- État: Closed
- Prix: $25
- Propositions reçues: 169
- Gagnant: mdkawser2448
Résumé du concours
Create a shirt design with the following sayings "CACHE ME OUTSIDE" with trees and a satellite in the sky and a treasure box on the ground.
NOTE: No moon or stars please. If you put in a person please use a female. The shirt will be worn by women.
Compétences recommandées
Commentaire de l'employeur
“Thank you for understanding and making quick changes to my design request. ”
sassycre8s, United States.
Meilleures propositions de ce concours
mdkawser2448 Bangladesh
mdkawser2448 Bangladesh
abdelrhman563 Egypt
abdelrhman563 Egypt
RamadanElSokkary Egypt
suhelrana111 Bangladesh
ajaygill20888 India
suhelrana111 Bangladesh
Mena4designs Morocco
abdelrhman563 Egypt
abdelrhman563 Egypt
abdelrhman563 Egypt
abdelrhman563 Egypt
k7mlmr Algeria
k7mlmr Algeria
k7mlmr Algeria
Tableau de clarification publique
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