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People of all nationalities are wanted. they record a home video with the webcam. And say thank you very much for helping me learn Spanish, in your native language.
Työn kuvaus: Online markkinointi yritys etsii työkokemuksen omaavaa ja suomenkielistä online markkinoinnin ammattilaista auttamaan yrityksen pelialaan liittyvän sivuston mainonnassa. Annamme kuitenkin enemmän painoarvoa työkokemuksen sijaan oikeanlaiselle asenteelle ja suhtautumiselle työhön (työhön tarjotaan koulutus). Kyseessä on pitkäkestoinen projekti ja toivomme löytävämme työtehtävään luotettavan ja omistautuneen henkilön osaksi markkinointi tiimiämme. Vaatimukset: - Kokemus blogiyhteistyöstä ja vierasbloggaamisesta - Suomi äidinkielenä - Sujuva englannin kielen taito (kirjoittaminen sekä kommunikaatio) - SEO:n/ sisältömarkk...
Tarvitsemme uuteen projektiimme yhtä tai useampaa kirjoittajaa kirjoittamaan esittelytekstejä verkkokaupoille. - Artikkelien pituus: 400-500 sanaa - Annamme otsikot - Tarjoukset 5 artikkelin eristä Hyvälle kirjoittajalle mahdollisuus pidempiaikaiseen pestiin.
Looking for a Finnish speaking person to translate English into Finnish and add product data for an online store. Etsitään suomenkielistä henkilöä viimeistelmään verkkokaupan englanti-suomi-käännökset ja lisäämään n. 100 tuotetta verkkokauppajärjestelmään. Työ vaatii tarkkuutta, jotta tuotteiden tiedot menevät oikein (tuotekoodit, alv-luokka, otsiko, kuvaus ja kuva). Suurin osa tuotekuvauksista voidaan kopioida tietokoneella toiselta sivulta, niitä ei tarvitse kirjoittaa. Copy-paste olisi hyvä olla hallussa. Verkkokauppaohjelmisto on selkeä ja helppokäyttöinen. Enemmistö tuotteista on terveysruokia, joiden tuntemus on eduksi ja tekee työstä ...
...tapahtumaa b) tapahtumatyyppi (viikkotunti, sosiaalinen tapahtuma, konsertti, erikoistapahtuma, jne). 5) pitää pystyä laatimaan tapahtumia jotka toistuvat (ainakin määräaikaisesti) 6) mahdollisuus siirtää tapahtumat omaan Outlook tai/ja Google kalenteriin olisi mahtava mahdollisuus. 7) Scripti pitää toimia kaikilla OS ja mobiililaitteilla. 8) Kalenterin pitää olla mahdollisimman hands- ja maintenance-free koska yhdistystä vetää tälläistä tekniikkaa hyvin vähän osaavat henkilöt. Esitä ehdotuksesi mahdollisesta eri scriptistä tai kalenteri pohjasta jos luulet että parempi tai ajankohtaisempi kalenteri löytyy kuin malli kalenteri tangomango. Budjetti v...
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I need assistance with data entry, specifically handling numerical data sourced from online databases. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in data entry - Experience working with numerical data - Familiarity with online databases - Attention to detail - Ability to work independently and meet deadlines Message this number below on WhatsApp for more information: +1 (409) 444‑9983
I need a freelancer to convert 3 lists of German words (in total 313 words) into MP3 audio files. (one milestone per list) Key Requirements: - Use of an online voice synthesizer as indicated in the attached instructions (or any other method that produces the same output) - Delivery of .mp3 files as a single ZIP file Ideal Skills: - Familiarity with Excel - Attention to details (for example, all output files are produced with the same volume) - Ideally, although not compulsory, familiarity with German language - If you are native or master any of these additional languages: simplified chinese, arabic, italian, we can talk to extend the project to these languages
I'm in need of a freelancer skilled in data entry, specifically dealing with numerical information. The task involves sourcing this data from various public online databases. Ideal skills and experience for this job include: - Proficient in data entry and handling numeric data - Familiarity with public online databases - Attention to detail to ensure data accuracy - Ability to meet deadlines Your role will primarily involve: - Identifying and accessing relevant public databases - Accurately entering numeric data sourced from these databases - Completing the task within the set timeframe A keen eye for detail and a disciplined approach to data entry will be key to your success in this role. I look forward to receiving your bids. Message this number below on WhatsApp ...
...flexibility for developers. If you have experience with Bricks Builder, great! If you have another justified recommendation that offers similar or superior performance and SEO, I'm willing to consider it. What matters is the end result: a fast, optimized website that sells. What am I looking for in a freelancer? Proven Experience: I need to see your portfolio with examples of fast, SEO-optimized online stores, preferably built with WordPress and WooCommerce. Deep SEO Knowledge: You must demonstrate a solid understanding of on-page SEO, off-page SEO, technical SEO, and speed optimization techniques. Clear and Fluid Communication: Constant and transparent communication throughout the project is important, with Spanish language (very valuable), other languages will not be t...
We seeking native speakers to join our team as freelance translators for ongoing projects. The ideal candidates will have expertise in translating texts accurately and fluently while maintaining the tone and context of the original material. Languages Needed: Italian German Polish Responsibilities: Translate provided texts from EN into y...our team as freelance translators for ongoing projects. The ideal candidates will have expertise in translating texts accurately and fluently while maintaining the tone and context of the original material. Languages Needed: Italian German Polish Responsibilities: Translate provided texts from EN into your native language with high accuracy and cultural relevance. Ensure the translation is free of errors and flows naturally for native...
Russian Recording Project We need Russian Speakers for long term recording project. Recruitment (Russian) Recording Project Russian Native Speaker 1: Very simple recording project 40 sentences in total. Every sentences is just 2 word. No skills required. As long...speaker. You can participate in this project. 2: you just need to download our software, to read our text and record it, it's a very easy job. Each person Price is 2$ for 40 short sentences record, After you finished recording and then we will pay u 50% and then after checking completed and then we will pay u remaining 50%. It will take 5-7 days. If you are interested in this project, please feel free to contact me. A Good Opportunity For New Freelancers For taking 5 Star Review after their completion of the proj...
Vietnam Recording Project Recruitment ( Vietnam) Recording Project Vietnam Native Speaker 1: Very simple recording project 363 short sentences in total. No skills required. As long as you are a Vietnam speaker. 2: We have two requirement. 1: As long as your nat...speaker. You can participate in this project. 2: you just need to download our software, to read our text and record it, it's a very easy job. Each person Price is 5$ for 363 short sentences record, After you finished recording and then we will pay u 50% and then after checking completed and then we will pay u remaining 50%. It will take 5-7 days. If you are interested in this project, please feel free to contact me. A Good Opportunity For New Freelancers For taking 5 Star Review after their completion of the proj...
...performance. - Design Style: The logo should be modern and sleek, reflecting the cutting-edge nature of our coaching methods. - Design Elements: Use of text and typography, along with a mental performance-related symbol or icon, is a must. - Bridge Element: The High Level Bridge could be a potential element, but I want to leave this up to your creativity and design expertise. Designers are free to choose the colour palette; however, I'm open to a combination of grey and red, reminiscent of our previous logo. A successful design will convey our core mission: to elevate mental performance to a 'high level'. The ideal candidate for this project should have a strong portfolio in logo design, particularly for sports or performance-related companies. Experience in...
I'm seeking a general health physician to moderate health and wellness discussions on a text-based forum. The physician's level of engagement will be as-needed, based on the flow of discussions and queries from participants. Ideal skills and experience for the job include: - Extensive knowledge in general health and wellness - Professional experience as a physician - Proven ability to moderate online discussions - Excellent written communication skills - Ability to engage and respond to forum participants in a supportive and informative manner.
I need a comprehensive E-commerce website dedicated to online tuition. The site needs to be interactive, allowing for live video classes, user registration, and discussion forums. Key Features: - **E-commerce Capability**: The site needs to handle transactions seamlessly, allowing users to purchase classes or packages. - **Live Video Classes**: The site should support group classes conducted via live video. This will require integration with a reliable video streaming service. - **User Registration**: A robust user registration and management system is essential. This should include features for different user types (students, teachers, admin). - **Discussion Forums**: There should be a section for discussion forums, allowing interaction between users and promoting community engage...
Portuguese Recording Project Recruitment ( Portuguese) Recording Project Portuguese Native Speaker 1: Very simple recording project 565 short sentences in total. No skills required. As long as you are a Portuguese speaker. 2: We have two requirement. 1: As long...speaker. You can participate in this project. 2: you just need to download our software, to read our text and record it, it's a very easy job. Each person Price is 7$ for 565 short sentences record, After you finished recording and then we will pay u 50% and then after checking completed and then we will pay u remaining 50%. It will take 5-7 days. If you are interested in this project, please feel free to contact me. A Good Opportunity For New Freelancers For taking 5 Star Review after their completion of the proj...
I'm looking for a freelancer who can create a new landing page on our website , designed to match a specific supplier's site. The supplier's URL is: The ideal candidate will: - Copy the layout and structure of the supplier's landing page. - Match the color scheme and fonts precisely. - Include the same images and graphics. - Match the Learn More pages. - We are open for any propose color scheme that may make the page more atractive Please note, I need this done exactly as it appears on the supplier's website, with no modifications to the copied elements. If you have experience with web design and can replicate this page accurately, I would love to hear from you.
...research findings, business plans, and proposals to senior management or external stakeholders. • Communicate complex information in a clear and concise manner. 6. Documentation and Reporting: • Maintain accurate records of research, proposals, and business plans. • Prepare reports and presentations for internal and external stakeholders. • Ensure all documents are professionally formatted and error-free. 7. Continuous Improvement: • Stay updated on industry best practices, tools, and technologies. • Identify opportunities to improve research methodologies, proposal processes, and business planning. ________________________________________ Skills and Qualifications: • Education: Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration, Finance, Econom...
I'm seeking a seasoned WordPress developer to create a hyperlocal delivery plugin. The API will be provided. Key Functionalities: - Real-time delivery tracking - Order Creation via a customizable order form - Getting quotes through automated quote generation - Utilizing a webhook for communication - Driver Tracking on Free API MAP - Managing a Driver Database Essential Real-Time Tracking Features: - Driver tracking on free API map - Live order updates to customers The ideal candidate should: - Be able to quickly comprehend and implement the desired functionalities - Have a strong background in WordPress plugin development - Understand the requirements for real-time tracking and order creation A fast, dedicated, and communicative professional will be highly valued.
I'm seeking a freelancer to help me create a simple WordPress website. Can use any free theme that you think is appropriate. it is a simple website to show the IT ( information Technology) services provider company. Budget low.
I'm looking for a talented cartoonist/illustrator to create a character for me. The character should be a person standing with his hands inside a hoodie, wearing shorts, Nike socks, and sneakers, with a backwards snapback hat. The character's head should be bigger than its body, and there should be a stopwatch around its neck. Please note, if you have a preferred cartoon character s...character for me. The character should be a person standing with his hands inside a hoodie, wearing shorts, Nike socks, and sneakers, with a backwards snapback hat. The character's head should be bigger than its body, and there should be a stopwatch around its neck. Please note, if you have a preferred cartoon character style, a background for the character or a facial expression in mind, f...
...essential skills and take my gameplay to the next level. One of the most important skills in Fortnite is building, and I know that my building needs serious improvement. I often find myself panicking when I need to build quickly, which results in me getting eliminated. A coach could teach me advanced building techniques like 90s, tunneling, and high-ground retakes. With personalized training, I could learn to build faster and more efficiently, giving me an edge in every fight. Another key skill that I need to work on is aiming. While I land some good shots, my aim is inconsistent, especially when using shotguns or long-range weapons like snipers. A Fortnite coach could help me refine my aim by guiding me through aiming drills, sensitivity settings, and tracking techniques. With...
We are looking for a skilled video editor for a 2-hour gaming video. Your editing will include creating montage sequences, overlaying commentary, and incorporating sound effects. The editing style can be flexible, so feel free to use your creativity and expertise to make it engaging. Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Proficiency in video editing software - Prior experience with gaming content - Ability to create dynamic montage sequences - Experience with commentary overlay and sound effects - Creative and flexible editing style - Have Experience with Adobe Premiere Pro
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no Bot Reply. Read & Quote I'm in need of a freight quote form that will enable my customers to receive instant online quotes for our road freight services. The form needs to collect comprehensive user information such as: - Pickup and delivery addresses - Weight and dimensions of the shipment - Type of goods being shipped Furthermore, the form should facilitate online payment for the quotes, and also calculate the distance for each shipment. Ideal skills for this project include: - Proficiency in web development and form creation. - Experience with e-commerce and online payment integration. - Understanding of logistics and freight services. I look forward to seeing your proposals.
I'm looking for an expert in data handling to help me extract three specific columns from a large CSV file. The file...help me extract three specific columns from a large CSV file. The file has over 1.2 million rows and numerous columns. The columns I need to extract are: NM_MUNICIPIO, NM_VOTAVEL, and QT_VOTOS. The extracted data should be saved in a new CSV file, including the headers from the original file. I would appreciate it if you could explain the steps you took to perform this task, as I would like to learn how to do it myself for next time. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in handling large CSV files - Experience with Notepad++ - Strong data extraction skills Please provide a brief proposal detailing how you would approach this task and any relevant experience you may h...
...quickly teach me how to fine-tune large language models (Phi-4, LLaMA 3, etc.) using LoRA (Low-Rank Adaptation) with Unsloth on Google Colab. My goal is to train models on business-specific datasets so companies can get AI systems that answer their internal questions accurately. About Me: Strong Python skills, comfortable sending prompts to models. No prior fine-tuning experience, but eager to learn fast. I want to offer fine-tuned AI solutions as a consultant for small businesses. What I Need From You: A structured step-by-step learning approach that gets me up to speed quickly. Help troubleshooting common issues when fine-tuning on custom business datasets. Guidance on saving, loading, and deploying fine-tuned models effectively. Clear explanations—I’ve tr...
Only respond if you have 6 or more years in ORM I'm in need of a dedicated professional to oversee and enhance our online reputation, particularly focusing on online reviews and search engine results. Your primary objective will be to increase the number of positive reviews we receive. Key Responsibilities: - Monitor our online reviews and search engine results. - Develop and implement strategies to boost our positive reviews. - Create and publish positive articles to improve our standing and suppress negative content. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in Online Reputation Management. - Excellent content creation and writing skills. - Proficient in SEO strategies and social media management. - Ability to engage with customers and improv...
We are a cement distribution company also earning f...income. I'm seeking assistance with categorizing my purchase and sales revenue transactions in QuickBooks Online. As when i make a purchase i only need to select quantity, product, area of distribution and price per bag of cement. Also when I make a sale invoice i shall enter a debtor name as debtors areas details are added it will automatically calculate cement sale revenue freight income, taxes, commission etc. freight sheet will be provided which is categorized area wise. Key Requirements: - Expert familiarity with QuickBooks Online - Ability to categorize income transactions accurately - Experience with sorting transactions by product/service type Skills Needed: - QuickBooks Online expertise - Analytical...
I'm seeking a highly skilled C++ developer and tutor to help me enhance my C++ skills through project-based dual programming sessions. I have a basic understanding of C++, but I'm eager to learn advanced concepts, object-oriented programming, and the Standard Template Library (STL) from an expert. Key Requirements: - Exceptional knowledge of C++ and its advanced concepts - Proficient in Object-oriented Programming and the STL - Experience as a tutor or teacher - Excellent communication skills for video call sessions - Ability to develop engaging and educational projects for hands-on learning Ideal Skills: - C++ - STL - Object-oriented programming - Teaching - Video communication skills I prefer learning through project-based sessions rather than purely theoretical ones...
...essential skills and take my gameplay to the next level. One of the most important skills in Fortnite is building, and I know that my building needs serious improvement. I often find myself panicking when I need to build quickly, which results in me getting eliminated. A coach could teach me advanced building techniques like 90s, tunneling, and high-ground retakes. With personalized training, I could learn to build faster and more efficiently, giving me an edge in every fight. Another key skill that I need to work on is aiming. While I land some good shots, my aim is inconsistent, especially when using shotguns or long-range weapons like snipers. A Fortnite coach could help me refine my aim by guiding me through aiming drills, sensitivity settings, and tracking techniques. With...
I need a person who can promote and sell my Digital Products, Courses and Books in the United States and can give me at least 10 to 15 sales a week if anyone do this so Bid now
...essential skills and take my gameplay to the next level. One of the most important skills in Fortnite is building, and I know that my building needs serious improvement. I often find myself panicking when I need to build quickly, which results in me getting eliminated. A coach could teach me advanced building techniques like 90s, tunneling, and high-ground retakes. With personalized training, I could learn to build faster and more efficiently, giving me an edge in every fight. Another key skill that I need to work on is aiming. While I land some good shots, my aim is inconsistent, especially when using shotguns or long-range weapons like snipers. A Fortnite coach could help me refine my aim by guiding me through aiming drills, sensitivity settings, and tracking techniques. With...
I'm starting a YouTube channel focused on local news. I need a video editor who can edit one or more 15-20 minute videos daily at affordable rates. Key Requirements: - Experience in video editing, particularly for tr...focused on local news. I need a video editor who can edit one or more 15-20 minute videos daily at affordable rates. Key Requirements: - Experience in video editing, particularly for traditional news style content - Proficiency in DaVinci Resolve - Ability to deliver high-quality edits on a daily basis - Understanding of pacing, sound, and visuals in a news context - Familiarity or willingness to learn about local news content The ideal candidate will be a steady and reliable source of video editing expertise, helping me to establish a professional and engagin...
I'm looking for a highly skilled digital animator to create a 10-minute 2D animated video featuring original psychological horror stories. The video is intended for YouTube and should be crafted in a dark and gritty visual tone. Key Requirements: - Create original, copyright-free horror stories. - Utilize a dark and gritty visual tone. - Employ your creative expertise in digital animation. - Deliver a final product suitable for YouTube. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience in digital 2D animation. - Strong understanding of psychological horror themes. - Ability to create original content. - Previous work on YouTube content is a plus. - Portfolio demonstrating a dark and gritty visual style.