Washington Lands Commissioner race tightens, recount in motion

Two weeks after the race for the Commissioner of Public Lands has remained too close to call, an automatic recount is now underway. Former U.S. Congresswoman Jaime Herrera Beutler has secured her spot in the general election this November, but the number two slot is still up for grabs. King County Councilman Dave Upthegrove, a Democrat, and scientist Sue Kuehl Pederson, a Republican, are separated by just five-one-hundredths of a percent.

"There are still about 15,000 votes that could be cast that have been challenged or are in hand," said FOX 13 political analyst Randy Pepple.

High stakes for public lands

The position of Commissioner of Public Lands carries significant responsibility, overseeing 6 million acres of Washington’s forests, farms, and wildlands. The commissioner also plays a key role in wildfire response, recreational land management, and conservation efforts across the state. Current commissioner Hilary Franz has held the role since 2017, but is leaving the office in her unsuccessful bid for a seat in Congress.

"The fact that it’s an open seat, first and foremost, is why you have so much competition," Pepple explained, highlighting the unusually crowded field, which initially included two Republicans and five Democrats.

Potential first for Republicans

If successful, Kuehl Pederson or Herrera Beutler would make history as the first Republican woman elected as Commissioner of Public Lands and only the second Republican woman to hold a statewide office in Washington, following Kim Wyman.

Campaign strategies among the uncertainty

Pepple says as the recount proceeds, Herrera Beutler can capitalize on the time to prepare for the general election, where voter turnout is expected to be significantly higher.

"It’s a short sprint between now and November," Pepple noted, emphasizing that twice as many people are likely to vote in November compared to the primary.

According to the Secretary of State’s office, roughly 3,500 votes are currently on hand and being counted, while another 9,000 ballots have been challenged, mostly due to signature issues. 

Pepple says campaigns can receive a list of voters who’ve had their signatures challenged. Utilizing this information, they’ll knock on doors pressing these voters to correct any mistakes and resubmit their ballots.

"We are actively curing ballots all over the state and focusing on smaller, Eastern Washington counties," said Kuehl Pederson’s spokesperson, Sam Cardwell. "We believe this race will be won by razor thin margins, and feel very encouraged by volunteers through the entire state who have offered their help and support for ballot curing."

"Washington Dems are working with the Upthegrove campaign and a surge of volunteers to ensure every Democrat has their voice heard in this election," said Stephen Reed, spokesperson for Washington Democrats. "We believe the race for Public Lands Commissioner will come down to a recount, demonstrating once again that every single vote matters."

Outcome still weeks away

With a tight deadline before the general election, all eyes are on the final count. The recount and ballot curing process are expected to take another 10 to 14 days.

"We’re going to have a couple million people who did not participate in this primary participate in November and the candidates that tap into that energy, tap into those voters, say we understand you didn’t vote in the primary. We’re giving you a reason to vote. Those are the candidates that are going to be successful in November," theorized Pepple.


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