Articles internet marketing työt
Tarvitsen 18 artikkelia suomeksi (700 sanaa per artikkeli) Aihe: nettikasinot Sisällytä 1 avainsana + 1 linkki jokaiseen artikkeliin Kuinka monta artikkelia voit kirjoittaa sunnuntaihin mennessä? Maksu: $15 per artikkeli Projektin kesto 14.9. - 20.9.
Moikka! Minulla on useita verkkosivustoja, joissa teen hakukoneoptimointia ja pyrin saamaan ne näkymään hyvin Googlessa. Ne ovat esimerkiksi sähkön, puhelinliittymien ynnä muun kilpailuttamiseen tehtyjä sivustoja. Tarvitsen artikkelien kirjoittajaa sivuilleni. Työtä on paljon, koska tarkoituksena on tehdä sivustoista hyvin kattavat. Toivon, että olet nopea kirjoittamaan ja pystyt helposti kirjoittamaan uusistakin aiheista pitkiä artikkeleja. Jos löydän sopivan henkilön, niin tästä on tarkoitus tehdä jatkuva yhteistyö. Ilmoittaudu mukaan jos haluat saada pitkän yhteistyön aikaan! Kanssani on kuulemma mukava asioida ja annan sinulle myös paljon vapaita käsiä täss...
Mitä odotamme sinulta: Puhut sujuvasti suomea Tarvitset kiinteän internet-yhteyden, tietokoneen ja kuulokkeet Tykkäät keskustella ihmisten kanssa ja sinulta löytyy pilkettä silmäkulmasta Omaat kunnianhimoa ja teet aina parhaasi Myyntityö kokemus on plussaa Olet motivoitunut, itseohjautuva ja oma-aloitteinen
...artikkeleita, tekstejä ja arvosteluja. Tekstien aihealueina ovat pääasiallisesti nettikasinot, kasinopelit ja muu rahapelaaminen. Katsomme eduksi jos aihealue on sinulle entuudestaan tuttu, mutta tämä ei ole lainkaan välttämätöntä. Tehtävänäsi on muun muassa kirjoittaa arvosteluja sekä erilaisia artikkeleita, joiden kohderyhmänä ovat suomalaiset kasinopelaajat. Materiaalin tarkoituksena on luoda internet-liikennettä sekä rekrytoida pelaajia suurimmille kasinosivustoille. Työpaikkanasi on koko maailma, voit työskennellä missä tahansa haluat. Sen vuoksi äärimmäinen huolellisuus sekä kyky työskennellä itsenäisesti ovat välttäm&au...
Tavoittena toteuttaa pitkä, modulaarinen email template Dynamics 365 for Marketing alustalle, josta voimme helposti työstää uusia templaatteja / käyttää pitkää templaattia josta moduulit vedetään drag-n-drop-toiminnolla itse viestiin / moduulit pystytään kopioimaan HTML:n kommenttien avulla ja niitä pystyy lisäämään ja poistamaan ilman koodin hajoamista. Pitkällä templalla tarkoitan siis että kaikki leiskatut moduulit toteutetaan yhteen templaan. Ohessa esimerkki email templan leiskasta. Työssä tulee ymmärtää ja hyödyntää Dynamics 365 Marketingin tarjoamia ominaisuuksia kuten sections & custom attributes. Ohessa esimerkki templaa...
Native Finnish speakers to write 8 articles, about 600 words each. Each article will be given a subject related to finances and loans. Instructions in Finnish: Haetaan suomea äidinkielenään puhuvia artikkelien kirjoittajia. Teemoina talous ja lainat. Tyylinä neutraali ja informatiivinen. Saat artikkelin otsikon ja avainsanan, jonka perusteella kirjoitat hakukoneoptimoidun artikkelin käyttäen tietolähteenä eri nettisivustoja tai omaa tietoa ja kokemusta. Optimoinnilla tarkoitetaan, että avainsana toistuu eri muodoissa artikkelissa. Laadukas artikkeli joka sisältää väliotsikot, järkevät kappalejaot ja hyvää suomen kieltä.
Haemme sisällöntuottajaa internet sivujemme tekstisisältöä varten. Odotamme nopeaa, luovaa ja oma-aloitteista toimintaa. Tarjolla on myös Facebook & Blog -kirjoitusten luonti tulevaisuudessa.
Olemme saksalainen yritys, joka perustaa ilmaista chat-puhelinlinjaa Suomeen. Emme ole seksichat emmekä seuranhakulinja: sen sijaan palvelumme on paikka arkisille keskusteluille, tuntemattomien jututtamiselle, small talkille, uusien ystävien etsimiselle ja niin edelleen. Täh...tunnilta. Suurimman osan päivystysajastasi olet kuitenkin toimettomana radion äärellä. Voit siis hyvin tehdä ohessa esimerkiksi muita töitä, kunnes joku aloittaa keskustelun. Voit liittyä puhelinchattiin kahdella tapaa: - Soita Helsingissä sijaitsevaan lankapuhelinlinjaamme. - Voit yhdistää linjalle myös VOIP-palvelun (Voice-Over IP) kautta mistä päin maailmaa. Tarvitset tähän ainoastaan vakaan internet-yhteyden....
Etsitään taitavaa yksilöä, joka pystyy tekemään markkina tutkimusta sekä myös hallitsee ja on silmää ammattimisten presentaatioiden tekemiseen esim. Canvas ohjelmassa. Meidän vaatimustaso on erittäin korkea molemmissa osa-alueissa.
Auta minua internet-markkinoinnissa Asiakkaamme tarvitsevat jatkuvasti sosiaalisen median markkinointia, tarvitsemme osaajan joka pystyy hallitsemaan laajoja kokonaisuuksia ja tuottamaan materiaalia eri toimialojen yrityksille. Tuomme asiakkaat sinun luoksesi.
Auta minua internet-markkinoinnissa Ceo markkinointia
Job karni he 12000 selari me muchhe bahut arjent he Käytkö katsomassa olisiko tämä sinulle sopiva projekti?
Etsin kirjoittajia matkailuaiheisille sivuille. Yhteensä 40 artikkelia keskipituudelta 250 sanaa. Työ voidaan jakaa usean tekijän kesken.
Haemme motivoitunutta myynti- ja kampanjahenkilökuntaa Helsinki-Vantaa lentokentän liikkeisiin. Hyvä palkkaus ja työehdot! Haemme työntekijöitä pitkäkestoiseen kampanja- ja tuotemyyntiin kahteen hyvin tunnettuun liikkeeseen Helsinki-Vantaan lentokentällä. Tarjolla on neljä avointa pitkäkestoista paikkaa reippaille ja dynaamisille myyjille, jotka haluavat tulla osaksi meidän uutta ja mielenkiintoista projektia. Tehtäviisi kuuluu tuotenäytteiden jakamista, kertoa asiakkaille eri tuotemerkeistä ja osallistua myyntikampanjoihin mitä ko. liikkeet kulloinkin tekevät (esim. tuotemyyntiä tai näytejakeluja tai asiakkaiden kannustamista ottaa osaa kilpailuihin). Ty&...
help me ...i dont konw nothng abt anythng :) mje kia kana ae yahan mje kuch b xmjh nhn araha pa r mjee yahan kuch na kuch tw krna ae mjee btaoo helpp karrdo myre ap jo b huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
help me ...i dont konw nothng abt anythng :) mje kia kana ae yahan mje kuch b xmjh nhn araha pa r mjee yahan kuch na kuch tw krna ae mjee btaoo helpp karrdo myre ap jo b huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
"Casinot Suomessa" Yleinen artikkeli suomalaisista kasinoista (Grand Casino Helsinki, RAY:n Pelaamo Tampereella (), RAY Club -pelisalit ()... 5-600 sanaa? "Miten talletan rahaa netticasinolle matkapuhelimella?" Pitkä avainsana/vastaus kysymykseen hakusessa. Perusinfoa, jotain tietoa Sirusta, Pugglepaysta... muita? 3-400 sanaa? looking to get experience in the world of financial article writing*** I'm looking for a writer with an interest in financial analysis to provide draft articles for review and publishing to an audience of investors and traders. These articles will focus on the performance of various companies across multiple sectors and industries. Key Responsibilities: - Write analytical articles based on data, research and prompts (all provided by me) - Analyze company performance through the lens of News & Catalysts, Financial Data, Peer Analysis and Investor Presentation Insights (with insights and pointers provided by me) - Deliver articles suitable for an investor audience with short turnaround times Ideal Skills: - An interest in financial analysis ...
I'm looking for a modern, sleek, and minimalist logo for my company, Highfive Marketing. The design should primarily be a wordmark (text-based), but you're welcome to incorporate a creative interpretation of a 'high five' or simply use the text in an inventive way. Key Details: - Color Theme: Black and Gold - Company Name: Highfive Marketing - Logo Style: Modern, Minimalistic - Type of Logo: Primarily Wordmark (text-based) with potential creative use of symbols The ideal designer is someone who can balance minimalism with creativity, keeping the design modern and appealing. Please showcase your previous work with similar themes and styles in your proposal. Looking forward to collaborating with you!
...and conversion targets. • Schedule appointments/callbacks with qualified prospects. • Provide regular reports on calling activities and results. Required Qualifications: • Fluent in English and Filipino. • Minimum 1 year of experience in telesales or lead generation. • Strong verbal communication and persuasion skills. • Proficient with CRM systems and basic computer applications. • Reliable internet connection and quiet home office setup. • Available to work flexible hours. Preferred Skills • Experience in B2B or B2C sales. • Knowledge of sales pipeline management. • Familiarity with virtual collaboration tools. • Background in relevant industry sectors. • Experience working with international clients. Work Sche...
I'm looking to sell my AdSense approved blog. This blog is centered on Govt Schemes, a potentially lucrative niche given the ongoing interest and updates in this area. My domain contain exact match domain name which has...seem modest, the blog is a solid base for growth for a dedicated content creator. - Reason for Sale: I'm moving on to a new project, hence this blog is up for sale. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Knowledge of, or interest in, Govt Schemes would be beneficial. - Experience in content creation and blog management. - Understanding of SEO and traffic growth strategies. - Proficiency in digital marketing, particularly in monetizing blogs. Looking for freelancers who can help facilitate the sale of this blog. Please provide relevant experience and proposed a...
I'm looking for a fresher with a keen interest in digital marketing and a particular focus on SEO. The primary goal is to increase organic traffic to my website. Key Responsibilities: - Learn and implement SEO strategies to boost organic traffic. - Monitor, analyze, and report on website traffic. - Collaborate with me to refine strategies based on performance. Ideal Skills: - Basic understanding of SEO principles. - Familiarity with digital marketing tools. - Eagerness to learn and adapt.
I need high-quality, detailed 3D models of furniture items for marketing and advertising purposes. Some of these models are ready, some need to be done. You are bidding for one model, where model is ready and just needs to be rendered in a setup. Requirements: - Creation of high-detail 3D models with textures - Understanding of models needed for marketing purposes - Experience with realistic modelling for furniture items Skills: - Proficiency in 3D modelling software - Experience in creating detailed textures - Ability to deliver high-quality visuals for marketing Please note that the specific types of furniture may be discussed further, as I have not yet selected a particular subset. Your portfolio showcasing similar past projects would be greatly appreciated.
I'm seeking a professional who can assist with a robust email marketing strategy, create engaging content, design captivating marketing materials, and help with event marketing. Key Responsibilities: - Develop and implement an effective email marketing strategy. - Create compelling content that resonates with our target audience. - Design eye-catching marketing materials. - Assist with operations for upcoming events. Ideal Candidate: - Proven experience in email marketing strategy. - Exceptional content creation skills. - Strong graphic design capabilities, particularly for marketing materials. - Experience with event operations and marketing We market to family lawyers so please detail your experience in the professional servi...
I'm looking for a digital marketing expert with specific skills in social media and email marketing. The primary goal is to generate leads through Instagram. Key requirements: - Proven experience in social media marketing, particularly on Instagram. - Effective email marketing strategies to support lead generation. - Ability to create engaging content and drive user interaction. The ideal candidate will have a demonstrated track record of converting leads from social media into potential clients.
...content - Implementation of traffic-driving strategies, primarily focusing on Email Marketing and SEO Optimization - Weekly video call strategy discussions Required Skills: - Proficient in content management and website maintenance - Experience with Email Marketing and SEO Optimization - Good understanding of community interaction and niche content engagement - Excellent communication skills for weekly video discussions Content Types: - Text content, Images and graphics, Links and resources Ideal Candidate: You should have a knack for creating engaging content updates and a proven track record of driving traffic to sites. Understanding of community engagement and interaction is key. Your SEO and Email Marketing skills will be crucial in our efforts to increase ou...
I'm looking to develop a robust marketing campaign that will help generate leads and sales for my company. The ideal freelancer for this project would be someone with: - Proven experience in creating successful marketing campaigns - Excellent understanding of lead generation strategies - Strong track record in driving sales through innovative marketing techniques Your support and trust in me will be greatly appreciated. Together, we can make my company grow and become a source of pride.
I'm seeking a WordPress specialist to enhance my site's backend SEO and manage ongoing updates and maintenance. Additionally, as my psychology practice expands, I need a social media expert to help grow our online presence. Key Responsibilities: - Implement keyword optimization and refine meta tags and descriptions for ... - Regularly update the website with new pages and design changes. - Fix bugs and issues as they arise. - Ensure regular site backups and security checks. - Leverage social media platforms to increase visibility and audience engagement. Ideal Skills: - Proven experience with WordPress and backend SEO. - Strong web design and troubleshooting skills. - Expertise in social media management and marketing. - Familiarity with the psychological field is a plu...
...generation within the digital marketing industry. You will be responsible for: - Implementing diverse lead generation strategies including email campaigns, social media outreach, and cold calling. - Conducting market research to identify potential clients and opportunities. - Ensuring top-notch customer service interactions with clients and stakeholders. Qualifications: - A strong desire to succeed and grow (hungry). - Your primary objective will be to increase lead generation. - Prior experience working in a Digital Marketing Agency. - Excellent analytical skills for data gathering and interpretation. - Exceptional verbal and written communication skills. - Proven experience in lead generation and market research, preferably from an agency offering digital ...
...for a Freelance specialist or small digital marketing agency to help us increase our B2B Sales Qualified Leads (SQL) and monthly revenue goals. What We’re Looking For: We’re seeking a highly motivated freelance business development professional or digital marketing/sales agency with experience in B2B lead generation, digital marketing, email marketing, SEO, LinkedIn and social media. The ideal candidate/agency has a proven track record of delivering results, works independently, and has the digital, social and communication skills to create and execute a winning lead generation strategy. Expectations: Develop a lead generation plan tailored to our data and technology consulting services. Must be accompanied by a comprehensive digital marketin...
I'm seeking a proficient data provider specializing in customer demographics. The primary focus for this data will be executing effective marketing campaigns. Key Requirements: - Expertise in sourcing and delivering customer demographics data. - Understanding of data application in marketing context. - Ability to provide data in a timely and organized manner. Ideal Skills: - Data Analysis - Market Research - Customer Insights - Timely Delivery - Organized Data Presentation
I'm in need of a marketing strategist specializing in social media. The primary focus will be generating leads through well-planned and executed strategies on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn. Key Responsibilities: - Develop a comprehensive lead generation strategy for Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn - Monitor, analyze and adjust strategies based on performance Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven track record in social media marketing - Expertise in lead generation strategies - Strong analytical skills - Excellent understanding of Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn algorithms
...Google Shopping, Facebook Marketplace and Instagram Shop 9. Required phone apps. The mobile app should be feature-rich and highly interactive. increase sales and build brand awareness. Include the following features: push notifications and in-app purchases. 10. Blog, galleries, events, team & other sections written 11. Custom business logo 12. Manage and make social media posts. 2x 2000-word blog articles written monthly. Weekly promotions creation, Biweekly video post. 13. Google Business Profile and other social media profiles launched, verified & optimized 13.1 Google Reviews displayed on the website On-demand reviews collection Monthly Google Business Profile post. 13.2 Displaying Google Reviews on jewelry website, as way to build trust and credibility with potenti...
I am looking for a Product Manager for an Australian ...the development stage, and I need someone to help with managing app development, overseeing marketing strategies, and coordinating with delivery partners. Your specific tasks during the planning stage will include: - Conducting market research to understand the target audience and competition - Defining product features that will set us apart in the market - Creating project timelines to ensure we stay on track The ideal candidate should have experience in product management, particularly in the food delivery or app development sector. Excellent communication and coordination skills are a must, as you will be liaising with various stakeholders including delivery partners. A background in marketing strategies would al... where users can: Sign up early Learn about the app through the video and content Purchase an early bird subscription for one year I am seeking a Digital Marketing Specialist with proven experience in pre-launch campaigns to handle this project and deliver exceptional results. What You’ll Do: Plan, create, and execute social media content Develop and manage an AI video production to explain the product Design and run paid advertising campaigns on platforms like Google, Facebook, and Instagram Optimize the funnel website for conversions Requirements: Strong portfolio showcasing past results in pre-launch or digital marketing campaigns Ability to create high-quality, engaging social media posts Experience in AI video creation or working with video tools Expert...
I'm seeking a Marketing Director based in the Philippines for my Australian food delivery application. This role encompasses a range of responsibilities and requires a strategic thinker with a comprehensive understanding of all aspects of marketing. Key Responsibilities: - Developing innovative marketing strategies to capture a wide array of audiences including young professionals, families, and students - Managing engaging social media campaigns - Conducting thorough market research to understand trends and customer preferences Ideal Skills and Experience: - Exceptional understanding of social media, email marketing, and influencer partnerships - Proven track record in developing successful marketing strategies - Strong analytical skills in conduc...
I'm in need of a proactive and skilled professional who can source a list of local small to medium sized businesses, specifically in the retail, service-based, and tech startup sectors. These businesses should ideally be in need of assistance with branding, web development, or marketing. I'm looking for 5-10 leads to start with that are from US, Canada, and EMEA markets I will be needing the name and address of the business, email address and linkedin of the owners of the company, and the reason why they're interested. Key responsibilities include: - Identifying and compiling a list of suitable businesses. - Reaching out to these businesses on my behalf. Ideal candidates should have experience in market research, business development, and excellent co...
Are you a creative graphic designer with a passion for branding and marketing materials? We're looking for a Part-Time Graphic Designer to join our team! If you’re skilled in creating impactful designs and comfortable collaborating remotely, we want to hear from you. Requirements: Proven experience in graphic design, with a strong portfolio showcasing branding and marketing projects. Proficiency in design tools such as Adobe Creative Suite (Illustrator, Photoshop, InDesign, etc.) and familiarity with AI-driven design tools. Reliable and self-motivated, with excellent time management skills to meet deadlines. Strong communication skills and comfort using video conferencing tools for collaboration. Bonus Skills: Photo editing expertise. Familiarity with AI-based d...
I need a marketing expert to help increase my dropshipping sales. Focusing on refreshing my existing content and utilizing various channels effectively is key. Ideal Skills: - E-commerce marketing - Content creation and editing - Social media management - Email marketing - Search engine marketing (SEM) - Google Ads expertise Your task will involve: - Assessing and updating my current content - Implementing strategies across social media, email, and search engines - Providing a report on the sales increase and overall performance