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Hei Ilmoituksesi perusteella sinulla on jonkinasteinen kokemus editoinnista? (Millä ohjelmilla?) Valokuvaaminen on ilmeisesti sinun juttusi, mutta millaiset valmiudet sinulla on videokuvauksen saralla? Onko kokemusta/kiinnostaako ylipäänsä? Mutta seuraavaksi tulee se "vedenjakaja-kysymys" Sillä haussa on editointitaitoinen naispuolinen videokuvaaja, joka ei ole estynyt/ennakkol...tarvitse olla huolissaan. -Palkkaus tulee olemaan kuvaajan taidoista ja kokemuksesta riippuen 1700-2100 eur/kk+tuotantobonukset Tämä ensimmäiseltä vuodelta, palkka tarkastetaan vuosittain. -Mahdollisilta ulkomaan työkeikoilta maksetaan lisäksi päivärahat (Ulkomaan työkeikat ovat valinnaisia, eivät pakollisia) Mikäli yht&aum...
Ilmoituksesi perusteella sinulla on jonkinasteinen kokemus editoinnista? (Millä ohjelmilla?) Valokuvaaminen on ilmeisesti sinun juttusi, mutta millaiset valmiudet sinulla on videokuvauksen saralla? Onko kokemusta/kiinnostaako ylipäänsä? Mutta seuraavaksi tulee se "vedenjakaja-kysymys" Sillä haussa on editointitaitoinen naispuolinen videokuvaaja, joka ei ole estynyt/ennakkoluul...tarvitse olla huolissaan. -Palkkaus tulee olemaan kuvaajan taidoista ja kokemuksesta riippuen 1700-2100 eur/kk+tuotantobonukset Tämä ensimmäiseltä vuodelta, palkka tarkastetaan vuosittain. -Mahdollisilta ulkomaan työkeikoilta maksetaan lisäksi päivärahat (Ulkomaan työkeikat ovat valinnaisia, eivät pakollisia) Mikäli yhtä...
iPhone/iPad -sovellus iPhone ja iPad Se pitää suunnitella ja rakentaa Olen 18 vuotias nuori Helsingistä, opiskelen lukiossa ja haluaisin jo nuorena tehdä jotain omaa. Niimpä päätin että haluan tehdä om...löydy tarvittavia taitoja vaan pelkkä idea, joka on vielä ihan alkuvaiheessa. Mutta kuitenkin ideani liittyy musiikkiin ja sen etsimiseen. Kaikkien on joskus vaikea löytää mieleistään musiikkia niimpä mietin että voisi tehdä semmoisen sovelluksen mikä tekee sen puolestasi sen perusteella mitä olet viimeeksi kuunnellut ja sen voisi vielä yhdistää muihin musiikki sovelluksiin kuten (spotify,apple music,youtube) olen koittanut itse etsiä tälläist&...
iPhone/iPad -sovellus iPhone ja iPad Se pitää suunnitella ja rakentaa Olen 18 vuotias nuori Helsingistä, opiskelen lukiossa ja haluaisin jo nuorena tehdä jotain omaa. Niimpä päätin että haluan tehdä om...löydy tarvittavia taitoja vaan pelkkä idea, joka on vielä ihan alkuvaiheessa. Mutta kuitenkin ideani liittyy musiikkiin ja sen etsimiseen. Kaikkien on joskus vaikea löytää mieleistään musiikkia niimpä mietin että voisi tehdä semmoisen sovelluksen mikä tekee sen puolestasi sen perusteella mitä olet viimeeksi kuunnellut ja sen voisi vielä yhdistää muihin musiikki sovelluksiin kuten (spotify,apple music,youtube) olen koittanut itse etsiä tälläist&...
iPhone/iPad -sovellus iPhone ja iPad Se pitää suunnitella ja rakentaa Olen 18 vuotias nuori Helsingistä, opiskelen lukiossa ja haluaisin jo nuorena tehdä jotain omaa. Niimpä päätin että haluan tehdä om...löydy tarvittavia taitoja vaan pelkkä idea, joka on vielä ihan alkuvaiheessa. Mutta kuitenkin ideani liittyy musiikkiin ja sen etsimiseen. Kaikkien on joskus vaikea löytää mieleistään musiikkia niimpä mietin että voisi tehdä semmoisen sovelluksen mikä tekee sen puolestasi sen perusteella mitä olet viimeeksi kuunnellut ja sen voisi vielä yhdistää muihin musiikki sovelluksiin kuten (spotify,apple music,youtube) olen koittanut itse etsiä tälläist&...
Hei, Englannista suomenkieleen tulee käännettäväksi pääsivu ja alasivu (Ei kuvia ja bannereita oikealla puolella ). Sanoja on yhteensä 7344. Odotamme että suomi on äidinkielesi ja pystyt kirjoittamaan tekstiä ammattimaisesti. Aiempi tuntemus ja kokemus binäärioptioista ja/tai forex kaupasta on suuri etu.
Hei, Englannista suomenkieleen tulee käännettäväksi pääsivu ja alasivu (Ei kuvia ja bannereita oikealla puolella ). Sanoja on yhteensä 7344. Odotamme että suomi on äidinkielesi ja pystyt kirjoittamaan tekstiä ammattimaisesti. Aiempi tuntemus ja kokemus binäärioptioista ja/tai forex kaupasta on suuri etu.
Etsimme markkinoinnin ammattilaista, joka vastaa lahjakorttienmyynnistä sosiaalisessa mediassa. Lahjakortti sisältää 1-3 x 30 min. soittotuntia (kitara, viulu, piano tai sello). Lahjakortti sopii kaikenikäisille ja -tasoisille ja on voimassa ostohetkestä 6 kuukauden ajan. Lahjakortin saaja voi itse sopia tuntiensa ajankohdasta lahjakortin ohjeiden mukaan. Taidetöölö on suosittu pääkaupunkiseudulla toimiva musiikkiopetusta ja musiikkiohjelmapalveluja tarjoava yritys. Taidetöölössä voivat opiskella kaikenikäiset ja -tasoiset soittajat ilman pääsykokeita. Opettajamme ovat korkeakoulutettuja ammattilaisia sekä aktiivisia muusikkoja.
in attached ....................................................
Uuden lisärakennuksen lanseeraus. Brändi-identiteettiä on jo kehitetty, alustavat www-sivut löytyvät eri nimellä kuin tuote tulee olemaan. Sivut löytyvät www.pikkuhuvila. Lanseerausajankohta olisi jo elokuussa.
Haemme ohjelmoijaa, joka osaa nopeasti ja luontevasti muokata muutamaa kohtaa WordPress pohjaiselta sivustoltamme ja on SUOMENKIELINEN. 4 kohtaa, joihin heamme korjausta. - Sivuston ja taulukoiden tulee näkyä mobiililaitteissa oikein. - Kellon päivitys, eli haluamme sen yläpalkkiin ja sekunnit näkyviin. Myös niin, että se näyttää oikean ajan sen maa...kohtaa, joihin heamme korjausta. - Sivuston ja taulukoiden tulee näkyä mobiililaitteissa oikein. - Kellon päivitys, eli haluamme sen yläpalkkiin ja sekunnit näkyviin. Myös niin, että se näyttää oikean ajan sen maan mukaan josta kävijä tulee - Sivuston sisäinen haku toiminto, joka tulee myöskin yläpalkkiin. ...
Hei, Etsimme kääntäjää, joka kykenee erinomaiseen käännöksen tekoon allaolevien linkkien teksteihin. Forex ja binäärioptiokaupan tuntemus on suuri etu. (Not the banners and photos) (Not the banner and photos) Odotamme että äidinkielesi on suomi ja englanninkieli myös erinomainen.
Haemme ohjelmoijaa pääkaupunkiseudulta, joka osaa nopeasti ja luontevasti muokata muutamaa kohtaa WordPress pohjaiselta sivustoltamme. 4 kohtaa, joihin heamme korjausta. - Sivuston ja taulukoiden tulee näkyä mobiililaitteissa oikein. - Kellon päivitys, eli haluamme sen yläpalkkiin ja sekunnit näkyviin. Myös niin, että se näyttää oikean ajan sen maan ...kohtaa, joihin heamme korjausta. - Sivuston ja taulukoiden tulee näkyä mobiililaitteissa oikein. - Kellon päivitys, eli haluamme sen yläpalkkiin ja sekunnit näkyviin. Myös niin, että se näyttää oikean ajan sen maan mukaan josta kävijä tulee - Sivuston sisäinen haku toiminto, joka tulee myöskin ylä...
Hei, Etsimme kääntäjää, joka kykenee erinomaiseen käännöksen tekoon allaolevien linkkien teksteihin. Forex ja binäärioptiokaupan tuntemus on suuri etu. (Not the banners and photos) (Not the banner and photos) Odotamme että äidinkielesi on suomi ja englanninkieli myös erinomainen.
I'm looking for an experienced digital marketer to run a targeted Meta ad campaign on the Play Store, focused on maximizing installs of my Social Media app in India. Key Responsibilities: - Create and manage ad campaigns on Meta with a focus on app installs - Target ads specifically towards adults aged 14-44 - Monitor, analyze and optimize campaign performance Ideal Skills: - Proven experience with Meta ad campaigns - Deep understanding of the Indian digital landscape - Expertise in targeting, tracking and optimizing ad performance - facebook sdk Please include relevant examples of past work in your proposal.
I'm looking for a team of female editors based out of India to assist with editing and minor data entry on text documents. The work will be carried out in the Indian time zone, and the ideal candidates would be residing in India. Your tasks will include: - Correcting typos and grammatical errors - Formatting text layout - Adding new information or updates You will be working primarily with documents in English, so proficiency in English is a must. Skills and experience ideal for this job: - Strong attention to detail - Excellent command of English - Prior experience in editing and data entry - Ability to work in the Indian time zone
I'm seeking an SEO expert for my website tatkalsoftwareindian.in. My pri...seeking an SEO expert for my website tatkalsoftwareindian.in. My primary aim is to improve the site's ranking for specific keywords: - Tatkal software - Indian train booking - Tatkal ticket booking While I currently have an SEO team, I've decided to make a change and need someone who can effectively enhance my website's visibility on Google search. The targeted region for this SEO campaign is India. Skills & Experience Required: - Proven track record in SEO - Expertise in keyword optimization - Familiarity with the Indian digital landscape - Ability to enhance site performance Please, only bid if you're capable of driving significant traffic to my website and improving its r...
I'm seeking a transcriptionist for Hindi audio lectures. The audio files are clear with minimal background noise, so the quality is good. However, most lecture is over 60 minutes long, some are shoter too.. so you must be able to handle long transcription tasks. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Hindi, both written and spoken - Excellent listening skills - Ability to work with long audio files
I have two floppy disk images from a DECmate computer from the early 1980s in IMG format. I need the files on the disks using some old .C code (attached) that exports those files as WordPerfect files. There are two floppy disk images. has 20 documents on it. has 5 documents. This code was written many years ago to extract the DECmate WPS files and convert them into WordPerfect 5.0 files. These disk images were processed using Transformenator into 8-bit disk images as required by the .C program. Specifically, the decmate_wps internal transformer was used. I have included the original binary dumps of the floppy
...ensuring they are engaging for a young audience. - Implement simple cuts and transitions to maintain pace and flow. - Utilize animated effects and graphics to enhance visual appeal. - Integrate sound design and music to create a polished final product. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in video editing software (e.g., Adobe Premiere Pro, Final Cut Pro, etc.) - You can definitely use AI tools. it is a plus and we will give high preference if you know how to use AI tools. - Experience with creating content for children is not mandatory, but a plus. - Strong understanding of sound design and music integration. - Ability to create and incorporate animated effects and graphics. The right candidate will have a keen understanding of what engages young viewers and will be able to deli...
...intro to hook listeners. Your work will be pivotal in shaping the sound and feel of our episodes. Key Responsibilities: - Editing our podcasts with a focus on seamless transitions, special effects, and overall content flow. - Crafting a dynamic, upbeat intro to each episode, similar to the one found here: - Incorporating text, audio highlights, music, sound effects, and voiceovers into the intros. Ideal Skills & Experience: - Proven experience in podcast editing and audio production. - Demonstrable ability to create engaging, high-quality podcast intros. - Strong understanding of audio quality, content flow, and special effects. - Ability to deliver consistent, high-quality work on a regular basis. Please provide an estimate cost if you were
... He said that there are few opportunities to achieve multiples of investment from 5 to 10x in less than one year. I strongly disagreed, and now I have to provide him examples. Let me know what you find. It can be varied; for example, a gentleman from Uganda had started a mushroom farm, and a capital loan could extend his growing capability six fold. Another person in India had a mobile car cleaning business in India that utilized minimal materials, and only needed a few hundred to grow into a team of 8, which would cover the whole west side of his city. If solid ideas are presented, I will present your idea to investors. Keep the price of activity below $100k. If it is larger than that, I will need a copy of your business plan--approaching anyone here in New York ...
I'm looking for a dedicated Software Developer for a full-time role in the Information Technology sector. This is a fantastic opportunity for a qualified individual, whether you're from India or elsewhere. Key Responsibilities: - Develop, test, and implement software applications. - Collaborate with other IT professionals to enhance our software offerings. - Troubleshoot and resolve software issues in a timely manner. Skills and Experience Required: - Proven experience as a Software Developer. - Proficient in various programming languages and software development tools. - Excellent problem-solving skills and attention to detail. - Strong communication and teamwork abilities. Visa and travel requirements will be given , needed urgently,
I'm looking for a reliable supplier in India who can provide me with high-quality cotton fabric for clothing. The fabric must be breathable, durable, and soft. Ideally, the supplier should have a good reputation, can provide samples for quality check, and can handle bulk orders. Experience in the textile industry and a good understanding of international shipping procedures would be a plus. Let's create a successful partnership!
I have a family video full of travel adventures that I need to enhance with music and sound effects. The ideal candidate for this project is a sound mixing professional with a keen sense for synchronizing music with visuals. Key Requirements: - Add movie score music to accompany the video - Synchronize music with specific moments in the video - Create a seamless blend of sounds to enhance the viewing experience Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in video sound editing and sound mixing - Exceptional understanding of music and ability to match it with video content - Prior experience with family or travel videos preferred Please include examples of your previous work in your bid.
I'm looking for a talented graphic designer to help bring my vision for an album cover to life. The concept is meant to symbolize unity, a willingness to fight for freedom and strength. Key Elements of the Design: - The "Black Power" fist, integrated with slanted red ...willing to accept proficient artists who like the idea as much as I do - Creative know how to visualize a concept and be willing to communicate about it - Ability to create smooth and detailed illustrations that stand out At a time where we need a symbol of unity more than ever, I really want someone who feels as though this idea might speak to them. Similar to how I felt when I finished writing the song I'll release with it. I don't really draw at all but I attached a combination of photo...
I have several video clips of me washing cars that need to be edited together. I need the clips arranged in a specific order, with seamless transitions and an upbeat, energetic soundtra...to be edited together. I need the clips arranged in a specific order, with seamless transitions and an upbeat, energetic soundtrack. Key Requirements: - Editing of video clips in a specified order - Use of smooth fade transitions throughout the video - Addition of an upbeat and energetic music track - No text or captions to be added to the video Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in video editing software - Ability to create engaging, well-paced content - Experience in syncing video with music - Keen understanding of using transitions effectively - Able to follow specific instru...
Preciso que todo o design de um protótipo de aplicativo jurídico de inteligência artificial seja melhorado. O aplicativo precisa ter comportamento responsivo com uma boa aparência para o usuário. Link para o app:
I'm looking for a skilled photo editor to bring an old black and white photo to life by adding natural, realistic colors to the objects and background. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in photo editing software - Experience with photo colorization - Attention to detail Please provide samples of your previous work in your proposal.
...ASHA worker training – Public health education, vaccination awareness. • Mental health support – Real-time counseling, stress assessment, crisis detection. • Patient education – Disease management, medication adherence, post-surgery care. • Medical report interpretation – AI will read test results and doctor prescriptions and explain them in layman’s terms. • Multilingual support – English, Hindi, and key regional Indian languages. • Voice-enabled interaction – Users can interact with the chatbot via voice and text. 2. AI-Powered Medical Report & Prescription Explanation • AI should: • Read and analyze diagnostic reports (e.g., blood tests, ECGs, MRIs). • Interpret doctor prescriptions ...
I'm looking for a skilled video editor and script consultant to help me create a motivational speech-style YouTube video in the bodybuilding and health and fitness niche. Key Responsibilities: - Refine a script I will provide and enhance it with your creative input. - Edit the video to include selected elements: - Background music - Inspirational quotes - Bodybuilding footage Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in video editing, particularly for YouTube. - Familiarity with the bodybuilding and health and fitness niche is a plus. - Ability to enhance and refine scripts for motivational speeches. - Creative mindset with an eye for impactful edits. If you can deliver a high-energy, engaging and inspirational video, I would love to hear from you!
...These clips are made up of AI-generated images that escalate in intensity with each prompt. Your task will be to craft background music that matches this rising intensity at the right intervals. If the first clip goes well, I have many more that I will need scored. The initial project will be just one clip to see how well you can sync the music with the images, then potentially taking over the scoring for all my clips. Key Details: - Any genre or mix is welcome. - The music should convey an increased intensity to match the visuals. - You can use any kind of instruments; I'm open to all possibilities. Ideal candidates for this project will have experience in music composition, particularly for visual media. A background in creating tension-filled trac...
I'm seeking a talented animator and storyteller to create engaging, 2D animated videos of Hindi fairy tales, educational stories, and adventures for children aged 3-12. Key Requirements: - Experience in 2D animation - Understanding of storytelling for young audiences - Ability to create diverse story types: fairy tales, educational stories, and adventures - Creativity and originality in animation and storytelling Your work will help spark the imagination of kids and make learning fun. Please provide samples of your previous work in your bid.
We are looking for a skilled ...system. The project involves designing a wheel and axle system, chassis-mounted sub-frame, and carriage body panels with functional features (such as opening doors and windows). Additionally, you will need to consider design for manufacturing and assembly, collaborate on color schemes and connectors, and create an instruction manual for user assembly. The design should be simple enough for a 7-year-old to assemble. The ideal candidate should have expertise in PTC Creo, mechanical design, and product development, with experience in designing functional mechanical assemblies. Knowledge of material selection and manufacturing processes is a plus. Strong communication and collaboration skills are required, as you will be working with a team to finalize t...
I'm seeking a talented graphic designer to create an engaging and powerful cover art for my gospel song. SEE PDF ATTACHED BELOW Updates?: - Make entries LESS Cartoonish and more Realistic. - No oceans.
I'm seeking a skilled 3D animator to create a cartoonish, ani...seeking a skilled 3D animator to create a cartoonish, animal-based animation set in a fantasy world for a 3.20 minute toddler song. Key Responsibilities: - Design and animate engaging, colorful animal characters in a whimsical, fantasy setting. - Synchronize the animation with the rhythm and mood of the song. - Ensure the animation is suitable and appealing for toddlers. Ideal Candidates Should: - Have a strong portfolio of 3D cartoonish animations, particularly for children's content. - Be able to create friendly, dynamic animal characters. - Be skilled in creating immersive, imaginative fantasy environments. - Have experience in synchronizing animation with music. - Understand the needs and ...
...detailed and user-friendly manner. - Admin Panel: This will host guided meditations, bedtime stories, and relaxing videos. - Daily Affirmations: A section dedicated to positive daily affirmations. - In-app ads and subscriptions: Monetization through ads and subscriptions is a key part of the project. Key Features: - Creativity is a major plus: The app should feature guided meditations, calming music, and nature sounds. Being creative and able to develop engaging and soothing content will be a significant advantage. Technical Requirements: - Cross-platform development: The app needs to be developed for both Android and iOS. - Quick turnaround: I'm leaning towards Flutter or React Native for a swift delivery. You must provide links to sleep apps you've developed on Play...
...detailed and user-friendly manner. - Admin Panel: This will host guided meditations, bedtime stories, and relaxing videos. - Daily Affirmations: A section dedicated to positive daily affirmations. - In-app ads and subscriptions: Monetization through ads and subscriptions is a key part of the project. Key Features: - Creativity is a major plus: The app should feature guided meditations, calming music, and nature sounds. Being creative and able to develop engaging and soothing content will be a significant advantage. Technical Requirements: - Cross-platform development: The app needs to be developed for both Android and iOS. - Quick turnaround: I'm leaning towards Flutter or React Native for a swift delivery. You must provide links to sleep apps you've developed on Play...
Rekisteröidy tai kirjaudu sisään nähdäksesi tiedot.
Object: Make a logo that speaks to all genders (3 propositions) Client's name: JONG'ENA Love Store Website : products sold by the store: Sex toys, Aphrodisiacs, Products for sexual well-being, lubricants, Massage, condoms, etc. Target: Men, Women, Couple from 18 years old -------------------------------------------------------- Formerly "The secrets of JONG'ENA", today identified under the name "JONG'ENA Love store", is a store selling objects and solutions for sexual fulfillment. Jong'ena is aimed at both couples and single people who want to set fire to their sex life and blossom more. Jong'Ena is taken from the Senegalese dialect, Jongué which means the art of seduction. Its current logo testifies to this with two pe...
We are looking for a highly motivated and experienced Virtual Assistant to manage and grow our Etsy shop specializing in digital products. The ideal candidate will be responsible for handling store operations, optimizing listings, and implementing marketing strategies to increase sales and customer engagement. Responsibilities: Etsy Store Management: Upload and manage digital product listings with compelling descriptions and SEO-friendly keywords. Optimize existing listings to improve visibility and sales. Conduct market research to identify trending products and competitors. Marketing & Promotion: Create and manage Etsy Ads (PPC) campaigns. Promote products on Pinterest, Instagram, and other social media platforms. Develop and execute marketing strategies to increase traffic and co...
I'm looking for a skilled video editor to transform my ski trip footage into an engaging, action-packed video that captures the energy of the trip. Key Requirements: - The video should showcase skiing down slopes and group ...editor to transform my ski trip footage into an engaging, action-packed video that captures the energy of the trip. Key Requirements: - The video should showcase skiing down slopes and group interactions and events. - The editing style should be upbeat and fast-paced, matching the chosen music genre. - The final product should be suitable for sharing with friends and family, capturing the fun of the trip. Ideal Skills: - Experience in editing action-packed adventure videos. - Ability to sync video cuts with music beats. - Creative storytelling ...
I'm in search of a skilled music producer specialized in the Hip-hop/Rap genre. Your expertise should particularly shine in vocal comping, as this will be the main focus of our collaboration. Key Responsibilities: - Understand and implement vocal comping techniques to enhance the quality of the tracks - Engage in beat making to create catchy and rhythmic beats typical of the genre - Provide top-notch mix and mastering to ensure the final product is industry-standard You should have an understanding of the vocal styles of specific artists I have in mind. Reference tracks will be provided, so a good ear for detail and a knack for replicating certain vocal qualities will be essential. Previous experience in the hip-hop/Rap genre is a must, and your portfolio should reflect your ...