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Information System for Agriculture and Food Research

Information platform of the Federal and State Governments

Overview of Funding Programmes

The five most important funding institutions

Funding programmes of the Federal Ministry of Agriculture

Funding programmes of the German Research Foundation

Funding programmes of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research

  • Agricultural systems of the future: 58 Projects
  • alternative methods to animal testing: 19 Projects
  • ANIHWA ERA-NET – Animal Health and Welfare: 1 Projects
  • Bio Team Biosphere Research - Integrative and Application-Oriented Model Projects: 0 Projects
  • BioChancePLUS: 18 Projects
  • Biodiversität und Global Change: 15 Projects
  • Bioeconomy international: 17 Projects
  • BioEnergie 2021 - Research for the use of plant biomass: 24 Projects
  • Bioenergy - Process-oriented research and innovation: 8 Projects
  • Biological Safety Research: 22 Projects
  • Biomass energy use: 25 Projects
  • Competence networks in the agri-food research: 108 Projects
  • Emerging and Major Infectious Diseases of Livestock (EMIDA): 3 Projects
  • Ethical, legal and social aspects of modern life sciences: 8 Projects
  • FHprofUnt: 9 Projects
  • FONA (Research for Sustainable Development) - Economics of climate change: 2 Projects
  • FONA (Research for Sustainable Development) - Regional Science Service Centers: 21 Projects
  • FONA (Research for Sustainable Development) - Research for Climate Protection and Protection against Climate Impacts: 13 Projects
  • Functional genome analysis in the animal organism: 25 Projects
  • Functional genomics of microorganisms GenoMik Plus / GenoMik industry: 0 Projects
  • Funding Measures for Cooperation with Central, Eastern and South Eastern European Region: 0 Projects
  • Genome Analysis of the Plant Biological System: 87 Projects
  • Global Biodiversity Information Facility: 1 Projects
  • Global Change in the Hydrological Cycle: 8 Projects
  • Global Food Security: 56 Projects
  • Health Research: Research for People: 5 Projects
  • Ideas competition 'New Products for the bio-economy': 9 Projects
  • Improved breeding techniques for complex traits for livestock: 48 Projects
  • IngenieurNachwuchs (young engineers): 1 Projects
  • Innovation Groups for Sustainable Land Management: 14 Projects
  • Innovative Plant Breeding within the Cultivation System: 33 Projects
  • Integrated Water Resource Management: 0 Projects
  • klimazwei - Research for Climate Protection and Protection from Climate Impacts: 5 Projects
  • KMU-innovativ: Bioökonomie: 13 Projects
  • Materials Innovations for Industry and Society: 1 Projects
  • National Research Strategy BioEconomy 2030: 0 Projects
  • Plant basis of life - from genomic analysis to product innovation: 101 Projects
  • Plant Biotechnology of the Future: 54 Projects
  • Plant Breeding Research for Bioeconomy: 87 Projects
  • PLANT KBBE - transnational research in the context of plant genome research: 27 Projects
  • Preparatory Measures for International Cooperation: 2 Projects
  • Promotion of nutrition research: 10 Projects
  • R&D at Universities of Applied Sciences: 0 Projects
  • Research for Sustainable Development: 28 Projects
  • Research on Biodiversity in the atlantic rainforest of Brazil: 3 Projects
  • Risk management of extreme floods: 0 Projects
  • RURAGRI - transnational research linking agricultural, rural and sustainable development aspects: 2 Projects
  • SME innovative: Information and communication technologies: 3 Projects
  • SME innovative: resource and energy efficiency: 17 Projects
  • SME-innovative: Biotechnology - BioChance: 20 Projects
  • Soil as a Sustainable Resource for the Bioeconomy: 38 Projects
  • Soil as a Sustainable Resource for the Bioeconomy – BonaRes: 90 Projects
  • Sustainable forest management: 33 Projects
  • Sustainable forest management and optimized utilization of lignocellulose-containing raw materials: 4 Projects
  • Sustainable land management: 0 Projects
  • Sustainable Land Management, module A: 29 Projects
  • Sustainable Land Management, module B: 58 Projects

Funding programmes of the European Commission

  • Biomass Research Platform: 1 Projects
  • EC - Collaborative projects (larg-scale integrated projects): 30 Projects
  • EC - Collaborative projects (small or medium-scale focused research actions): 82 Projects
  • EC - Coordination and support actions: 8 Projects
  • EC - Corodination Actions: 12 Projects
  • EC - Erasmus+: 1 Projects
  • EC - European Cooperation in Science and Technology: 8 Projects
  • EC - FP6 Funding: 14 Projects
  • EC - FP7 Funding: 65 Projects
  • EC - Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Actions: 60 Projects
  • EC - Integrated Projects: 18 Projects
  • EC - Network of Excellence: 21 Projects
  • EC - Specific Support Actions: 34 Projects
  • EC - Specific Targeted Research Projects: 19 Projects
  • EIT Food: 1 Projects
  • ELER European Innovation Partnership for agricultural productivity and sustainability - project funding Baden-Württemberg: 56 Projects
  • ELER European Innovation Partnership for agricultural productivity and sustainability - project funding Bayern: 24 Projects
  • ELER European Innovation Partnership for agricultural productivity and sustainability - project funding Brandenburg: 30 Projects
  • ELER European Innovation Partnership for agricultural productivity and sustainability - project funding Hessen: 32 Projects
  • ELER European Innovation Partnership for agricultural productivity and sustainability - project funding Lower Saxony: 72 Projects
  • ELER European Innovation Partnership for agricultural productivity and sustainability - project funding Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania: 22 Projects
  • ELER European Innovation Partnership for agricultural productivity and sustainability - project funding North Rhine-WestphaliaHessen: 21 Projects
  • ELER European Innovation Partnership for agricultural productivity and sustainability - project funding Palatinate: 21 Projects
  • ELER European Innovation Partnership for agricultural productivity and sustainability - project funding Sachsen: 24 Projects
  • ELER European Innovation Partnership for agricultural productivity and sustainability - project funding Saxony-Anhalt: 16 Projects
  • ELER European Innovation Partnership for agricultural productivity and sustainability - project funding Schleswig-Holstein: 42 Projects
  • ELER European Innovation Partnership for agricultural productivity and sustainability - project funding Thüringen: 44 Projects
  • ERA-Net BiodivERsA: 3 Projects
  • FP4-FAIR Funding: 1 Projects
  • Marie Curie Actions: 9 Projects
  • EU Funding: 214 Projects
  • European Crop Protection Association: 1 Projects
  • European Innovation Partnership for Agricultural productivity and Sustainability: 2 Projects
  • European Maritime and Fisheries Fund: 21 Projects
  • European Regional Development Fund: 29 Projects
  • European Research Area Network on Sustainable Animal Production: 0 Projects
  • Eurostat Funding: 1 Projects
  • Food Safety - Forming a European platform for protecting consumers against health risks: 6 Projects
  • Future of Business Programme: 3 Projects
  • Interreg B - North Sea Region Programme Area 2014-2020: 0 Projects
  • INTERREG IIIA - Programmes of cross-border cooperation: 9 Projects
  • INTERREG IIIC - Programme of interregional co-operation in Europe: 1 Projects
  • INTERREG IV A - Programmes of cross-border cooperation: 35 Projects
  • INTERREG IV B - Programme of transnational cooperation in Europe: 3 Projects
  • INTERREG IV C - Programme of interregional co-operation in Europe: 4 Projects
  • Interreg South Baltic: 1 Projects
  • INTERREG V Upper Rhine - Programmes of cross-border cooperation: 2 Projects
  • INTERREG V-A Program 'Austria-Bavaria 2014-2020': 1 Projects
  • NRW-EC R&D at Universities of Applied Sciences in North Rhine-Westphalia: 0 Projects
  • Operational Program North Rhine-Westphalia 2014-2020 for the European Regional Development Fund: 2 Projects
  • Operational programme European fisheries fund, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern: 20 Projects
  • Operational Programme of the Land Mecklenburg-Vorpommern European Regional Development Fund (ERDF): 3 Projects
  • Operational Programme of the Land Mecklenburg-Vorpommern European Social Fund: 4 Projects
  • Sustainable management of soil and groundwater under the pressure of soil pollution and soil contamination: 1 Projects

Funding programmes of the Federal Ministry for Economics Affairs

  • Central innovation programme for small and medium-sized companies: cooperation module: 40 Projects
  • Central innovation programme for small and medium-sized companies: network projects: 6 Projects
  • Energy saving and energy efficiency: 2 Projects
  • BMWi - Energy-Optimised Construction research initiative: 2 Projects
  • Funding of research and development non-profit external industrial research institutions in East Germany: 4 Projects
  • International Technology Cooperation Network: 0 Projects
  • PROgramm promote the increase in medium-sized enterprises INNOvation competence: 6 Projects
  • Promotion of innovative networks (InnoNet): 2 Projects
  • BMWi - Secure mobile information technology in SMEs and public administration: 6 Projects
  • Transfer of research and development results (R & D) through norms and standardization: 1 Projects

Federal Funding Advisory Service on Research and Innovation

The Federal Funding Advisory Service on Research and Innovation is the central point of contact for any questions concerning research and innovation funding in Germany.

Who provides funding and how? Is there a financial support for my project? Where can I apply? These and other questions are answered by the Federal Funding Advisory Service on Research and Innovation individually and directly by phone or by e-mail to beratung@foerderinfo.bund.de. The consulting services are providedfree of charge.

Profit from the Federal Government‘s free Funding Advisory Service on Research and Innovation:

  • Identifying suitable funding programmes
  • Advising on the Federal, Länder and EU research and funding landscape
  • Recommending specialist partners
  • Assisting the classification of project ideas
  • Provides professional and regional contacts
  • Supporting the preparation of international projects

To the website: www.foerderinfo.bund.de.

Abwasserverband Wolfsburg - Funding

Funding institution: Wastewater Association Wolfsburg
Number of projects: 1


Advancement through Education: Open Universities

Funding institution: Federal Ministry of Education and Research
Number of projects: 4


agrathaer GmbH - Funding

Funding institution: agrathaer GmbH


Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung - Funding

Funding institution: Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung
Number of projects: 9


Amazone foundation

Funding institution: AMAZONEN-Werke H. Dreyer GmbH & Co. KG
Number of projects: 1


Animal Epidemic Fund North Rhine-Westphalia

Funding institution: Animal Epidemic Fund North Rhine-Westphalia
Number of projects: 1


Anthura Arndt GmbH - Funding

Funding institution: Anthura Arndt GmbH
Number of projects: 1


Arbeitsgemeinschaft Rohholzverbraucher e.V. - Funding

Funding institution: Arbeitsgemeinschaft Rohholzverbraucher e.V.
Number of projects: 2


Arthur und Aenne Feindt Foundation - Funding

Funding institution: Arthur und Aenne Feindt Foundation
Number of projects: 1


BASF Funding

Funding institution: BASF SE
Number of projects: 3


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