make a stadium pin
- État: Pending
- Prix: €25
- Propositions reçues: 24
Résumé du concours
I must have made a stadium pin of my hometown stadium, pleace see picture
I have attached pictures of the stadium i want to make as a pin, thanks
I look forward to seeing the results
Compétences recommandées
Meilleures propositions de ce concours
MuhammadBilalPK Pakistan
zam52 Australia
Sakerkhan20 Bangladesh
freelanceraihan Bangladesh
sadiaahmed6 Bangladesh
barekzai008 Afghanistan
NewPlusdesign Sri Lanka
saisanya United States
rmrayhan3494 Bangladesh
rmrayhan3494 Bangladesh
rmrayhan3494 Bangladesh
abuzar1246 Pakistan
abuzar1246 Pakistan
abuzar1246 Pakistan
ashar1008 Pakistan
DinodStudio Sri Lanka
Tableau de clarification publique
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