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NIH: Fogarty International Center NIH: Fogarty International Center
Advancing Science for Global Health
Advancing Science for Global Health

Fogarty International Center

This photo shows Rie Yotsu (standing, right) reviewing paper work with mentees (seated). They are around a table set up outdoors

Mentorship in global health research

An important part of Fogarty’s mission is training the next generation of global health researchers. We asked nine accomplished researchers about their experiences both as mentors and mentees.

Featured News

Photo portait of Kathleen Neuzil.

Director's Blog
Vaccines are potential tools for health equity: More 200 years after the smallpox vaccine was developed, mpox presents similar opportunities to use vaccination as a tool to promote health equity.

Colorized scanning electron micrograph of red blood cell infected with malaria parasites (blue). The small bumps on the infected cell show how the parasite remodels its host cell by forming protrusions called 'knobs' on the surface, enabling it to avoid destruction and cause inflammation. Uninfected cells (red) have smoother surfaces. Credit: NIAID

Federal malaria network launches
The newly formed Federal Malaria Research Network aims to boost collaboration, knowledge-sharing across U.S. government

Global Health Research at Fogarty

This photo shows Dr. Lisa Labita Woodson smiling and wearing a dark colored shirt and a turquoise necklace

Global Health Fellows & Scholars
Empowering women & children from Nepal to the Amazon: Lisa Labita Woodson focuses on reproductive education and health.

The photo shows three people sitting outside engaging in a discussion.

Call for applications: Implementation science to address HIV
Apply to be part of the NIH/PEPFAR Local Implementation Science Network: Help build local implementation science alliances in sub-Saharan African countries to address priorities related to HIV.

Global Health Research at NIH

Many of NIH's 27 Institutes and Centers are engaged in global health activities.

Headshot of Azeez Butali

NIDCR funds research in Africa
Defining the genetics behind cleft palate: Azeez Butali discusses his work on the genetics behind cleft palate in populations of African descent.

Global Health Research Topics

Fogarty and its NIH partners invest in a variety of research topics vital to global health.

Image of a hand holding the HIV/AIDS red ribbon

Can acceptance dismantle stigma and reduce HIV rates in Nepal? Erin Wilson, and her colleagues are working on a stigma reduction intervention for Nepal’s trans women community.