• État: Closed
  • Prix: $25
  • Propositions reçues: 169
  • Gagnant: mdkawser2448

Résumé du concours

Create a shirt design with the following sayings "CACHE ME OUTSIDE" with trees and a satellite in the sky and a treasure box on the ground.

NOTE: No moon or stars please. If you put in a person please use a female. The shirt will be worn by women.

Compétences recommandées

Commentaire de l'employeur

“Thank you for understanding and making quick changes to my design request. ”

Image de profil sassycre8s, United States.

Tableau de clarification publique

  • tanzila63
    • il y a 8 mois

    Check out #200 #201

    • il y a 8 mois
  • tanzila63
    • il y a 8 mois

    Check out #191 #192 #194 #197

    • il y a 8 mois
  • HeatonBDesign
    • il y a 8 mois

    Beware of people who post many designs in in a short period of time, they are making the designs on ideography, which is a free AI website. I'm pretty sure all the top rated designs are made on ideography FOR FREE.

    • il y a 8 mois
  • asifian102352
    • il y a 8 mois

    Check #74 , #75 , #76 , #77 , #78 , #79 , #80 , #81 , #82 , #83

    • il y a 8 mois
  • k7mlmr
    • il y a 8 mois

    Give me coleur or somthing you want in logo special

    • il y a 8 mois
    1. sassycre8s
      Titulaire du concours
      • il y a 8 mois

      I may print in one color so the colors don't matter its more of the image. I walk in the woods to find Cache's using satellites (cell phones)

      • il y a 8 mois

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