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Assess Your OT Network’s Security

Many organizations with traditional IT knowledge are trying to educate their OT network counterparts on the importance of network security. At the same time, industrial networks are converging with IT networks, leaving them exposed to all manner of threats.

Find out if the industrial security controls you have in place are effective.

The OT assessment process (what to expect):

  1. Temporarily deploy a FortiGate to monitor traffic on your industrial network segments
  2. Collect log data for approximately one week
  3. Investigate report findings and review risks within your organization

Assessment Details

  • Top Industrial Application Vulnerabilities Detected
    Identify application vulnerabilities in OT networks using industrial signatures. Addressing these vulnerabilities will help you immediately protect your industrial infrastructure.
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  • Industrial Applications In Use by Bandwidth
    Monitor industrial application bandwidth to identify data exfiltration attempts. High bandwidth usage should be investigated, and application protocols reviewed.
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  • Remote Access Traffic to OT Devices
    Scrutinize hosts establishing remote access to OT devices. Audit and verify whether remote access is permitted and review the sources of these requests.
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  • IT vs. OT Applications
    Monitor OT network traffic to identify the percentage of IT applications in use. High IT application usage in OT environments can increase security risks.
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