Engish german teachemplois
J'ai besoin d'un traducteur expérimenté pour convertir un ouvrage du français vers l'allemand. Il ne s'agit pas d'une traduction classique, mais d'un ouvrage littéraire. Vous devrez donc avoir un sens aigu du détail et une connaissance approfondie de la langue source et de la langue cible. Exigences principales : - Maîtrise du français et de l'allemand: aucune traduction par des logiciels n'est accepté - Expérience avérée de la traduction littéraire - Forte compréhension du style ou du ton littéraire et artistique Le traducteur retenu sera en mesure de préserver l'intégrité littéraire et artistique de l'œuvr...
Bonjour Sayal Technology, j'ai remarqué votre profil et je souhaite vous proposer mon projet. Nous pouvons discuter des détails via le chat.
Bonjour Sayal Technology, j'ai remarqué votre profil et je souhaite vous proposer mon projet. Nous pouvons discuter des détails via le chat.
Bonjour Worldtranslator, j'ai remarqué votre profil et je voudrais vous offrir mon projet. Nous pouvons discuter des détails via le chat.
Bonjour, je voudrais traduire mon site website : from french to german j'aurai besoin d'une traduction professionel avec (0 fautes) + des petites modifications que vous pouvez apporter au contenu pour le rendre encore meilleur. la qualité du contenu est super important puisqu'il va etre utiliser pour rank le site sur google. - traduire tout le contenu du site (al'exception de la page CGU) je voudrais avoir un devis merci
Nous sommes à la recherche d’une ou deux personnes pour traduire notre site internet. Les textes seront fournis sur word et il faudra le traduire du Français à l’Anglais; Français à Allemand; Français à Espagnol et Français à Italien. Si tu as des compétences de traduction pour l’une ou l’autre de ces langues, Merci de prendre contact. Nous accordons une importance primordiale à la tonalité du texte qui doit rester engageant. Il y a 7 pages de texte à traduire, soit 2’107 mots. Merci de nous fournir un devis ainsi qu’un exemple de traduction dans vos langues du texte suivant: Avec ses sommets enneigés, ses lacs alpins cristallins, son vieux villag...
I am looking for an SEO-oriented translator for a lot of projects in the coming weeks. Experience in the wine industry is a plus. From french to german
Bonjour, Je suis un inventeur ayant déposé une demande de brevet d'invention auprès de OMPI, dans le cadre du PCT. Cette demande va entrer dans la Phase National dans des nombreux pays dont l'Allemagne le 18 janvier 2021. La demande de brevet est publié les sites de l'OMPI et EPO sous le N°WO2020015833A9. Je cherche une personne pouvant vérifier et corriger les traductions qui est disponible sur le site de EPO (European Patent Office) ci-dessous :
J'ai un contrat de travail à traduire en allemand. Qui peut en charger? Veuillez préciser le coût par mot.
Bonjour, nous devons traduire/reecrire une lettre du francais à l'allemand. 300-400 mots. Délai court demandé. Cordialement
...IF YOU LIVE IN LUXEMBOURG! Hi, one of my clients needs someone who resides in Luxembourg and who is familiar with the technical aspects of his or her television, and who is able to set up any required telecommunications equipment (tv antenna, cable tv, frequency channel checking) and who holds at least one of the following tv service providers: TNT, Eltrona, Numericable(french) or Numericable(german). Your role is to submit channel checkups to my client's company. You'll be guided by a friendly open staff and payed for the amount of channel checkups. So please, it's not a one bid payment, you'll be hired per channel checkup. Payments will be discussed to the successful candidate for this position. VEUILLEZ VENDRER SEULEMENT SI VOUS HABITE À ...
Hi, Please translate the email below from French to German. Thanks Dan -- Cher Client, Nous sommes très désolés que votre commande de Parfums de Sauvat est arrivée en retard, ou qu’il y avait une autre difficulté. Malgré nos meilleurs efforts il arrive quelquefois des problèmes. Au moment où nous donnons nos colis à une compagnie de livraison il nous faut leur donner notre confiance et leur confier notre réputation. Nous espérons que nous avons fait tout ce qu’il fallait pour résoudre le problème. Sinon, merci de nous contacter et nous ferons le nécessaire. Nous sommes conscients du fait que d’autres clients nous jugeront selon votre évalu...
Traduction d'un site web et implémentation de la traduction sur le site.
I need translation of about 600-700 words in French to German. Quality of output text is very important. You may find technical terms related to solar panels in the text. Sample text: Ces assemblages sont réalisés à partir des besoins exprimés par les architectes, suivant les contraintes techniques de leur bâtiment et les rendus esthétiques attendus.
Bonjour, Nous souhaiterions faire traduire le contenu d'un nouveau site internet du Français vers l'Allemand. Le contenu contient 250 mots. D'avance merci
I have French article - review of the car, 2530 words, Need to be translated to German. For person with good rates, who provided good quality job we have much more article to translate. Please: translate this part of the text, so i can see that you are really know german: La physique du problème est aussi limpide qu’implacable. Traîner un train arrière inerte n’est pas la solution efficace pour faire un usage optimal de l’ellipse d’adhérence des pneumatiques. Le phénomène se manifeste en termes de motricité, d’où la pertinence des systèmes de traction intégrale, mais aussi en directionnalité, avec un regain d’intérêt pour les roues arrièr...
I would like to find someone who wants to sell language courses and certifications online French English German Russian Chinese Thai je cherche une personne motivée pour vendre mes formations et mes certifications en ligne français anglais espagnol allemand russe thaïlandais chinois rémunération à la commission
Hi, Here is my to do list: -Install et Setup SEO Plugins (Yoast SEO...) -Create Accounts on Social Networks (Google Pus, Facebook, Twitter) -Setup automatic publication of WordPress Posts on Social media/Networks -Create and setup Google Analytics, Adsense et Search Console (Webmaster Tools) -Teach me how to use WordPress so I can be independent (optionnal) Voici ma liste de tâches: -Installation et configuration de Plugins nécessaires pour le référencement/SEO (Yoast) -Création de Comptes sur les Réseaux Sociaux (Google Pus, Facebook, Twitter) -Configuration de la publication automatique des articles sur les Réseaux Sociaux -Création et Configuration de Comptes Google Analytics, Adsense et Search Console (Web...
In the Joomla! 3.4.3 environment, I have developed a form with the Joomla! component called "BreezingForms". This component is developped by a German company named Crosstec. I use the QuickModeForms tool of BreezingForms for the development. Whenever the Internet user clicks on the "Submit" button after filling in and validating the BreezingForms form, a dialogue has to start between the client application (i.e. BreezingForms) and a server application developed by Livedrive. This dialogue is processed for validating the data captured in the BreezingForms form with the Livedrive rules and storing the data at the Livedrive side.. This dialogue is processed through an API developed by Livedrive. The Livedrive specs are joined to this message. Although I am ...
Il s'agit de traduire un fichier d'aide pour notre logiciel en Allemand. Le fichier d'origine est en anglais et Français. Il fait 1750 mots The goal is to translate a help file in German. The original file is in french or in english. 1750 words long
NOTICE : I do not need flowers...... i nedd to teach me all thing about follower and likes.....I want to learn how I can send flowers twitter i nedd Person It gives me the best way To increase send flowers twitter for Multiple accounts And not for Just accounts - Must be guaranteed - And I send large numbers flowers twitter - And teach me how to use NOTICE : I do not need flowers...... i nedd to teach me all thing about follower and likes.....I want to learn how I can send flowers twitter
Bonjour, Je recherche une personne qualifiée, française et vivant en France afin de traduire des textes de l'anglais vers le français. Je paie $0.013 par mot. Merci de me soumettre vos candidatures en vous démarquant des autres postulants et me précisant le petit plus qui ferait de vous le candidat idéal. A bientôt
I need several German Facebook languages in the following categories: - entertainment / viral - funny pictures, video - quotes - DIY - furniture It should be in German language. Fanpage must be created and built in natural way The minimum amount of fans : 10 000 The budget for one fanpage : 200 euro Time : 60 days minimum 80% of fans should be from Germany, Austria, Switzerland
I need several German Facebook fanpages in the following categories: - entertainment / viral - funny pictures, video - quotes - DIY - furniture It should be in German language. Fanpage must be created and built in natural way The minimum amount of fans : 10 000 The budget for one fanpage : 200 euro Time : 60 days minimum 80% of fans should be from Germany, Austria, Switzerland if you offer world wide fans please DO NOT apply
Cherche collaborateur urgent pour la distribution des thés Ayurvédiques en Suisse Alémanique et Allemange. Urgently seeks disitributor of Ayurvedic teasin German-speaking Switzerland and Germany.
...autant de clés pour l'aider à atteindre son but... Create the character of two characters ( A master and his pupil ) The Master is a strong character , both in the physical sense , intellectual and spiritual . The student is in a situation of failure , but in search of a purpose in life , which could cause it to grow and succeed ... After creating characters and understood , the master will teach the raises a number of secrets that will all be key to help him reach his goal...
Bonjour, J'aurais souhaité une traduction de texte FRANÇAIS (environs 800mots), en allemand ainsi qu'en Néerlandais. En vous remerciant par avance
Je cherche des voix féminines et masculines en : - British - Allemand - Italien - Espagnol I am looking for male and female voices in: - British - German - Italian - Spanish
Je cherche des voix féminines et masculines en : - British - Allemand - Italien - Espagnol I am looking for male and female voices in: - British - German - Italian - Spanish
Comme d'habitude, 3 articles cette fois toujours avec sources, un peu plus faciles : - Le ophone - Le Amazone Fire phone - Bo and Yana - robots éducatifs ,news-19015.html#xtor=RSS-980
Amélioration des compétitions de football international ( ligue des Master ) chaque équipe a son histoire et avec le monde de communication et multimédia e...chiffres importante en toute les côtés. Pour maintenir le même principe d'organisation des compétitions, les grands club qui sont concerné par la ligue des master ayant déjà deuxième équipe qui peuvent les remplacer sur la ligue standard en national. FC BARCELONE. REAL MADRID . ATH MADRID . M UNITED. M CITY. ARSENAL. FC BAYERNE. DORTMUND. B LIVERKUSEN. JUVENTUSE. NAPOLI. FC ROMA. PARIS SAINT GERMAN. MONACO. LYON. BENIFICA. SPORTING LISCHBONA. FC PORTO Avec c'est 20 équipes qui se battre pour la compétition allez...
est un blog / Cityguide sur internet sur la ville de Paris. Nous sommes actuellement à la recherche d'un traducteur qui s'occupera de traduire régulièrement des articles du FRANCAIS à l...articles du FRANCAIS à l'ALLEMAND. Pour commencer nous avons un article à faire traduire en guise de test avant une collaboration sur le long terme. Réactivité, aisance dans les deux langues, et qualité de rédaction sont nécessaires ! is a blog / Cityguide on internet about the city of Paris. We are currently looking for someone who will regularly translate articles from FRENCH to GERMAN. To begin, we have an article to be translated as a test before working together on the long term. Responsiveness, fl...
est un blog / Cityguide sur internet sur la ville de Paris. Nous sommes actuellement à la recherche d'un traducteur qui s'occupera de traduire régulièrement des articles du FRANCAIS à l'...articles du FRANCAIS à l'ALLEMAND. Pour commencer nous avons un article à faire traduire en guise de test avant une collaboration sur le long terme. Réactivité, aisance dans les deux langues, et qualité de rédaction sont nécessaires ! is a blog / Cityguide on internet about the city of Paris. We are currently looking for someone who will regularly translate articles from FRENCH to GERMAN. To begin, we have an article to be translated as a test before working together on the long term. Responsivene...
This project aims to develop an interactive mobile app to teach cybersecurity fundamentals and best practices to users of all experience levels. Inspired by the gamified and engaging style of Duolingo, the app will transform cybersecurity education into an enjoyable and accessible experience.
I need a complete migration of a fully functional and live HTML website from one server to another using CPanel. The project includes the transfer of email accounts and current emails as well. Key Details: - I have access to both the current and new CPanel accounts. - The migration needs to be completed by 30.12. The ideal freelancer for this project should: - Have co...the transfer of email accounts and current emails as well. Key Details: - I have access to both the current and new CPanel accounts. - The migration needs to be completed by 30.12. The ideal freelancer for this project should: - Have comprehensive experience with CPanel and HTML website transfers. - Be proficient in email account and email migration. - Be able to meet the project deadline. FOR GERMAN SPEAKING F...
I am in need of a skilled copywriter to craft engaging and casual product descriptions for my Shopify store. I have 11-30 products that require this service. Ideal Skills: - Excellent command of casual, engaging English - Proven experience in writing product descriptions is appreciated if not we are going to teach - Ability to write in a way that is appealing to a casual audience
I'm a beginner in 3D photo art seeking a tutor to help me learn the basic tools and software. Your role will be to teach me about the various tools, how to navigate the software, and provide practical exercises to help solidify my understanding. Experience in teaching 3D photo art and patience in dealing with beginners is crucial.
set up After Effects and Premiere Pro on our pc by using anydesk and help us to create a template for our open box video, and teach us how to edit the video with the logo, brand name at the start, and call action at the end, as well as how add word in between the video. This work as discussed on chat of freelancer will take place in 3 hours.
We are tiktok's officially authorized entertainment live broadcast guild, we have entertainment live broadcast guilds in the MENA area, we need a large number of agents to help us find high-quality anchors, I need to have local resources, I have friends around me who are willing to live on tiktok or want to live on their own, you can look for me, we will focus on incubation, teach you how to live on tiktok and earn high income
...Freelancer. Offer skills such as graphic design, writing, or virtual assistance. 2. Content Creation: Start a blog, YouTube channel, or TikTok about a passion or niche. Monetize through ads, sponsorships, or affiliate marketing. 3. E-commerce: Create and sell handmade or curated products on Etsy or Shopify. Drop-ship products using platforms like AliExpress. 4. Online Tutoring: Offer to teach a subject or skill (e.g., language, coding, cooking). Use platforms like Preply or Teachable. --- Phase 3: Financial Management 1. Track Income & Expenses: Use simple tools like Excel or apps like Mint to manage finances. 2. Reinvest Earnings: Allocate a portion of your profits to marketing, tools, or expanding services. 3. Savings & Growth: Start savi...
I'm seeking experienced, Spanish-speaking trainers who can teach my team about Python programming basics, machine learning algorithms, and JavaScript frameworks. The primary goal of these training sessions is to prepare my team for an upcoming web development project. Key Requirements: - Proficiency in Python, machine learning, and JavaScript. - Previous experience in web development. - Excellent teaching skills, particularly in a technical context. - Ability to communicate effectively in Spanish. - Prior experience training for project-specific skills desired. Your expertise will help ensure my team's readiness for this project.
I need someone to download German subtitle files of different movies and series for me. In total it's around 2500 files. You need to start right away and work for the next two hours. And today and tomorrow for at least 10 hours in total. I can pay you $2 per hour. Thank you!
...500, I should contribute proportionally more because I earn more. I would need a formula implemented where I only have to input our respective salaries and the total amount we want to deposit, and the tool calculates each person’s share based on income differences. The tool should be user-friendly and provide clear, organized calculations. Additionally, I would need the entire tool to be in German....
I run a Canadian law firm specializing in German citizenship law. We're seeking a seasoned social media advertising expert to generate leads through focused campaigns on Facebook and Instagram. Key Responsibilities: - Create and manage targeted ad campaigns aimed at individuals of German descent in the USA and Canada. - Optimize ad performance for maximum reach and engagement. - Develop engaging ad creatives and copy, specifically image ads, tailored to our audience. - Provide detailed reporting and insights on campaign performance. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven track record in social media advertising, particularly on Facebook and Instagram. - Experience working with law firms or in the legal sector is a plus. - Exceptional skills in developing professional an...
I am in need of a German language professional to assist with academic documentation and the review of admissions applications. The ideal candidate should possess strong language skills, a background in academia, Key Responsibilities: - Aid in the preparation and review of academic documentation. - Assist in the application review process, ensuring a thorough and fair assessment of each candidate. Skills and Experience Required: - Proficiency in German, both written and spoken. - Excellent attention to detail and ability to maintain confidentiality. - Strong communication skills for potential language training tasks.
...Dashboard & Calendar Integration My Bookings: Students and tutors can view and manage their upcoming, ongoing, and past bookings via a comprehensive dashboard. Calendar View: The calendar integration allows users to view their schedules on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis, ensuring easy tracking of all learning activities. Subject Management Add New Subjects: Tutors can add new subjects they wish to teach, including setting the rate, uploading relevant images, and providing a brief subject description. Review & Feedback System Student Reviews: After each session, students have the opportunity to leave reviews and provide feedback on their experience with the tutor. Tutor Ratings: Tutors receive ratings based on the feedback from their students, helping to build credibili...
I'm seeking a German-speaking freelancer with for a machine learning project. The project is quite short and the only required thing is language proficiency Key Requirements: - Proficiency in German (Speaking and Reading) - No experience required - Ability to communicate complex concepts clearly in German - Prior experience in machine learning projects (Not necessary) Please note, the specifics of the project will be discussed further. Your ability to assist in the development of the ML model is crucial.
Hello there, As we discussed. Thanks.
I'm seeking an experienced MS Excel and Word instructor for live one-on-one sessions. Here’s a curriculum to teach the basics of Microsoft Excel and Word, structured over four weeks. Each week focuses on progressively building skills. This plan assumes 1–2 hours of daily study. after 4 weeks training , there has to be another 1 month of hand holding. Week 1: Introduction to Excel and Word** ### **Day 1: Getting Started with Microsoft Office** - Overview of Microsoft Excel and Word. - Installing/setting up Microsoft Office on your computer. - Familiarize yourself with the Ribbon, Toolbar, and Navigation. ### **Day 2: Basic Navigation and Layout** #### Excel: - Opening, saving, and closing Excel files. - Understanding rows, columns, and cells. - Entering and edit...