Coffee shop and Bakery Wallpaper design for outside.
- État: Closed
- Prix: $60
- Propositions reçues: 167
- Gagnant: Salekin0007
Résumé du concours
Adulis Coffee and Roastery wants a unique, attractive, and vintage design with a Coffee Pattern for our coffee shop and Bakery Wallpaper design for the outside wall. While the size of one of the walls is 48 inches by 81 inches, the other one is 10 feet by 71 inches. you can make a smaller proportional prototype. I want all contestants to submit two artworks as one file placing the side of the artwork side by side. If you are the winner, you will be required to submit the artwork as two files proportional to the size we listed.
Compétences recommandées
Commentaire de l'employeur
“The feeelancer provided high quality art work and he was available to make all the changes we asked. It is our first time working with this freelancer . He anderstandes all the procedures of art work handover and other requirements. We suggest all has special art work needs to work with him. ”
dmelake, United States.
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