Web design template jquery free työt


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    2,000 web design template jquery free löydetyt työt

    Tavoittena toteuttaa pitkä, modulaarinen email template Dynamics 365 for Marketing alustalle, josta voimme helposti työstää uusia templaatteja / käyttää pitkää templaattia josta moduulit vedetään drag-n-drop-toiminnolla itse viestiin / moduulit pystytään kopioimaan HTML:n kommenttien avulla ja niitä pystyy lisäämään ja poistamaan ilman koodin hajoamista. Pitkällä templalla tarkoitan siis että kaikki leiskatut moduulit toteutetaan yhteen templaan. Ohessa esimerkki email templan leiskasta. Työssä tulee ymmärtää ja hyödyntää Dynamics 365 Marketingin tarjoamia ominaisuuksia kuten sections & custom attributes. Ohessa esimerkki templaa...

    €2373 Average bid
    €2373 Keskimäär. tarjous
    1 tarjoukset

    web template useing photoshop or illus.

    €9 Average bid
    €9 Keskimäär. tarjous
    6 tarjoukset

    Task is to include all these pages to the first footer area same style as they currently are on our live site 1. Remember to bring all these theme customisations to inside child theme folder - if this is correct way to work. 2. This modification is only to be done to the main template and the frontpage-template that you created. I want you to create these footer links (shown below) to the second lowest blue footer. These links needs to be nicely located and they need to be responsive with the theme as they are now at Kiinteistönvälittäjä Espoo POINT THIS TEXT TO > önvälittäjä Kiinteistönvälittäjä Helsinki > önvälittäjä Kiinteistönvälittäjä Jyväskylä > h...

    €92 Average bid
    €92 Keskimäär. tarjous
    1 tarjoukset

    Hei, Yhdistyksemme tarvitsee websivulle kunnon tapahtuma kalenterin. Kalenteri olisi pääsääntöisesti suomeksi mutta englanniksi toisena kielenä hienoa, tai helppo google käännös-mahdollisuus. Ideana on kun menet sivulle saat valinnaksi joko mennä kalenteriin tai web sivulle. Web sivulta toki linkki suoraan kalenteriin. 1) Kalenterin on oltava näkyvissä kaikille sivulle tulijoille. 2) Kalenteri-sivun pitäisi skaalata mobiili laitteille helposti 3) Tapahtumia pitää pystyä lisäämään vain "kirjautumalla" sisään esimerkiksi sähköpostiosoitteella tai helposti luomalla käyttäjätunnus ilman ADMIN approvalia. Esimerkkinä er...

    €438 Average bid
    €438 Keskimäär. tarjous
    3 tarjoukset
    MailChimp Templates
    Loppunut left

    Mailchimp Template Private job

    €18 Average bid
    €18 Keskimäär. tarjous
    2 tarjoukset

    PSD file should be encoded in HTML5 as a page, where the game area i...pre-coded. Player makes bitcoin transfer us, and the transfer is calculated to 20-digit binary number which determines a coin shop. 0 = right and 1 = left. Binary and bitcoin transfer calculation are encoded completed, but the playing area and mainsite should be encoded bit in the same style as has been done site. This would be good to manage HTML5, Canvas Advanced Animation Toolkit, jQuery, Windows animateframe, maybe socket open. Mysql database is complete, 20-digit binary number and the database is ready, but the game on the site is not yet as a PSD file. The coin must looking good when it comes down to. The coin must move a the same way as site and the end of the multiplier must be the final effect.

    €1381 Average bid
    €1381 Keskimäär. tarjous
    3 tarjoukset

    WHMCS Template Custon Design WHMCS Template Custon Design WHMCS Template Custon Design WHMCS Template Custon Design

    €70 Average bid
    €70 Keskimäär. tarjous
    5 tarjoukset

    WHMCS Template Custon Design WHMCS Template Custon Design WHMCS Template Custon Design WHMCS Template Custon Design

    €9 / hr Average bid
    €9 / hr Keskimäär. tarjous
    1 tarjoukset
    Build a Website
    Loppunut left

    Develop website using html, css, jquery, python

    €28 - €229
    €28 - €229
    0 tarjoukset

    free register work and earn moneyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

    €138 Average bid
    €138 Keskimäär. tarjous
    1 tarjoukset

    online data entry work is free register ....can i help youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

    €138 Average bid
    €138 Keskimäär. tarjous
    1 tarjoukset
    Edit Something
    Loppunut left

    edit some article to make sure that it is free from any discrepancies before publishing. and to make sure that the readers will receive the correct and exact information that they need.

    €139 Average bid
    €139 Keskimäär. tarjous
    7 tarjoukset

    Minulla on jatkuvaa työtä, joka liittyy aikaisempaan projektiimme 'Logo and busines card template'

    €3 / hr Average bid
    €3 / hr Keskimäär. tarjous
    1 tarjoukset
    Wordpress Template
    Loppunut left

    wordpress template #1aaaaaaaaa

    €463 Average bid
    €463 Keskimäär. tarjous
    5 tarjoukset

    ...parantaa/lisätä sivuston toimivuutta. Esimerkiksi: Hakukentän teko dropdowneilla ja checkboxeilla... Toimintomme sivustolla muistuttavat paljon :n toimintoja. Vaadittavat taidot: -WordPress -PHP -Javascript -jQuery We are currently using WordPress theme, and we would like to add and modify a few functions. Job doesn't require any visual expertice. Your job is only to improve/increase the website's functionality. For instance: Create a search box with dropdowns (Categories and Location) and checkboxes... Necessary skills: -WordPress -PHP -Javascript -jQuery...

    €818 Average bid
    €818 Keskimäär. tarjous
    8 tarjoukset

    Minulla on jatkuvaa työtä, joka liittyy aikaisempaan projektiimme 'Repair wordpress-site template problem'

    €4 / hr Average bid
    €4 / hr Keskimäär. tarjous
    1 tarjoukset

    Etsitään suomenkielentaitoista websuunnittelijaa yksinkertaisiin verkkosivutöihin. Tehväviisi kuuluu: - Ostettujen ulkoasujen asennus (esim. Template Monster). - Niiden kevyt muokkaus (kuvat, tekstit). - Kordinaatio asiakkaan kanssa. Plussaa: - Graafisen suunnittelun taito (logot). - Sisällöntuotto suomeksi.

    €166 Average bid
    €166 Keskimäär. tarjous
    5 tarjoukset

    Tarkoitus olisi saada mahdollisimman paljon registeröityneitä asiakkaita sivujen kampanjoihin.

    €1376 - €2753
    €1376 - €2753
    0 tarjoukset

    I need a skilled web developer to implement a ready-made WordPress template on my existing site. The task involves ensuring a seamless transition while preserving all critical functionalities and configuring built-in features. Key Responsibilities: - Implement the new template on my WordPress site. - Maintain all existing functionalities, especially the contact forms. - Configure built-in features from the new template, such as sliders/banners and custom widgets. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in WordPress web development. - Experience with WordPress template implementation. - Knowledge in configuring WordPress template built-in features. - Ability to maintain existing website functionalities during the transition.

    €80 Average bid
    €80 Keskimäär. tarjous
    18 tarjoukset
    Install New Project Template On My Plesk
    6 päivää left

    Looking for someone to install my newly purchased template on Laravel and setup Mysql ://

    €28 Average bid
    €28 Keskimäär. tarjous
    34 tarjoukset

    Job Title: Booqable Template Setup & Integration Expert for Equipment Rental Business Overview: We're seeking an experienced freelancer to fully set up and integrate our Booqable-based website for our baby equipment rental business. Our site is built on a template system, and we need someone who can customize and configure the platform to showcase our inventory, manage orders, and facilitate online reservations with delivery options. Project Details: Platform: Work exclusively within Booqable's template-based system. We have already begun customizing a template, and you will complete the build-out. Scope of Work: Product Setup: List and organize our entire inventory (e.g., baby strollers, cribs, car seats, etc.) with accurate descriptions, ima...

    €444 Average bid
    €444 Keskimäär. tarjous
    121 tarjoukset
    Trophy icon Pet Waste Removal Logo Design
    6 päivää left

    ...Business Name: Poop Hunt • Industry: Pet Waste Removal Service • Target Audience: Homeowners, pet owners, property managers, and businesses that need a clean outdoor space. • Brand Personality: Fun, professional, trustworthy, and eco-friendly. 2. Logo Style & Preferences (IF YOU HAVE BETTER IDEAS FOR THE LOGO FEEL FREE TO SUBMIT ANY AND ALL DESIGNS! ARTISTIC FREEDOM IS WELCOME) • Color Scheme: Blue, Yellow, and White (must be usable in both color and black-and-white formats). • Design Style: Clean, modern, and slightly playful but not too childish. • Logo Layout Preference: • Primary: Icon to the left of the name. • Secondary: Icon above the name (stacked format for social media and merchandise). • Font Preference:...

    €46 Average bid
    635 työtä

    I'm looking for a freelancer who can design a modern Proposify template for me. Once the template is designed, I need you to merge it with my database to create personalized proposals. Key Requirements: - Expertise in Proposify and template design - Experience with data merging and automation - Understanding of modern design aesthetics What You'll Need to Merge: - Client details - Destination Airport Data Sheet - Airlines Data sheets Skills & Experience: - Copy and graphic design - Proficient in modern design techniques - Ability to suggest color schemes and design elements based on best practices - Strong attention to detail to ensure all proposals are personalized and professionally presented.

    €449 Average bid
    €449 Keskimäär. tarjous
    14 tarjoukset
    PHP Developer Needed for Site Backend
    6 päivää left

    I'm seeking a skilled PHP developer to enhance the backend of my website. 1. Do email / welcome message using template provide registration code in email plus username / password 2. update php script convert args to json and insert in db 3. provide backend php script to create event backend for photography event, insert into db 4. provide backend php script to update user profile Key Requirements: - Proficient in PHP with a strong understanding of backend development. - Experience with a variety of site types. - Ability to identify and implement necessary changes. - Experience with user authentication, database management, and API integration would be a plus.

    €36 Average bid
    €36 Keskimäär. tarjous
    58 tarjoukset

    I need a readily professional to quickly convert the "Beloved God Church and Events Html Template" into a WordPress template. The WordPress template must include the following pages: "Home, Causes, Events, Sermons, About Us, Gallery and Contact Us". Below are the pages and links to their html files which I'll also provide: 1. Home 2. Causes 3. Events 4. Sermons The single Sermon should also have a YouTube iframe

    €84 Average bid
    €84 Keskimäär. tarjous
    69 tarjoukset

    I'm looking for a graphic designer to create a fun and vibrant flyer for my birthday party. I have a template I like and some ideas on how to personalize it. Key details to include on the flyer: - Date and time - Venue details - Title and quote Ideal skills and experience: - Graphic design - Experience with event flyer design - Ability to work with templates - Creativity to make the flyer fun and vibrant

    €22 Average bid
    €22 Keskimäär. tarjous
    50 tarjoukset
    Modern Logo & Brand Assets Design
    6 päivää left

    ...for my newly acquired recycling business. The design should align with a marketing refresh that includes a website rebuild in the near future. The project also entails the redesign of stickers for different types of waste (General Waste; Cardboard Recycling; Commingled Recycling; LDPE Plastics Recycling) for recycling bins, accommodating two sizes of stickers for different bin sizes. Key Responsibilities: - Create a modern and sleek logo - Design brand assets and a comprehensive style guide including typography, fonts, and color palette with hex codes - Redesign of recycling bin stickers in a template format Ideal Skills: - Expertise in graphic design and brand development - Proficient in both vector and raster formats - Ability to create a design th...

    €189 Average bid
    €189 Keskimäär. tarjous
    101 tarjoukset
    Kindle Formatting and Cover Design Task
    6 päivää left

    I need two Word documents converted for Amazon Kindle compatibility. This includes both hardcover and softcover formats. The project involves: - Converting documents to 6 x 9 inches and 7 x 10 inches sizes. - Adjusting text size and line spacing as per Kindle specifications. - Creating a Table of Contents. - Potentiall...specifications. - Creating a Table of Contents. - Potentially adjusting text and the book cover. and deliver in a printable PDF as per Kindle specifications The ideal freelancer is someone with experience in Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) formatting. You will need to deliver the documents in two sizes, and the book cover as a printable PDF meeting KDP requirements. Also deliver me blank word template. No payment will be released until Softcover has been accepted...

    €24 Average bid
    €24 Keskimäär. tarjous
    35 tarjoukset
    6 päivää left

    Athlete Brand Box – Inside Flap Message for Design Text Placement: Inside the under flap of the box Message: Welcome to Your Athlete Brand Box! This box was created to support your journey as an athlete. The brands inside want to see you thrive, and this is your opportunity to build real connections with them. How to Use This Box: Use the products – Each item was selected to enhance your performance and lifestyle. Tag the brands – Share how you’re using the products on social media and tag each brand. Engage & Connect – Brands notice athletes who consistently showcase their products. This is more than free gear—it’s practice for potential brand partnerships. Show up, stay consistent, and make an impact. #AthleteBrandBox #Lev...

    €37 Average bid
    28 työtä

    We are looking for a creative and professional tri-fold brochure design for MaxFuel, a leading vitamin and supplement company. The brochure should effectively showcase our range of products and emphasize our commitment to health and wellness. Objectives: Introduce customers to the MaxFuel brand and its values. Highlight key products and their benefits. Encourage customers to visit our website and follow us on social media. Target Audience: Health-conscious individuals interested in dietary supplements, fitness enthusiasts, and adults seeking wellness solutions. Content Details: ALL CONTEND DETAILS IS ATTACHED BELOW: Front Panel: MaxFuel logo, tagline, and a captivating image or graphic related to health and wellness. Inside Panels: Left Panel: Brief history of MaxFuel and our

    €92 Average bid
    Mainostettu Taattu Sinetöity
    42 työtä
    Live Chat Integration for WordPress Site
    6 päivää left

    I'm looking for a developer to create a Live Chat system for my WordPress site. The functionality should be similar to the LiveChat plugin, covering: - Chat and Monitoring - Asynchronous Communication - Statistics and Reports - Engagement - Customization - Management The chat system should also be accessible via a mobile app, allowi...mobile app, allowing support agents to respond to client inquiries on-the-go. Access to the chat functionalities will be required for: - Customer Support Agents - Admins - Students Experience with WordPress plugin development and mobile app integration is essential. Understanding of customer service software and chat systems will be a significant advantage. I want to develop the chat to make it free to use as the chat plugins generally have...

    €457 Average bid
    €457 Keskimäär. tarjous
    138 tarjoukset

    Hi, We are looking for someone to redesign our youth group website. We currently have some ideas of what we want to achieve. It will need to be a good redesign of all pages with a youth-focused trendy site redesign. Redesign the main about and other pages. A good template for events page (We will use this template for future events) A good template for blogs (We will use this template for future blogs) It will be about 10 pages to work on The current site is on WordPress, and no need to set up hosting or anything. We will do all these and will provide you access to the backend. Need to redesign all the pages. We currently use Divi and wish to continue using the same. Need someone with experience working with Divi. Someone who has designed a Church or Youth ...

    €265 Average bid
    €265 Keskimäär. tarjous
    145 tarjoukset
    Document Formatting Expert Needed
    6 päivää left

    I'm in need of an expert in word processing, specifically document formatting, to help me with a variety of documents such as policies and procedures. All these documents have to be formatted according to a custom style in our own template, so attention to detail and the ability to follow specific guidelines are crucial. If you're proficient in formatting documents and can help enhance the clarity and professionalism of my documents, please get in touch.

    €17 / hr Average bid
    €17 / hr Keskimäär. tarjous
    75 tarjoukset

    I'm seeking an experienced web developer to create a WordPress site for selling stock photos. Key features should include: - Dual account registration: Users should have the option to sign up using either an email/password or their social media accounts. - Setting up account configurations: This includes user roles, permissions and features available to free vs paid accounts. While the client did not specify, a proposal that includes a suggested payment method setup will be viewed favorably. Experience in eCommerce and WordPress is essential, with a portfolio of similar projects to showcase.

    €90 Average bid
    €90 Keskimäär. tarjous
    33 tarjoukset
    Trophy icon Modern Event Tent Design in Illustrator
    2 päivää left

    ...branded design for an event tent. The tent will be used at farmers markets and outdoor events, so the design needs to be eye-catching and representative of our brand. ** PLEASE NOTE: YOU MUST USE OUR CURRENT LOGO, BRANDING, ETC any other submissions will be rejected. ** Details: - I will provide the necessary assets: our logo(s), current table cloth and backdrop, as well as the template for the tent. - The design needs to be done in Illustrator and delivered as a vector file for printing along with a mockups. The design should emphasize: - Our logo - Our color scheme - Our typography (Sunny Spells Basic, Freeman Regular) Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in Adobe Illustrator - Experience in creating designs for large scale printing - Str...

    €92 Average bid
    29 työtä

    Extrair imagens de roupas do catálogo do Roblox (Classic Shirts ou Classic Pants), processá-las no Roblox Studio para gerar um novo ID, atualizar a imagem, redimensioná-la para as dimensões exatas, aplicar uma marca d'água (usando um template que será fornecido) e entregar 100 arquivos finais devidamente renomeados. As instruções detalhadas estão no anexo

    €10 Average bid
    €10 Keskimäär. tarjous
    3 tarjoukset
    E-course Creation
    6 päivää left

    ...similar) ### **Ideal Candidate:** ✔️ Experience in **e-learning course development** ✔️ Skilled in **LMS platforms** (Teachable, Kajabi, Thinkific, etc.) ✔️ Knowledge of **interactive learning techniques** and gamification ✔️ Ability to create **visually appealing and engaging content** ✔️ Understanding of **business and entrepreneurship topics** (preferred) ### **Scope of Work:** ? Design course structure and interactive elements ? Develop worksheets, quizzes, and games ? Assist with video creation (editing or animations) ? Set up the course on an LMS platform If you're passionate about creating engaging learning experiences and can bring this course to life, I’d love to hear from you! **Please send your portfolio and rates.** --- Here is...

    €532 Average bid
    €532 Keskimäär. tarjous
    124 tarjoukset

    Are you a results-driven closer who loves the game of golf? We’ve developed an innovative, app-free live scoring platform that’s simpler and more affordable than Golf Genius. Clubs can easily organize tournaments, automate scoring, and display real-time leaderboards—no more manual scorecards or wasted time chasing down missing scores. Why Join Us? Competitive Commission Structure: Earn 15% on the client’s first-year subscription, plus 5% on renewals—build a steady income stream with every deal you close. Hot Market: Golf courses and event organizers are seeking user-friendly tech to modernize tournaments; our solution is exactly what they need. Easy Sales & Demos: We provide training, marketing materials, and a clear script, so you can...

    €2146 Average bid
    €2146 Keskimäär. tarjous
    22 tarjoukset

    We are seeking a freelancer to create designs in Illustrator for home decor items, such as earrings, wall hangings, and magnets, intended for laser cutting in wood. While we will handle the cutting and production, your responsibility will be to provide the design files. Knowledge of how laser cutting works is a plus. Cost is a crucial factor, so please bid accordingly. Additionally, there are many free designs available online that you may use if they fit our needs. Some examples are attached from Pinterest

    €21 Average bid
    €21 Keskimäär. tarjous
    21 tarjoukset

    I'm looking for an expert in Trello to create a task tracking template for me. This template should be comprehensive and facilitate all aspects of task management. Key Requirements: - Gantt chart integration: I want a visual representation of the project timeline and task dependencies. - Custom fields for tasks: The template should allow for bespoke fields to cater for specific project requirements. - Automation rules: To streamline processes and reduce manual input. In addition to the template, I need assistance in setting up an operations flow within Trello. This should encompass: - Task assignments and responsibilities: Clear delineation of who is responsible for what. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive experience with Trello, particularly in cr...

    €11 / hr Average bid
    €11 / hr Keskimäär. tarjous
    8 tarjoukset

    I'm looking for a designer to create an event flyer for a free BBQ at the upcoming Sturgis Motorcycle Rally. The event is to honor the law enforcement workers who will be working at the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally. . There will be guest speakers, free food drink, product and swag. Event is July 31, 2025 4 pm to 7 pm. - Obtain sponsors: The flyer should effectively showcase the event and its purpose to potential sponsors. - Share event details: The flyer must clearly communicate when and where the event is taking place. - Recognize law enforcement: A prominent feature of the flyer should be recognition of our law enforcement who keep the Sturgis Rally safe. This could take the form of a 'thank you' or recognition of their service, as the main goal of the event is...

    €71 Average bid
    €71 Keskimäär. tarjous
    113 tarjoukset

    Create new sections and add a signature text as discussed in the chatbox

    €918 Average bid
    €918 Keskimäär. tarjous
    1 tarjoukset

    I need someone to help me manually enter contact information from 2000 emails into an Excel spreadsheet. The emails are organized by folder, so it should be easy to navigate through them. The details that need to be included in the spreadsheet are: - Property address - Contact Name - Contact Phone Number - Contact Email - Date of Enquiry I will provide a template for the Excel spreadsheet. All the information can be found in the body of the emails, there are no attachments to review. Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Proficient in Excel - Attention to detail - Good organizational skills - Experience in data entry - Ability to follow instructions and work independently

    €62 Average bid
    €62 Keskimäär. tarjous
    97 tarjoukset
    Comprehensive IT Industry Career Training
    6 päivää left

    Hello Students My Name is Mahammad and I am a IT Trainer from India with 15+ years of IT industry experience. I am only providing trainings for students who are interested to make there career As - IT Technician - Systems Administrator - Network Administrator - Network Security Engineer - Server Administrator or Engineer - Cloud Engineer (AWS Azure GCP) - Linux Server Adminis...- Recording Access of every Class - Hands On Practical and Help to Setup EVE-Ng Virtual Lab For Practice - Notes in the Form of PDF - Global Exam Setup Simulator - Digital Resume and Job Profile Building Joining Criteria: - Technical Diploma Degree - Graduates ( Technical or Non- Technical) - IT Engineers with 1 to 10 years Experience So join with me to begin your IT Career. Register your Free D...

    €16 - €131
    €16 - €131
    0 tarjoukset

    ...redesign a 39-slide PowerPoint presentation for an online course. The presentation currently has very minimal text, and the task will involve enhancing the design to make the slides visually engaging, aesthetically unified, and optimized for e-learning. You will be working with a template I will provide, and the goal is to create a clear, professional, and interactive learning experience for online students. Requirements: Use the provided template to redesign the PowerPoint presentation, incorporating engaging, professional visuals that align with the course’s branding. The presentation consists of 39 slides with minimal text, so the design should focus heavily on visuals (photos, graphics, charts, etc.) to convey information clearly and engagingly. ...

    €97 Average bid
    €97 Keskimäär. tarjous
    189 tarjoukset
    Enhance existing logo.
    6 päivää left

    Create a clean and professional logo from the existing template. The business is involved in energy upgrades to sustainable solutions

    €51 Average bid
    €51 Keskimäär. tarjous
    154 tarjoukset

    I'm seeking a skilled, high-end developer to build a 20+ page website for my online training and coaching business. The site will be created using a pre-built template, which will require some minor customization, but no design modifications. All content and images will be provided. The website will need seamless integration with Kajabi. Ideal candidates for this project should have: - Extensive experience with website development, particularly with pre-built templates - Familiarity with Kajabi and its integration processes - Ability to customize features on a template as per requirements - Prior experience in developing websites for online training or coaching businesses is a plus

    €930 Average bid
    €930 Keskimäär. tarjous
    184 tarjoukset

    I'm looking for a talented web designer to create a responsive product landing page and a card payment checkout page for me. The design should be classic and elegant, as per the reference link I provided. Requirements: - The primary objective of the landing page is to encourage users to buy the product. - The page should include product images and descriptions as well as customer reviews. - The design must be delivered as an HTML CSS template. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in HTML and CSS. - Experience in designing responsive web pages. - Ability to create modern, minimalistic designs. - Experience in e-commerce website design. - High attention to detail. Please check the reference site at: I look forward to your

    €21 Average bid
    €21 Keskimäär. tarjous
    42 tarjoukset

    I need a freelancer to convert my Canva file into a reusable PowerPoint Template. This should include all slide layouts, fonts and texts, images and graphics from the original file. The slide transitions should be simple and subtle. The template will be primarily used for title slides and content slides. Ideal skills and experience include: - Proficiency in Canva and PowerPoint - Attention to detail - Ability to replicate designs accurately - Understanding of slide transitions and their impact on presentations

    €97 Average bid
    Kiireellinen Salassapitosopimus
    €97 Keskimäär. tarjous
    70 tarjoukset