Should she get reelected as Mayor of Paris, Anne Hidalgo plans to turn the French capital into a myriad of neighborhoods where “you can find everything you need within 15 minutes from home.”

But, preferably, not by car. Instead, the Socialist Party politician wants more Parisians to walk and cycle.

Plans for the “city of fifteen minutes”—or, Ville Du Quart D’Heure—were unveiled on January 21 by Hidalgo’s reelection campaign, Paris En Commun.

The plans, which aim to transform Paris into a people-friendly city, build on Hidalgo’s “Plan Vélo” transport changes made during her current term of office, which has included removing space for cars and boosting space for cyclists and pedestrians.

Hidalgo unveiled more people-first plans for Paris during a hustings hosted in a bike shop on January 28, including for every street in the French capital to have a cycle path, and for all of the city’s bridges to have protected cycleways.

“If you liked Season 1 [of Plan Vélo] , you will love Season 2,” she insisted.

On January 29, Hidalgo revealed that the space required to make Paris cyclist-friendly would mostly come at the expense of motoring. Under her plans Paris will remove 72% of its on-street car parking spaces.

According to a 2019 study by Atelier Parisien d’Urbanisme (Apur) there are 83,500 on-street parking spaces in Paris—Hidalgo plans to remove 60,000 of them. (There are 621,600 parking spaces in total in Paris, most of them are domestic ones or commercial car parks.)

The City of 15 Minutes

Hidalgo wants to carry out what she calls an “ecological transformation of the city,” aiming to clean the city’s air and improve the “daily life of Parisians.”

Based on the “segmented city” ideas suggested by Carlos Moreno, a “smart city” professor at the University of Paris 1 Pantheon-Sorbonne, the “city of fifteen minutes” will include making key thoroughfares in Paris inaccessible to motor vehicles; turning currently traffic-choked intersections into pedestrian plazas, and creating “children streets” next to schools.

Green spaces, vegetable plots, and playgrounds will take the place of car parking, should Hidalgo get a second term, she promises.

Some of what Hidalgo calls the “new organization of streets” will be permanent; other elements—such as the child-friendly school streets—would operate during the start and end of school days.

The Ville Du Quart D’Heure concept is based on Moreno’s idea of “chrono-urbanism,” or having amenities, jobs, and shopping close to home. This means “changing our relationship with time, essentially time relating to mobility,” says Moreno.

Rather than building out-of-town shopping malls, the 15-minute city would feature “hyper proximity,” with accessibility to “essential living needs” always close at hand, and certainly within short walking or cycling distances.

Moreno observes that cities are “still driven by the paradigm of the oil era and its impact on roads and general urban planning” but that the “era of omnipresent cars” is coming to an end.

“Pervasive petrol-powered transport” has to be designed out, believes Moreno to enable “real quality of life.” He admits his is an “ambitious urban policy” that will require a “radical transformation of our lifestyles.”

It is “about challenging our urban pace of life,” says Moreno.

“Chrono-urbanism must be at the heart of our roadmap for the years to come,” he states.

“Preserving our quality of life requires us to build other relationships between these two essential components of urban life: time and space.”

Paris must “move from city planning to urban life planning.” This, says Moreno, “means transforming the urban space, which is still highly mono-functional, with the central city and its various specialized areas, into the polycentric city, based on four major components: proximity, diversity, density, and ubiquity.”

His 15-minute city would offer “quality of life within short distances.”

The denser, more populated cities of the near future—and not just Paris—will require “turning streets into spaces of carbon-free mobility by walking or cycling, of reinventing new hyper-proximities, of rediscovering biodiversity,” says Moreno.

Hidalgo has adopted some of Moreno’s ideas as part of her reelection campaign and is keen to be seen as the city’s greenest mayoral candidate. She has been Mayor of Paris since 2014, the first woman to hold the office. Two rounds of municipal elections will take place in Paris on March 15 and 22, alongside other French municipal elections.

Go Dutch?

Chrono-urbanism—or the close proximity of shops and amenities to where people live, linked with cycling and walking infrastructure—describes the urban design already standard in Dutch cities such as Groningen and Utrecht.

Moreno says his concept is based on work done by American-Canadian author and activist Jane Jacobs who developed and spread the “living city” concept. Jacobs, author of the seminal The Death and Life of Great American Cities of 1961, wrote about neighborhood proximity allowing inhabitants to feel more rooted and secure.

“A neighbourhood,” she wrote, “is not only an association of buildings but also a network of social relationships, an environment where the feelings and the sympathy can flourish.”

This was further explored in the 1960s by geographer Torsten Hagerstrand who developed the concept of “Time Geography.”

Expanding on this work, Moreno’s chrono-urbanism stresses the importance of six city functions: living, working, supplying, caring, learning, enjoying, and finding fulfilment in life.

Article updated with Anne Hidalgo’s January 28 comments, and addition of background to Carlos Moreno’s work on chrono-urbanism. Article further updated on January 29 with information on planned removal of car parking places in Paris.