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This morning I took a photograph of some ice in a muddy puddle and I thought I would experiment to see what I could make of it....

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60mm Macro - 1/100s - f/11.0 - ISO 100

1 TTL speedlight + 18X15 softbox, wireless


Feel free to see my photo on the following social networks: Facebook | Instagram | 500px


Islas Cíes desde "la playa".

A beach hut at Mudeford Spit, Dorset, where prices are in the region of £180,000 to buy.

Spring migration 2019 at Fort De Soto Florida.


20190420 9110

I loved the color of this bike I saw last summer. That's about it!

.....this is ipomea "Heavenly Blue"

Sułów, Lower Silesia, Poland

© Copyright A Pendleton 2009

Some 'Forget-me-nots'.. 'Myosotis'.... View On Black


HBM..! Have a great week ahead.. thanks for looking

Playa de la Bota (Huelva - Andalucía)


In Large


On Black


(Explore 17 Dic #1)

moon rising at twilight

This photo was taken through a double-pane sliding glass door. The blue jay was sitting on a railing about eight feet away. He posed for a while, but never would put his crest up. Still, he's a cutie, isn't he? :)

Blue hour on the Gunpowder River in Maryland.

Dwarf Morning Glory Flower. One of my favorite :-)

trivial things surround us

Yesterday I went to one of my local parks looking for Greenies and found this 'Great Big Blue' sitting in a pine tree...I had to wait 40 minutes shooting before it finally flew!

Processed with VSCOcam with g3 preset

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This is probably the largest model of an iron crystal I’ve ever seen! Magnified 165 billion times, 102 m high and built for the Expo 58 in Brussels.

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Evening continues over the river on a calm night.

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