Can call center projectemplois
Google Shopping, Meta Tags, Merchant Center
Une application qui permet de paramétrer le numéro, l'image et le nom. Faire des faux appel et sms (fake call and sms).
Une application qui permet de faire des fake appel et sms
monter un call center avec des clients potentiels et sérieux pour des marchés de prise de rdv ou vente mais facturer par position
Hi, we're creating a new project in our community center, it's a sports activity, we need a logo to start, ASSA (Académie Sport et Santé Al-Andalous) with the arabic translation أكاديمية الأندلس للرياضة و الصحة Thank you Nous commencerons une nouvelle activité de sport dans notre centre communautaire. Nous avons besoin du logo pour commencer ASSA (Académie Sport et Santé Al-Andalous), plus la traduction en arabe أكاديمية الأندلس للرياضة و الصحة Merci pour votre interét
Le descriptif de ce projet est privé. il consiste à debuger un programme PHP/MYSQL.
Francais: Nous recherchons immédiatement un prestataire de service qui a des experiances avec Wordpress et visual composer pour faire quelques modifications sur notre site web. Nous utilisons wordpress. Il s'agit de: - la refonte legere de quelques pages - de corriger 2 petits bugs English: We immediately seek a service that has experiances with Wordpress and visual call to make some changes on our website. We use wordpress. These are: - Slight redesign some pages - Fix two little bugs
création conception gradation et patronage industriel
c'est un site web statique sous forme d'un formulaire pour l'inscription à un call center dans le cas ou l'utillisateur existe déjà le lien déjà inscrit te dirige vers la page de l'authenfification
Bonjour, Ayant actuellement 6 années d'expériences dans le domaine du traitement offshore (call, modération, mailing...) 03 ans dans le management d'équipe, je suis à la recherche de clients potentiels souhaitant délocaliser dans un pays à bon marché (Madagascar). Si cette offre vous intéresse, merci de prendre contact avec moi, Skype : christian_cc2 Mobile : +261 34 18 680 52 @ : Cordialement, Christian ANDRIAMANALINA
...parvenir ASAP vos CVS actualisés en format word avec TJM et m'indiquer vos dispos pour un call / entretien skype rapidement. ps: offshore , agences ou télétravail non acceptés par le client./ 100 % régie . Le client est basé à Londres mais l'équipe est français alors il faut absolument être bilingue français si étranger. merci I'm looking for a quick start around Monday 15/09 , this profile: - Lead dev Symfony 2 should have already manage teams even small - PHP expert - Symfony2 expert - TJM: between 360 - 400 GBP/ day - Reside in London or be hosted in London, housing and transportation are the responsibility of the consultant. - start ASAP - Duration: 1 or 2 renewab...
Dans le cadre de son développement, Salarié-Créa...significative dans le suivi d’activité ex : indicateurs de performances, maitrise des processus, gestion humaine, sécurité, environnement, etc…. Conditions de travail (Ordinateur, internet, téléphone fixe obligatoire à votre charge) Vous êtes installé en tant qu'indépendant ou vous possédez votre propre structure, vous serrez appelé directement et suivant vos propres disponibilités* par un Call Center qui vous mettra en relation avec un porteur de projet. Facturation : à l’heure (41€ Ttc/h) ou selon les missions. Disponibilités* : de 7h à 22h vous remplissez vos cr&e...
...parvenir ASAP vos CVS actualisés en format word avec TJM et m'indiquer vos dispos pour un call / entretien skype rapidement. ps: offshore , agences ou télétravail non acceptés par le client./ 100 % régie . Le client est basé à Londres mais l'équipe est français alors il faut absolument être bilingue français si étranger. merci I'm looking for a quick start around Monday 15/09 , this profile: - Lead dev Symfony 2 should have already manage teams even small - PHP expert - Symfony2 expert - TJM: between 360 - 400 GBP/ day - Reside in London or be hosted in London, housing and transportation are the responsibility of the consultant. - start ASAP - Duration: 1 or 2 renewab...
Dans le but d'optimiser vos revenus 3D MULTIMÉDIA propose a ces free lancers de revendre ces solutions call center tels que ; interface , CRM , numéros surtaxés de tout destination ( compte sip ) , script de prospection , suivi technique , formation coaching aux centres d'appels intéressés par la réception d'appels et la prospection sur différents campagnes tels que LES JEUX CONCOURS , LA PUBLICITÉ , LA VOYANCE AUDIO-TEL .........etc Le but est de se connecter sur les forums de discutions et passé des annonces qui vous emmèneront a négocié en tant commercial avec vos clients centre d'appels de la solution création de trafic , le client disposera du pack gratuitem...
english : schedule automatic calls with a recorded sound from a VoIP account to a VoIP account is a call by 30 second, francais :programmer des appels automatiques avec un son enregistré depuis un compte VoIP vers un compte VoIP soit un appel par 30 seconde ,
URGENT! Besoin de personnes qui parlent thaïlandais pour un enregistrement de voix pour un jeux vidéo. Payé 100$ la première heure. Appelez pour une audition au 514-940-0514 jeudi, vendredi et lundi de 9h30 à 17h30 ou envoyez votre démo voix à Merci ! URGENT! Need thai speaking person (men or women) for a voice recording for a video game. 100$ for the first hour. Call to book audition at 514-940-0514 Thursday, Friday or Monday between 9h30am and 5h30pm or send your mp3 voice demo at Thank you!
ecommerce comparing website like ,buyhatke etc
I'm managing a french real estate website using joomla 3 + Iproperty 3 (hosted by OVH) I manage the day to day life of the website, but i need someone on a yearly basis that could ensure the technical support of the website (if security breach or other issues of that sort + joomla updates, backups...). The person should agree to commit at least for a year, so that i can call anytime i have a technical problem or an update is needed (that is once or twice a month) + should ensure when hired tools to garantee a better security of the website and automatic weekly backups. Fee mode is to be discussed. ---- Pour le site internet d'une agence immobilière créé sous Joomla 3 + Iproperty 3 et hébergé chez OVH Je suis &a...
Premièrement vous devez être sure de pouvoir avoir les etat des appelles sortant (Outgoing call states), (en d'autres termes si le correspondant est occupé, hors réseaux, si ça sonne, ...Etc), on a 7 application à faire, pour un lancement d'un smartphone dans une région ou ça marchera forcement, nous pouvons payer, ou donner un pourcentage sur les bénéfices des ventes du smartphone, contactez moi pour plus d'information.
SISAS (Sécurité d'accès aux réseaux) SENSS (Firewall Appliance & IOS) SIMOS (VPN,VPN SSL sur Firewall et Routeur) SITCS (Nouvelle génération de Firewall & IPS) SESA (Email Security Gateway) SWSA(Web Security Gateway) ISO 27001 Lead Implementer FORMATION : DATA CENTER DCICT (Technologie de Data Center) DCICN FORMATION : MANAGEMENT RESEAUX CiscoWorks LMS
SISAS (Sécurité d'accès aux réseaux) SENSS (Firewall Appliance & IOS) SIMOS (VPN,VPN SSL sur Firewall et Routeur) SITCS (Nouvelle génération de Firewall & IPS) SESA (Email Security Gateway) SWSA(Web Security Gateway) ISO 27001 Lead Implementer FORMATION : DATA CENTER DCICT (Technologie de Data Center) DCICN FORMATION : MANAGEMENT RESEAUX CiscoWorks LMS
SISAS (Sécurité d'accès aux réseaux) SENSS (Firewall Appliance & IOS) SIMOS (VPN,VPN SSL sur Firewall et Routeur) SITCS (Nouvelle génération de Firewall & IPS) SESA (Email Security Gateway) SWSA(Web Security Gateway) ISO 27001 Lead Implementer FORMATION : DATA CENTER DCICT (Technologie de Data Center) DCICN FORMATION : MANAGEMENT RESEAUX CiscoWorks LMS
This project is ONLY for people who can read and speak FRENCH. If you don't know french, please DO NOT BID. Also, as a proof that you actually read the project description, message me in french. Any bid or message in english will be ignored. The rest of the project description will be in french. J'ai besoin d'un développeur PHP Symfony expérimenté afin de venir en soutien à un projet assez conséquent, à terminer rapidement. Vous devrez travailler en collaboration avec 2 autres développeurs Symfony. Vous devez savoir utiliser GIT et être à l'aise avec le workflow en équipe. Vous serez assigné à des tâches par le chef de projet. La mission es...
...Le résultat devra être un ou plusieurs exécutables; I need to customize the openvpn client gui; I want a very professional and user friendly interface; The features of client remain the same as the base openvpn client; You can start from sources of openvpn base client and only change the visual appearance; I only want to change the design to have a small windows with attractive buttons and navigation; I need someone who already have done this task , with very strong skills and extensive experience in c and linux; Thereafter I count again call him to add functionality and maybe a linux or mac osx. The customer will be fully compatible with (Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8) 32 & 64bit The result will be one or more binary (.exe); Don&...
...y avoir: -composer un numéro et appeler. -l'application reprend les contacts du téléphone. - la possibilité de recharger avec un voucher. -consulter consommation. merci de votre réponse. --------------------------- would like to create a mobile application for VOIP works with my FTP address. the person must connect with a login and password that I provided him. there must be: -dial and call. it takes pursuant phone contacts. - The ability to recharge with a voucher. check-consumption. thank you for your reply....
...handle introduction calls with potential clients. Role Overview: • Make 8-12 minute intro calls to pre-qualified leads. • Present our services and qualify client needs • Pitch our free trial option • Report call outcomes • Part-time/flexible hours (targeting UK business hours) It will be good if you are available to call pre-qualified leads as soon as they request a call (within 5-15 mins). Otherwise, we ll call later at the end of the day. Requirements: • Native British/UK accent (non-negotiable) • Professional phone manner • Access to quiet workspace Common Questions: • Location: Can be based anywhere (remote work) • Hours: Flexible within UK business hours • Training: Full product training w...
I'm looking for a skilled web developer to create a landing page for me. The primary objective of this p...this page is to collect email sign-ups. - Target Audience: The landing page is aimed at professionals in the technology sector. Therefore, the design and content should resonate with this audience, using appropriate industry jargon and trends. - Key Features: The landing page should be user-friendly, with a clear and compelling call-to-action for email sign-ups. It should also be optimized for both desktop and mobile viewing. The ideal freelancer for this project would have a strong background in web development, with specific experience in creating landing pages. Familiarity with the technology industry is a plus, as it will help to create a more targeted and e...
About the Company: Tech Shield Roofing is a company specializing in roofing solutions, siding, and interior construction. We focus on delivering quali...incorporating a roof and an eagle. Clear and functional structure: A strong homepage, detailed service pages, contact form, and customer testimonials. SEO optimization: To improve our visibility on search engines. Mobile responsiveness: The website must be fully responsive and look great on any device. Effective calls to action: Strategically placed contact forms and direct call buttons to facilitate customer conversions. Testimonial and project showcase section: To demonstrate customer trust and the quality of our work. Style Reference: We want a clean and professional design, similar to leading construction and roofing comp...
Microcomputer Application Sftw-X5-20948 PROJECT STEPS 1. Carmelo Miraglia is an executive consultant at Tallridge Regional Medical Center. Carmelo is building a workbook that summarizes income and expenses for the organization. Change the theme of the workbook to Office. 2. On the Departments worksheet, change the width of columns C through H to 12.00 characters. 3. Change the height of row 1 to 21 points. 4. Merge and center the contents of the range A2:J2. 5. Format the merged range A2:J2 as described below: a. Apply the 40% - Accent 5 cell style. b. Apply bold formatting. c. Change the font size to 14. 6. Enter the values shown in Table 1 into the corresponding cells in the range A5:E5. Table 1: Data for the Range A5:E5 A B C D E 5 Abbreviation Department MD RN ...
I am seeking a creative logo designer who can blend elements of a semi truck and grain bins for my farm's logo. The semi truck should be a key focus, with its stacks cleverly integrated as the 'L's in 'ROLLIN'. The name 'ROLLIN' should be encapsulated within the truck, with 'P FARMS' placed underneath. The logo should also incorporate grain bins and wheat stalks, with a prominent 'P' in the center grain bin. Key Requirements: - Experience in graphic design and logo creation - Ability to work with a mix of both agricultural and transport-themed imagery - Understanding of incorporating specific elements into a cohesive design In terms of color, I prefer a bold and vibrant palette for the logo, steering away from tradition...
I need assistance in tracing all call records of a mobile phone for personal investigation purposes. Key Requirements: - Tracing call records for the last week - Providing comprehensive details including call duration, caller and receiver information, and timestamps of calls. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in data analysis and mobile forensics - Prior experience in personal investigation - High level of discretion and confidentiality
...THAT CAN BE USED AND ALSO A FEW ACTION SHOTS FROM THE FIRST FIGHT. YOU CAN REMOVE THE BACKGROUND AS NEEDED - LOGO: I HAVE ATTACHED THE PROMOTERS LOGO - COLOR: RED IS THE ACCENT COLOR (SEE THE PROMOTIONS LOGO ATTACHED) - INSPIRATION: I HAVE ATTACHED TWO MMA FIGHT POSTERS THAT I LIKE Ideal candidates for this project should have prior experience in designing sports event posters, particularly in the MMA genre. A strong portfolio showcasing previous work is a plus. The design needs to be engaging and visually appealing to attract the attention of MMA fans and event-goers. INFORMATION FOR POSTER: - FIGHTERS: MARQUES VS TORRES II (THIS IS A REMATCH HENCE THE "II") - FIGHT SLOGAN: ROAD TO REDEMPTION - EVENT NAME: DEAD SERIOUS 62 - EVENT DATE: SATURDAY, JUNE 2...
I am looking for a skilled video creator who can record a real-time usage demo of my software, QuickAlert, and create a high-quality explainer video. This tool is designed to notify freelancers and entrepreneurs via instant phone calls whenever they receive a new buyer message from marketplaces like Fiverr, Upwork, or other platforms that send email notifications for messages. What I Need: ✅ Screen Recording + Live Demonstration – Show how to install, set up, and use the software in real-time. ✅ Explainer Video – Clearly describe the tool’s features, benefits, and how it works with a professional voice-over in proper English. ✅ Highlight Key Benefits: Instantly notified via phone call when a new buyer message arrives. Helps freelancers respond faster and i...
I'm seeking a dedicated individual to serve as a Podcast Booking Manager. Your primary role will be to call real estate agents in California, inviting them to feature on my podcast. Key responsibilities include: - Making outbound calls in the PST time zone. - Inviting real estate agents to the podcast. Requirements: - Appointment setting experience - Excellent English communication. - Able to work 4 hours a day, 5 days a week. I will provide you with a detailed script for the calls, so you won't need to create your own. However, I am not interested in agencies or call centers. The ideal candidate for this role will be: - Persistent and resilient. - Able to communicate excellently. - Highly persuasive. Experience in appointment setting is not a must - this is a ...
...Tables & Graphs Highlight the benefits of our workshop vs. competitors using a side-by-side comparison table. Show success rates or student placements using bar graphs or pie charts. Engaging Illustrations & Icons For each service (training, interview prep, job assistance), use illustrations instead of plain text. Example: A laptop icon for online training, a handshake icon for job assistance. Call-to-Action (CTA) Slide Highlight "Enroll Now" using a bold, visually striking design with a button-style effect. Reference Style: Keep it modern, clean, and professional, like the Oriflame brochure—bold colors, sleek layouts, and minimal text with strong visuals. Reference : :
I am looking for a WordPress expert who can audit, optimize, and give my site a modern, professional yet friendly and inspiring redesign. The primary goal of this project is to enhance lead generation capabilities. Key tasks include: - Comprehensive site audit and optimization - Fixing issues with Rank Math Pro Content AI - Redesigning key pages (Homepage, Landing, About, Services, Contact, FAQ, Book a Discovery Call, Blog and privacy) - Implementing a professional yet friendly and inspiring design - Setup of email marketing and full Calendly integration - Technical review of hosting, DNS, and database The site needs to be: - Well-structured - Responsive - Properly linked - SEO optimized (URL structure, meta descriptions, permalinks) - High performing I require a cl...
...minimalistic T-shirt logo/design that expresses 'country pride'. It should subtly incorporate the colors of our flag (and also black and white) within a clean, simple aesthetic. The examples attached is what I am looking for. The word is spelled BORICUA. "Boricua" is a term for a person who is from Puerto Rico or of Puerto Rican descent. As you see in the example, where the letter "I" goes (in the center of the word), they have placed the Puerto Rico flag vertically. I would like to see the same design in the colors of the Puerto Rico flag and also in black & white as they have it. I would also like to see more creative ideas with the word BORICUA, in a simple design. The screenshot image attached is a popular symbol (frog) used in Puerto Rico. I...
I need onscreen () which focuses on simplifying video calls for family and senior care. The app should be available on both iOS and Android. Key Features: - Simplified video call interface: The app should have an easy-to-use interface for video calls - Family member monitoring: This feature should allow family members to monitor their loved ones' activities and wellbeing - Health updates: The app should provide regular health updates to family members Ideal Skills & Experience: - Extensive experience in mobile app development for both iOS and Android - Prior work on video call interfaces or apps - Understanding of health monitoring systems and how to integrate them into an app - Ability to design a user-friendly interface for all age groups, especially senio...
Description: I am looking for a web developer to create a simple yet functional website for boat promotion. No payment gateway is...functional website for boat promotion. No payment gateway is required. The website should include: • A section showcasing the boats available • A detailed page for each boat with: • Description of the experience offered • Boat specifications • Price list • Requirements and cancellation policies • A calendar displaying each boat’s availability • Direct contact buttons (WhatsApp, Instagram, and call) The website should be easy to manage and update. Ideally, it should be built on a platform that allows future modifications without advanced programming knowledge. Please send proposals with a portfolio,...
I'm looking for a Web-based autodialer with Press-One campaign f...autodialer with Press-One campaign features. The autodialer must have the following capabilities: - Transfer to a live agent - Playing a pre-recorded message with options to edit the call flow - Campaign Management and List Managment - Call forwarding to my existing PBX (3CX) over SIP - The autodialer should have a user-friendly and intuitive interface. - It must include real-time analytics capabilities. - Good AMD detection system The project is time sensitive and I am looking for a solution as soon as possible. Can be asterisk based but also open to other options. Ready-made solutions are welcome, provided they can be customized to fit these specifications. Prior experience with ...
...Impact: By improving the energy efficiency of homes, we contribute to a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions and help create a more sustainable future. Get Started Today Ready to take the first step towards a more energy-efficient home? Contact Green Community Partners to schedule your energy audit and start saving on your energy bills today. Our team is here to guide you every step of the way. Call to Action Button: [Removed by Admin] Testimonials Coming soon: Real customer stories showcasing how our energy audits have made a difference in reducing bills and improving home comfort. We are BBB certified, a Trade Ally with PSEG, and proudly serve the state of NJ. Feel free to let me know if you'd like more changes!...
We are seeking an experienced AI/ML Developer or VoIP Engineer to build a hybrid AI-powered call center solution (on-prem + cloud) that can handle LLM-powered voice interactions. Project Scope: • Call Flow Architecture: 1. Customer speaks (Incoming call through SIP/VoIP). 2. Speech-to-Text (STT) with Whisper – Convert speech to text. 3. LLM Processing with Mixtral – Generate AI-based responses, with GPT-4 API fallback for complex queries. 4. Text-to-Speech (TTS) with Coqui – Convert text back to speech. 5. Bot replies to the customer. • Fallback to human agents if AI cannot resolve, with full call history & transcription. Key Features: • Hybrid Implementation (On-Prem + Cloud): Balancing ...
I'm working on a exiting project that requires the integration of various sensors with an ESP32 for controlling and automating of an hobby/craftbrewery. The primary sensor for this project are rtd temperature sensor, along with an ADS1263 and a load cell with a 4 to 1 ratio. ADS1263 needs to able to handle all difference sort of sensors in future (pressure, hall, ph, ...) Key Responsibilities: - Sensor Integration: The main objective is to effectively integrate these sensors with the ESP32S3 to the host that runs python. - First task would be configuring ads1263, communication with python, PID, and pwm output. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in Python and C++: Essential for coding the ESP32 and the sensors. - Experience with ESP32: Prior experience with this...
I'm seeking a skilled web designer with a strong SEO background to re-design my Shopify website, focusing on all pages, with the primary goal of boosting sales conversions. Key Requirements: - Expert understanding of Shop...Shopify website, focusing on all pages, with the primary goal of boosting sales conversions. Key Requirements: - Expert understanding of Shopify and SEO - Proficient in creating user-friendly, conversion-oriented designs - Capable of enhancing brand aesthetics - Experience in implementing effective e-commerce strategies The ideal candidate will be able to create a visually appealing site with clear call-to-action buttons, high-quality product images, and customer reviews and testimonials, all aimed at increasing sales conversions. Share your prior experi...
"I am looking to develop a carpooling app similar to BlaBlaCar as part of my college project. The app should allow users to book rides or offer rides between cities, with features like displaying rates, ride details (source, destination, time, and price), and user profiles for drivers and passengers. Additionally, I need an optional feature for women-only rides, where female drivers can choose to offer rides exclusively to female passengers. For safety, the app must include an SOS button that sends an alert message and makes a call to a pre-saved emergency contact number provided by the user. Payment integration is not required, as this is purely for demonstration purposes. Since this is a student project with a limited budget, I request that the developm...
...Definition of Key Messages • Develop key messages and promotional campaigns aligned with the brand's positioning, aimed at generating awareness and sparking interest among target customers. 4. Communication and Promotion Channels Design and implement the channels through which customers can discover, order, and use the product, considering both direct sales and alternative distribution channels. • Digital Marketing: o Website and Landing Pages: Optimize content to highlight USP, case studies, testimonials, and targeted call-to-actions. o Social Media: Engage with the B2B target audience through activities on major platforms (LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter) and interact with the community. o SEO and SEM: Search engine optimization and PPC campaigns to enhance vi...
Got it! If the website is only going to focus on the **MeetX app**, here's how you can structure the job post for the freelancer. This will specifically highlight the app, its features, and its benefits to users. --- **Job Title**: Website Development for MeetX App **Project Description**: MeetX is a cutting-edge mobile app designed to connect people through events and networking opportunities. The website will focus on showcasing the features, benefits, and functionalities of the MeetX app to attract users, explain its value, and encourage app downloads. The site should be modern, visually appealing, and informative, reflecting the app’s innovative approach to event networking. **Required Features**: 1. **Homepage**: - Clean, modern design showcasing the...
I am looking for a cold call expert to qualify and set meetings for my team.
hola estamos buscando profesional para vincular un ecomerce en woocomerce con la cuenta de merchants center.
We are seeking an experienced iOS developer to provide mentorship to a new iOS developer during a focused 2-hour Zoom call. The goal is to offer guidance on best practices, development tools, and troubleshooting techniques in iOS development. This session will help the new developer gain valuable insights and improve their skills effectively. If you