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AA Poll Of 20,000 Members Reveals 22% Aim To Drive Less After Lockdown; 36% Aim To Cycle More

Updated Apr 27, 2020, 05:58am EDT
This article is more than 4 years old.

An AA-Populus poll of nearly 20,000 drivers revealed that 22% aim to drive less after lockdown has ended, and 36% plan to increase their levels of self-propelled transport such as walking and cycling. The poll was carried out by AA, the U.K. motoring organization.

If the poll is correct, public transit could take a big hit. “Analysis suggests that one fifth might use public transport less in cities post-lockdown,” said AA president Edmund King.

11% of poll respondents said they would work from home more in the post-lockdown future, with this increasing to 23% amongst those aged 35-44.

“People have got used to leaving the car at home during lockdown,” said King.

Lower car use will “reduce congestion and bring environmental benefits,” he added.

“Life after lockdown will be different. Life will return and the increase in car use in some areas instead of public transport will be countered by others realizing that they can use their cars less by working from home or walking and cycling more.”

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