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Source: (Awarded Apr 2024) Data compiled by SHOOK Research LLC based on time period from 6/30/22 - 6/30/23.
Source: (Awarded Jan 2024) Data Compiled By Shook Research LLC Based On Time Period From 3/31/22-3/31/23.
About Michael E. Smith
The closer one gets to retiring, the more complicated financial planning can become. Even a comfortable nest egg can start to crack. Decisions that might have been postponed for years, concerning social security, 401(k)s, investment allocation, insurance, legacy planning, real estate and more, need to be made. Tax laws are confusing. The economic landscape is unpredictable. Timing is critical to achieve maximum financial security.
Michael Smith & Associates simplifies the process by providing carefully crafted financial plans for individuals, couples and families in Central Wisconsin. "We explai... Read More

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