Are video games making kids violent? FOX 26 investigates

Experts in psychology, sociology, and gaming discuss the link between violent video games and real-world youth violence, debunking common misconceptions and highlighting the potential benefits of gaming.

Numerous threats made against Houston-area schools

FOX 26 Reporter Abigail Dye spoke with Alfredo Alberto, Program Coordinator with Prarie View A&M University, who councils youth for a living. He says in each of the school incidents, students need council.

Aldine ISD school changing students, medical field

FOX 26 has been unveiling the reality of youth violence and crime along with ways the community is mobilizing to do something about it. One initiative is creating more opportunities for kids in high school. FOX 26 anchor Sally MacDonald reports on the new high school that aims to heal in more ways than one.

Breaking the Cycle: Speaking to a murderer

What could drive a child to kill someone? It's not an easy question to answer, but in Houston, several kids are arrested every year for murder. In a new report for our FOX in Focus series, FOX 26's Abigail Dye sat down with a man who murdered a woman when he was only 15-years-old.

Breaking the Cycle: Leading kids away from crime

Kids committing violent crimes seems to be on the rise but we don't often hear what's being done to stop it. FOX 26's Damali Keith reports in this segment of FOX in Focus: Breaking the Cycle where she spoke with a volunteer who hopes to steer kids away from crime.

Former teacher partners with student to make a difference

Our FOX in Focus series Breaking the Cycle is our latest initiative highlighting the resources around Houston looking to curb the wave of youth crime in the city. FOX 26's Shelby Rose introduces us to two people hoping to put an end to the school to prison pipeline.