
Banks and credit market companies mediate payments and enable savings and investments. FI’s supervision ultimately focuses on risk management, governance and control and the presence of good consumer protection. Here you will also find information on deposits and lending to consumers.

Capital requirements for Swedish banks as of Q2 2024

Publicerad 2024-08-23

Finansinspektionen publishes the capital requirements of the largest Swedish banks and credit institutions that belong to supervisory categories 1…

Decisions regarding macroprudential measures in Denmark, Portugal, Germany and Italy

Publicerad 2024-08-13

Finansinspektionen has passed decisions concerning reciprocation of macroprudential measures in Denmark, Portugal, Germany and Italy.

FI leaves the countercyclical buffer rate unchanged

Publicerad 2024-06-19

In accordance with its assessment in the most recent stability report, FI is leaving the countercyclical buffer rate unchanged in the second quarter.…

FI identifies transition risks in banks’ lending portfolios

Publicerad 2024-06-04

There are climate-related transition risks in Swedish banks’ lending portfolios. This is the conclusion of an analysis Finansinspektionen (FI)…