒ Part de marche double en l’espace d’une année seulement. 2008 : Lancement du paquet de 10 cigarettes. ⇒ La PDM continue à augmenter et arrive à 6%, 4 mois après le lancement ⇒ La campagne « Blue Touch » connait beaucoup de succès à travers tout le pays. 2012 : La loi marocaine interdit la vente des paquets de 10’s. ⇒ Perte de plus de 50% des volumes. ⇒ Lancement du nouveau format « pocket » à fin de faire face aux pertes de volumes engendrées par l’interdiction des 10’s pack 2013 : augmentation du prix à 25 Dhs ⇒ Répercussion négatives sur l’image de marque. ⇒ Les ventes s’effondrent. &r...

    €2221 Average bid
    €2221 Offre moyenne
    12 offres

    Récupérer de mon compte Uber les informations concernant les courses effectuées (point de départ, arrivée, distance parcourue, date et heure de départ, date et heure d'arrivée..). Ces informations sont stockées sur serveur Mysql.

    €21 Average bid
    €21 Offre moyenne
    3 offres

    he app needs to have 4 different pages accessible to different people depending on their job description. Page 1 - For Admin only will the app from the above entries) Loading team _______________ Controller ___________________ Save & Print button Page 3 - For Dispatcher Tracking # ______________ (to be typed in from controller printed receipt which will bring up previously entered info from the control page:) Truck License Plate XXXXXX Total bags on truck XXXXXX New fields to be entered by dispatcher: Driver name _________________ Destination ___________________ Address _____________________ Save & Print button Page 4 - Reports (Admin only) Ability to email an excel generated report of all info by inputting FROM date / time a...

    €1011 Average bid
    €1011 Offre moyenne
    7 offres

    Nous aimerions que quelqu'un nous mette en place une application, permettant de : - Détecter l'IMEI + Numéro de série + Modèle + Capacité d'un téléphone portable de type Apple iPhone, via un cable USB - D'imprimer automatiquement ces informations + CODE BARRE du numéro IMEI sur une étiquette DYMO Merci,

    €351 Average bid
    €351 Offre moyenne
    2 offres
    Road Dome Security
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    ...émis lors de la réception de sms (driver dôme est activé seulement les appels téléphonique sont accepté avec logo d’un combiné de téléphone que l’émetteur n’a qu’a cliquer pour la composition automatique. 6. Le verrouillage affiche le logo de l’application sur la totalité de l’écran de l’usager une icône peux être cliquer dans la première minute du verrouillage pour confirmer un mode passager qui autorise l’utilisation du l’appareil jusqu'à la réduction de 15 km et moins pendant plus de 15 min. 7. De plus l’application est munie d’un système urgence qui lors d’une déc...

    €261 Average bid
    €261 Offre moyenne
    1 offres

    Bonjour, je souhaite faire développer une application sous Ios. Elle consiste à piloter un automate avec le driver Modbus TCP. L'étude est faite, je connais le nombre de pages (5) et il y a entre 1 et 6 commandes par page. L'iphone ou ipod dialogue via le réseau Wifi au travers d'un routeur sur lequel est connecté au routeur via un câble Ethernet Si vous êtes intéressés, je peux vous donner plus d'éléments ( étude, vues d'écran d'une application similaire) pour établir votre devis, sachant que le délai est de 3 semaines. Cette première application est à développer pour un prototype, elle évoluera par la suite dans le...

    €2559 Average bid
    €2559 Offre moyenne
    4 offres

    ...voiture suivante et ainsi de suite. Etape finale : - "Bravo vous avez obtenu un score de * / 10" - 'Affrontez vos amis en partageant votre score sur Facebook !" - Bouton "Je partage" Contenu : Voici les 10 voitures et les 3 choix correspondants : - La Dolorean de Retour vers le Futur SOS Fantômes / Mad Max / Retour vers le Futur - L’Ambulance Ecto-1 de SOS Fantômes Batman / Taxi Driver / SOS Fantômes - La Batmobile de Batman (Tim Burton) Batman Begins / Batman / Batman Forever - La Ford Falcon XB modifié de Mad Max Mad Max / Fast & Furious / Transformers - Le Volkswagen Transporter de Little Miss Sunshine Dumb & Dumber / Scooby-Doo / Little Miss Sunshine - La Volkswagen Coccinelle de Un ...

    €182 Average bid
    €182 Offre moyenne
    7 offres

    As discussed

    €56 Average bid
    €56 Offre moyenne
    1 offres
    €176 Offre moyenne
    1 offres
    Printer Website
    S'est terminé left

    As discussed.

    €202 Average bid
    €202 Offre moyenne
    1 offres
    Windows Software Creation
    6 jours left
    Vérifié drivers, and network drivers. The software should possess the following capabilities: - Automatic Updates: The software should be able to update drivers automatically when updates are available. - Manual Update Option: Users should have the flexibility to manually update drivers if they choose to. - Backup and Restore: Before any driver is updated, the software should create a backup. In case of any issues, users should be able to restore their previous driver with ease. In terms of user notifications, the software should notify users about available updates via In-app notifications. Ideal candidates should have: - Prior experience in software development, specifically for Windows operating systems. - A deep understanding of computer drivers and the update pro...

    €76 Average bid
    €76 Offre moyenne
    5 offres

    We are seeking a highly skilled and experienced Python developer who possesses expertise in connecting to RS485 devices via USB and facilitating printing to a thermal printer. Additionally, familiarity with MySQL and MQTT is essential for this role.

    €211 Average bid
    €211 Offre moyenne
    29 offres

    I need two custom-designed kids' hoodies tailored for specific needs. The size of the hoodies is yet to be confirmed. Key Features: - **Safety & Comfort**: The hoodies should incorporate a hidden yet accessible pocket (secured with a magnetic closure) to hold an AirTag or other tracking device. - **Medical ID Tag Integration**: A small, discreet, sewn-in medical ID tag inside the hoodie should contain my child's name, emergency contact, and relevant medical info. - **High-Contrast Visibility**: The design should include stylish reflective elements or high-visibility colors to make my child easier to spot in crowded places. - **Sensory-Friendly Materials**: The hoodies should be tagless, ultra-soft, breathable, and made from bamboo fabric. - **Easy Wear & Adaptive...

    €54 Average bid
    €54 Offre moyenne
    79 offres

    I need a skilled developer to create a universal print driver for a large print machine, compatible with Windows 11 and Windows Server 2019. This driver should support essential features such as color management, duplex printing, card printing, magazine printing, print position management, and printer status monitoring. Key requirements: - Expert knowledge in Windows print driver development - Previous experience with color management systems - Understanding of duplex printing and printer status monitoring - Familiarity with Windows 11 and Windows Server 2019 - Ability to create a universal driver for large scale use This project is perfect for a developer who can deliver a high-quality, reliable print driver with the needed features for e...

    €129 Average bid
    €129 Offre moyenne
    29 offres

    I am in need of a freelancer capable of creating a 3D file for a specific object, which I intend to print using my 3D printer. Key Requirements: - The object is a household item. - I do not have exact dimensions but I can provide rough scales. - I have reference images ready to share. Skills & Experience: - Proficiency in 3D modeling software. - Prior experience in creating 3D files for household items. - Ability to work from reference images. - Good communication skills to clarify scale and other details. Your task will be to interpret the reference images and create a 3D model that I can print on my 3D printer.

    €94 Average bid
    €94 Offre moyenne
    123 offres

    ...appealing and recognizable. --- ### Objective: Develop an autonomous trading bot for the Pocket Option platform. The bot integrates with a specific Telegram channel to receive trading signals and executes trades automatically 24/7, even when the user is offline. The bot supports unlimited Pocket Option accounts, allowing them to run simultaneously, and provides a graphical representation of account balances in descending order. The bot will also be available as an APK for Android devices and a Windows-compatible application. --- ### Core Features: 1. Signal Integration: - @GLOWBOT/AI connects to a Telegram channel, interprets signals in real time, and executes 1-minute trades on the Pocket Option platform. - Supports multiple Telegram channels for d...

    €235 Average bid
    €235 Offre moyenne
    5 offres
    Python Flask app for fuel pump
    6 jours left

    We need an experienced and expert python developer that can connect to rs485 via usb and print to thermla printer. We mqtt and mysql.

    €170 Average bid
    €170 Offre moyenne
    39 offres

    ...for a Dell Latitude 7480 2) slipstream critical drivers: SATA3/SSD, USB 3.0, Mouse, Trackpad, maybe others 3) once W7 is installed, make sure that all other required device drivers can be installed Requirements: - Critical drivers: SSD, Mouse, Trackpad and others - All other drivers for computer devices Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in driver installation and Windows 7 slipstreaming - Experience with Dell Latitude 7480 - Knowledge of critical and additional driver requirements Project will have two milestones: - slipstream iso image and give instructions on how to create a thumb drive with it (Rufus is available and experience with command line) - see to it that all necessary drivers for that computer are being found This is the current situation: ¯¯¯¯...

    €151 Average bid
    €151 Offre moyenne
    12 offres
    PCB Design for Robotic Gripper
    5 jours left

    I'm seeking a seasoned PCB designer to create a custom PCB for a robotic gripper. The gripper will utilize two DC motors for movement, a linear actuator motor for extension/retraction, and three current sensors for controlling the gripping force. Key Responsibilities: - Full...Key Responsibilities: - Full schematic and PCB layout design. - Integration of motor drivers and current sensors. - Creation of manufacturable design files (Gerber files). - Ensuring compatibility with microcontroller control via I2C. Ideal Candidate: - In-depth understanding of current sensing for force feedback. - Familiarity with Raspberry Pi and Arduino. - Previous work with DRV8833 motor driver. Deliverables: - Complete PCB design files (schematics, Gerbers). - Simulation results and comprehensive...

    €24 Average bid
    €24 Offre moyenne
    11 offres

    ...1120, and 1040 with Schedule C, as well as a dissolution letter and an EIN closure request. I am seeking professional assistance with the following: 1. Review of my filled forms - I need confirmation that all my files are correct for closing the LLC and EIN. If there are any issues, I would appreciate your advice on how to rectify them. 2. Printing Forms - As I currently do not have access to a printer or fax machine, I will need assistance with printing all the necessary forms. 3. Faxing to the IRS - I need help with faxing the following forms to the IRS: 5472, 1120, and 1040 with Schedule C. I am uncertain whether all of these forms are required, so your advice would be appreciated. 4. Mailing the EIN Closing Letter - I need assistance with preparing and mailing the EIN closin...

    €14 Average bid
    €14 Offre moyenne
    4 offres

    <Overview> The technology I am looking for is a display device that can enhance driver safety awareness through continuous use of driving diagnostics. This technology acquires vehicle and driving information, evaluates the driver's driving based on the acquired information, and changes the growth and likability of an avatar displayed on the vehicle's display according to the evaluation results. Please search for this technology. <<NOTICE>> The target car brands in this search are limited to US, European, Chinese, and South Korean brands. <Requirements for Payment> ★Clearly indicate the URL of the website or YouTube site as the basis for the evidence. ★Please clearly indicate where the above technology is disclosed. [example 1]★Technical Details Y...

    €46 Average bid
    5 propositions
    Make drive app
    8 jours left

    Make app for the driver

    €139 Average bid
    €139 Offre moyenne
    1 offres

    I'm looking for a Python-based trading bot for Pocket Option. This bot should be able to run on Windows and Android devices. Key Features: - Text-based Telegram Signal Processing: The bot needs to interpret and act upon text-based signals sent from Telegram. - Pocket Option Integration: The bot should be capable of executing trades on Pocket Option based on the processed signals. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Python: As the preferred programming language, a deep understanding of Python is crucial. - Experience with Trading Bots: Prior experience in developing automated trading bots will be a significant advantage. - Familiarity with Telegram API: Knowledge of how to interface with Telegram and process its messages will be beneficial. Please ensure your bi...

    €14 Average bid
    €14 Offre moyenne
    7 offres
    Trophy icon Tracksuit Design
    1 jour left

    We had a rugby jersey designed by someone on this site and the next part of the project is taking too long. I need someone who can provide better and quicker service and who is 100% fluent in English. I attach the jersey design. We now need a tracksuit design and some other work which we will get to later. The jacket: The jacket will look like the jersey at...sponsor logo there and make it bigger like the front one on the jersey. You can copy the logos from the attached design as this is just a sample design and not final files for the manufacturers. The pants: 1) it will be a long pants in dark green only. 2) a thin line will run down on each side of the pants. The same thin line as the top of the jersey. 3) the Multisure and Club logo will come at pocket height - one on ...

    €9 Average bid
    41 propositions

    I'm seeking a reliable provider of Google PPC calls specifically for printer support , PayPal PPC , Norton Support etc in for USA. Key Details: - I'm looking for high-quality, conversion-optimized calls on a daily basis. - Payment will be made on a per-call basis, with no advance payments. - All transactions will take place on the Freelancer platform. - Time wasters need not apply. I appreciate understanding my requirements. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience with PPC call generation, particularly in the tech support sector. - An understanding of the printer support, PayPal PPC Call , Norton Anti-virus Calls niche is a plus. - Ability to deliver quality calls that enhance the conversion rate. - Excellent communication and negotiation skills.

    €63 Average bid
    €63 Offre moyenne
    20 offres

    ...can convert my CAD files into 3D printer compatible files. The project involves a detailed mock-up of a device using the following components: - Alvium 1800 2040c C-Mount - Computar 12 Mega Pixel, 1.1" 8mm F2.8 lens - Advanced Navigation Spatial (MEMS) IMU - Forge Carrier Board for NVIDIA Jetson AGX Orin™ - Jetson AGX Orin 32GB Module - Allied Vision MIPI camera board - NVIDIA Jetson AGX Orin Active Heat Sink I require moderate detail with visible features for the 3D printed mock-up. The CAD files do not need any modifications or enhancements, just a straight conversion to 3D print files. The preferred material for printing is PLA. Ideal skills and experience: - Proficient in CAD and 3D printing - Experience in converting CAD files to 3D printer...

    €255 Average bid
    €255 Offre moyenne
    37 offres

    <Overview> The technology I am looking for this time is one that suggests rest stops to drivers based on the congestion levels at their destination. Specifically, it involves obtaining information indicating the congestion level at the vehicle's destination and, based on that information, determining whether to provide the driver with information about rest facilities located between the vehicle's current position and the destination. Please search for this technology. <<NOTICE>> The target car brands in this search are limited to US, European, Chinese, and South Korean brands. <Requirements for Payment> ★Clearly indicate the URL of the website or YouTube site as the basis for the evidence. ★Please clearly indicate where the above technology is di...

    €46 Average bid
    6 propositions