500 600 word articles työt


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    Työn tila
    2,000 500 600 word articles löydetyt työt

    Hei! Ehtisitkö kirjoittamaan maanantaiaamuksi muutaman 600-sanaisen artikkelin? Maksan 20€/artikkeli.

    €8 Average bid
    €8 Keskimäär. tarjous
    1 tarjoukset

    Hei! Ehtisitkö kirjoittamaan muutaman 600-sanaisen artikkelin maanantaiaamuksi? Artikkelit tulisi kirjoittaa annetuille nettisivuille sopiviksi ja teksteihin tulisi lisätä 1 nettikasinoaiheinen avainsana + annettu linkki sekä 2 muuta linkkiä. Itse tekstien ei tarvitse olla nettikasinoaiheisia. Maksan 20 €/artikkeli.

    €8 - €8
    €8 - €8
    0 tarjoukset
    Finnish articles
    Loppunut left

    Tarvitsen 18 artikkelia suomeksi (700 sanaa per artikkeli) Aihe: nettikasinot Sisällytä 1 avainsana + 1 linkki jokaiseen artikkeliin Kuinka monta artikkelia voit kirjoittaa sunnuntaihin mennessä? Maksu: $15 per artikkeli Projektin kesto 14.9. - 20.9.

    €423 Average bid
    €423 Keskimäär. tarjous
    9 tarjoukset

    Native Finnish speakers to write 8 articles, about 600 words each. Each article will be given a subject related to finances and loans. Instructions in Finnish: Haetaan suomea äidinkielenään puhuvia artikkelien kirjoittajia. Teemoina talous ja lainat. Tyylinä neutraali ja informatiivinen. Saat artikkelin otsikon ja avainsanan, jonka perusteella kirjoitat hakukoneoptimoidun artikkelin käyttäen tietolähteenä eri nettisivustoja tai omaa tietoa ja kokemusta. Optimoinnilla tarkoitetaan, että avainsana toistuu eri muodoissa artikkelissa. Laadukas artikkeli joka sisältää väliotsikot, järkevät kappalejaot ja hyvää suomen kieltä.

    €93 Average bid
    €93 Keskimäär. tarjous
    6 tarjoukset

    Etsin yrityksellemme freelanceria kirjoittamaan blogitekstejä suomeksi. Yksi teksti n. 500-1500 sanaa. Aiheina erityisesti HR ja rekrytointi.

    €45 Average bid
    €45 Keskimäär. tarjous
    3 tarjoukset

    Tarvitsemme uuteen projektiimme yhtä tai useampaa kirjoittajaa kirjoittamaan esittelytekstejä verkkokaupoille. - Artikkelien pituus: 400-500 sanaa - Annamme otsikot - Tarjoukset 5 artikkelin eristä Hyvälle kirjoittajalle mahdollisuus pidempiaikaiseen pestiin.

    €134 Average bid
    €134 Keskimäär. tarjous
    11 tarjoukset

    Kirjoita viisi artikkelia, keskimäärin 500 sanaa per artikkeli. Aihealueena rahan säästäminen ja verkko-ostokset. Tarkemmat aiheet voidaan sopia yhdessä. Voit kirjoittaa myös omakohtaisesta kokemuksesta, "näin säästin..."

    €52 Average bid
    €52 Keskimäär. tarjous
    4 tarjoukset

    Minulla olisi käännettävänä muutaman alasivumme tekstit. Niissä on yhteensä hieman yli 500 sanaa. Käännökset tulevat natiiveille englantilaisille, joten sinun täytyy oikeasti osata kirjoittaa britille tuo käännös. Jos hinta on kohtuullinen, niin homman saa aloittaa heti.

    €21 Average bid
    €21 Keskimäär. tarjous
    9 tarjoukset

    https://www.freelancer.com/projects/Articles/sanaa-teksti-verkkosivuille Käytkö katsomassa olisiko tämä sinulle sopiva projekti?

    €66 Average bid
    €66 Keskimäär. tarjous
    2 tarjoukset

    500 sanan tekstejä annetuista aihepiireistä

    €40 Average bid
    €40 Keskimäär. tarjous
    2 tarjoukset

    Erityyppisten 500 sanaa pitkien asiatektstien kirjoittamista.

    €76 Average bid
    €76 Keskimäär. tarjous
    4 tarjoukset

    Prestashop kaupan korjaaminen ja päivittäminen. Prestashopissa on ilmennyt http 500 erroria aiheuttajana ilmeisesti smarty cache ja kauppa on todella epävakaa. Tuotteiden kopioinnissa osassa kuvissa kuvan tilalla kysymysmerkki. Olisi tärkeää saada kauppa takaisin vakaaksi ylläpitää ja käyttää. Ehdota tarjousta.

    €11 - €17 / hr
    €11 - €17 / hr
    0 tarjoukset

    Viisi blogitekstiä laadukasta asiasisältöä.

    €94 Average bid
    €94 Keskimäär. tarjous
    1 tarjoukset
    Write some Articles
    Loppunut left

    Viisi blogitekstiä laadukasta asiasisältöä.

    €85 Average bid
    €85 Keskimäär. tarjous
    2 tarjoukset
    Write some Articles
    Loppunut left

    Viisi blogitekstiä laadukasta asiasisältöä.

    €85 - €85
    €85 - €85
    0 tarjoukset
    Write some Articles
    Loppunut left

    Etsin kirjoittajia matkailuaiheisille sivuille. Yhteensä 40 artikkelia keskipituudelta 250 sanaa. Työ voidaan jakaa usean tekijän kesken.

    €29 - €241
    €29 - €241
    6 tarjoukset
    Write some Articles
    Loppunut left


    €241 - €724
    €241 - €724
    0 tarjoukset

    dsypracn ihtoehtcty mipoksaihf8yeh

    €11 / hr Average bid
    €11 / hr Keskimäär. tarjous
    2 tarjoukset

    Tarkoituksenasi on tuottaa 300-500 sanan pituisia verkkokauppa kuvauksia alennuskoodi sivustolle. Tekstin pitää olla hakukoneoptimoitua. Jokaisesta hyväksytystä kuvauksesta maksetaan 8€. Mikäli teksti on riittävän laadukasta, on jatkossakin tarvetta.

    €16 Average bid
    €16 Keskimäär. tarjous
    2 tarjoukset

    Test order,2600 likes 26 start number need 200 1072 start number need 200 1 start number need 200 45 start number need 200 https://ww... 26 start number need 200 1072 start number need 200 1 start number need 200 45 start number need 200 368 start number need 200 66 start number need 600 732 start number need 1000

    €25 - €25
    €25 - €25
    0 tarjoukset

    Hei, Tarvitsen 12 kpl noin 500 sanan artikkelia. Kirjoittajalta odotan natiivia suomenkielentaitoa.

    €190 Average bid
    €190 Keskimäär. tarjous
    3 tarjoukset

    help me ...i dont konw nothng abt anythng :) mje kia kana ae yahan mje kuch b xmjh nhn araha pa r mjee yahan kuch na kuch tw krna ae mjee btaoo helpp karrdo myre ap jo b huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

    €123 Average bid
    €123 Keskimäär. tarjous
    2 tarjoukset
    acadmic articles
    Loppunut left

    help me ...i dont konw nothng abt anythng :) mje kia kana ae yahan mje kuch b xmjh nhn araha pa r mjee yahan kuch na kuch tw krna ae mjee btaoo helpp karrdo myre ap jo b huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

    €145 Average bid
    €145 Keskimäär. tarjous
    1 tarjoukset

    "Casinot Suomessa" Yleinen artikkeli suomalaisista kasinoista (Grand Casino Helsinki, RAY:n Pelaamo Tampereella (), RAY Club -pelisalit ()... 5-600 sanaa? "Miten talletan rahaa netticasinolle matkapuhelimella?" Pitkä avainsana/vastaus kysymykseen hakusessa. Perusinfoa, jotain tietoa Sirusta, Pugglepaysta... muita? 3-400 sanaa?

    €39 Average bid
    €39 Keskimäär. tarjous
    1 tarjoukset

    Terve, Oisko sulla kiinnostusta tehdä sisällöntuottajan töitä? Tarvitsisin 3-5 artikkelia viikossa, ja noista maksettaisiin 7e-10e per artikkeli. 300-500 sanaa aina per artikkeli, eli noin 0.30min-1h per artikkeli menis aikaa. Ole yhteydessä jos kiinnostaa.

    €5 / hr Average bid
    €5 / hr Keskimäär. tarjous
    1 tarjoukset

    Verkkosivuston käännöstyö Excel-tiedostosta Englanti-Suomi. Sinun tulee tehdä käännöstyö ymmärtäen liiketoimintamallia () Käännöstyön koko noin 500 sanaa.

    €126 Average bid
    €126 Keskimäär. tarjous
    3 tarjoukset

    Etsimme Artikkelin kirjoittaja tiimin pidemmäksi aikaa. Arvioitu määrää n.10 artikkelia viikossa (n.500 sana/artikkeli) Artikkelit täytyy kirjoittaa tiettyjä avainsanoja käyttäen sekä jo olemassa olevien tekstien muokkaminen ainutlaatuiseksi. Kirjoituskieli on Suomi. Ystävällisin terveisin, Tonis Luik Rauma

    €11 / hr Average bid
    €11 / hr Keskimäär. tarjous
    7 tarjoukset
    SEO & SMO Work
    9 päivää left

    ...search engines. - Implementation of effective SEO strategies targeting primarily Google. - Optimization of my presence on major social media platforms, with a focus on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn. - Suggestions for additional keywords, beyond the initial research, to continually enhance my SEO and SMO efforts. Please note that 25-page optimization, 300 backlinks with 25 keywords and four articles, 16 posts, and ads per month are required for 60 USD per month (SEO and article $30 SMO $30)...

    €58 Average bid
    €58 Keskimäär. tarjous
    1 tarjoukset

    Job Title: Hiring Scriptwriter for Instagram Reels for Real Estate Company (₹200–₹600 per Script) Description: We are a growing real estate company looking for a creative and professional scriptwriter to craft engaging Instagram Reels scripts. If you have a knack for writing catchy, attention-grabbing content and have experience with real estate marketing, we want to hear from you! What We Need: Instagram Reels Scripts: Write 30–60 second scripts for our Instagram marketing campaigns. Catchy & Engaging Content: Your scripts should capture the audience’s attention within the first few seconds. Real Estate Focus: Highlight key property features such as price, location, luxury amenities, etc. Clear Call-to-Action: Include a direct call to action that encourages ...

    €114 Average bid
    €114 Keskimäär. tarjous
    11 tarjoukset

    I'm seeking a talented writer who can craft compelling news articles focusing on current events in the health sector. The ideal candidate should have a keen interest and understanding of health-related news, and be able to translate complex topics into engaging, easy-to-understand articles. Key Requirements: - Proven experience writing news articles. - Strong understanding and interest in health news. - Ability to write in a clear, engaging style. - Capacity to meet deadlines consistently. - Proficiency in SEO to optimize articles for search engines. Each article should be between 800-1200 words.

    €326 Average bid
    €326 Keskimäär. tarjous
    46 tarjoukset
    Telugu Copywriter & Draft Writer Needed
    6 päivää left

    I'm looking for a talented writer who can translate English articles into Telugu and also draft original content in Telugu. The primary focus will be on articles related to startup guides and general business projects. Key Responsibilities: - Translate English articles into Telugu with a focus on startup guides. - Draft original articles in Telugu about various business projects. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Native or fluent Telugu speaker with excellent command of English. - Proven experience in translation and copywriting. - Understanding of the startup ecosystem and business strategies. - Ability to write engaging and informative content.

    €11 Average bid
    €11 Keskimäär. tarjous
    1 tarjoukset
    Link builder
    6 päivää left

    We’re looking for an experienced Backlink Building Specialist to create high-quality backlinks for our website. Instead of paying per backlin...from past projects to demonstrate the quality of your work. •Clear pricing for grouped packages (e.g., 10 links = $XX, 20 links = $XX). •Confirmation that all backlinks are permanent, niche-relevant, and follow Google’s guidelines. Examples of Backlink Packages We’re Looking For: •Package A: 100 backlinks on DA50+ websites for $XXX. •Package B: 200 backlinks on DA40+ websites for $XXX. •Package C: 500 backlinks on DA30+ websites for $XXX. We value quality over quantity, so please ensure your links are from websites with real traffic and proven authority. Submissions without a sample spreadsheet or ...

    €70 Average bid
    €70 Keskimäär. tarjous
    52 tarjoukset
    online liquidator auction
    6 päivää left

    ...sections for sign up . dealer registration and owner /private registration because sign up requirement /detail is little different. all users must first register ,admin have to verified info and approved account before they will have access to bid ,make offer or to buy .. auction starting bid can't be $800 lower than the buy now/reserve price and make offer have to be $500 close to buy now/reserved price before system will accept offer .. Owner/private seller registration form must included . first name , Last name , address, poster code , phone # drive license # ,email address. copy of a valid driver license front and back that must be upload. Dealer Registration must include , Business legal name , Dealer #, ,Hst # ,business...

    €17 / hr Average bid
    €17 / hr Keskimäär. tarjous
    10 tarjoukset

    I'm a new to Spring Boot microservices and need immediate assistance with my API Gateway on port 8085, which isn't working in POSTMAN. I have my Security Configurations with JWT Token and user-service ready, but I'm unsure how to properly utilize the API Gateway. Ideal skills for this job include: - Extensive knowledge of Spring Boot a...with JWT Token and user-service ready, but I'm unsure how to properly utilize the API Gateway. Ideal skills for this job include: - Extensive knowledge of Spring Boot and microservices. - Experience with API Gateway tools such as Spring Cloud Gateway. - Understanding of JWT Token security configurations. - Proficiency in troubleshooting connection issues. Please note, I have a fixed price of 600 rupees for this task, and the...

    €6 Average bid
    €6 Keskimäär. tarjous
    4 tarjoukset
    Motion Graphics Animation
    6 päivää left

    I'm seeking a talented motion graphics designer for a 3D animation video done in Adobe After effects. This is a great opportunity for newcomers to Freelancer.com to build their portfolio with a quick turnaround project. The budget is fixed at ₹600. Key Requirements: - Tools: Proficiency in Adobe After Effects or Blender - Time Frame: Able to complete the project within 6 hours Deliverables: - Final rendered video - Original source files (illustrator/After Effects/Blender) What I'll Provide: - A concise script - Logo files - A reference video for guidance Ideal Candidate: - A beginner looking for their first project on Freelancer - Skilled in 3D motion design and creating smooth animations - Capable of delivering professional, high-quality work under tight deadline...

    €8 Average bid
    €8 Keskimäär. tarjous
    3 tarjoukset

    ...over time through well-researched and structured writing. This role is perfect for someone who excels in storytelling, research-based content, and audience engagement. If you have experience in content marketing, and long-form storytelling, this opportunity is for you! Responsibilities: ✅ Research and write high-quality, value-driven content that educates and engages audiences. ✅ Create articles, whitepapers, e-books, social media posts, case studies, and newsletters. ✅ Structure content to enhance readability, audience engagement and SEO. ✅ Follow a predefined content framework to ensure consistency and alignment with project goals based on deadlines. ✅ Adapt writing style and tone to match different industries and audience personas. ✅ Proofread and edit content to ma...

    €2 / hr Average bid
    €2 / hr Keskimäär. tarjous
    16 tarjoukset

    I'm looking for a professional with a technical background to create a PowerPoint presentation with 50 slides from a book with 78 Pages that you need to summarize well. The primary purpose of this presentation is for educational and training purposes. Key Responsibilities: - Summarizing key concepts and definitions from the book into the slides - Designing the slides with appropriate shapes, transitions, and movements to engage the audience Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in Microsoft PowerPoint - Technical background with experience in shape design - Ability to create visually appealing slides with charts, graphs, images and illustrations, and tables - Prior experience in creating educational/training PowerPoint presentations

    €18 / hr Average bid
    €18 / hr Keskimäär. tarjous
    56 tarjoukset

    Project Title: Looking for Skilled Content Writers, Typists, Translators, and Data Entry Experts Description: I am seeking freelancers with expertise in the following areas: Content Writing: Articles, blogs, and creative story writing. Typing and Copywriting: Fast and accurate typing skills for various projects. Translation: Professional translation services for documents and content. Medical Writing: Assistance with healthcare-related content and research. Data Entry: Accurate and efficient data management. Diet & Public Health Research: Creating reports and articles related to diet and health. PowerPoint Presentations: Creating professional and engaging presentations. Excel Work: Data analysis, charts, and spreadsheet management. Requirements: Strong attenti...

    €10 / hr Average bid
    €10 / hr Keskimäär. tarjous
    35 tarjoukset
    Trophy icon Taxi Kiosk App Splash Screen & Graphic
    6 päivää left

    I'm looking for a skilled designer to create - a splash screen (Purpose: This will serve as the open splash screen for a kiosk stand located at hotels and airports, allowing users to easily walk up and call a taxi.) and - a feature graphic for my Taxi Kiosk app. The splash screen should have dimensions of 2800 pixels by 1867 pixels, and the feature graphic should be 1024 pixels by 500 pixels. Both images should be in 32-bit PNG format with alpha transparency. Key Requirements: - The design should be bright and vibrant, aligning with my envisioned color scheme. - All design elements should be incorporated and prioritized: taxi imagery, a map like background, and the app name/logo. - I have a specific vision I would like to bring to life and will provide links for reference....

    €29 Average bid
    29 työtä

    I need a creative social media expert to help with my Facebook, Instagram and TikTok accounts. Key Responsibilities: - Content Creation: Develop engaging content in the form of images and graphics, videos, and written posts and articles. - Advertising & Promotions: Strategize and implement effective advertising campaigns to promote my social media presence. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in graphic design and video editing. - Excellent writing skills for creating compelling posts and articles. - Experience with social media advertising and promotions. - Deep understanding of Facebook, Instagram and TikTok. Experience: - Proven track record of successful social media management. - Previous work in content creation and digital marketing. Looking for someone who can bring ...

    €89 Average bid
    €89 Keskimäär. tarjous
    42 tarjoukset

    Affiliate Link Promotions 10+ Keyword Research and Implementation According to your Affiliate Link/Business/Services: We will use in Backlinks Promotions work - 200 + Links in a month. - Domain Authority (DA)-/ 30 + 50, 60, - Page Authority (PA) -/ 60 + / 50, 40, - Performance Tracking and Reporting - 100% Manual Work - (2 Blog Content posting/ 500 words) - (Including 2 Social Media Posts)

    €33 Average bid
    €33 Keskimäär. tarjous
    1 tarjoukset

    ...over time through well-researched and structured writing. This role is perfect for someone who excels in storytelling, research-based content, and audience engagement. If you have experience in content marketing, and long-form storytelling, this opportunity is for you! Responsibilities: ✅ Research and write high-quality, value-driven content that educates and engages audiences. ✅ Create articles, whitepapers, e-books, social media posts, case studies, and newsletters. ✅ Structure content to enhance readability, audience engagement and SEO. ✅ Follow a predefined content framework to ensure consistency and alignment with project goals based on deadlines. ✅ Adapt writing style and tone to match different industries and audience personas. ✅ Proofread and edit content to ma...

    €10 / hr Average bid
    €10 / hr Keskimäär. tarjous
    14 tarjoukset

    ...improving user experience and efficiency while meeting the outlined requirements. Ideal Candidate: The ideal freelancer will have experience developing interactive tools compatible with Squarespace or similar platforms. Knowledge of responsive design, Google Sheets integration, and accessibility standards is essential. Familiarity with creating informational directories or tools is a plus. Budget: $500~$1,000 (negotiable based on experience and proposal). Timeline: The project, including development, testing, and implementation, to be delivered by February 20, 2025. Skills Needed: * Squarespace Integration * Website Design * Web Application Development * UX / User Experience * Basic Database Integration * Responsive Design * Cross-Browser and Platform Testing...

    €377 Average bid
    €377 Keskimäär. tarjous
    43 tarjoukset

    Return project payment.

    €37 Average bid
    €37 Keskimäär. tarjous
    1 tarjoukset

    Dibutuhkan 10 penulis artikel harian dengan pembayaran per minggu atau bulanan yang bisa memenuhi target dalam satu menulis 10-20 artikel dengan jumlah kata 500-1000 kata. Untuk anda yang memiliki hobi menulis baik yang sudah berpengalaman menulis artikel lepas dengan team atau perusahaan jasa penulis artikel maupun yang belum memiliki pengalaman dengan perusahaan lain, kali ini kami membuka lowongan pekerjaan untuk bergabung dengan Team penulis artikel kami. Adapun syarat untuk bergabung sebagai berikut: Menyukai dunia tulis menulis terutama menulis artikel freelance. Menguasai kosakata dan aturan EYD yang baik serta benar. Teliti saat mengetik artikel. Mampu konsekuen dan bertanggung jawab dengan tugas atau job pekerjaan yang diberikan oleh Kami. Memiliki fasilitas penun...

    €16 / hr Average bid
    €16 / hr Keskimäär. tarjous
    20 tarjoukset

    I'm looking for a skilled professional who can help me compile a thorough literature review for my research paper. This will predominantly focus on analysing journal articles. Key Requirements: - Extensive experience in academic research and literature reviews, particularly with journal articles - Proficient in APA citation style - Excellent writing and analytical skills The final product should be a well-organised, coherently written literature review, properly cited in APA style. Project description: In your professional life, you will need to find credible evidence to support your decisions and plans of action. You will want to keep abreast of best practices to help your organization adapt to the ever-changing healthcare environment. Being adept at research helps...

    €18 / hr Average bid
    €18 / hr Keskimäär. tarjous
    43 tarjoukset

    I'm in need of a word art piece centered around the word 'Travel' with the following words arranged around it: Impressions, followers, organic, viral SEO, digital marketing, Facebook, Instagram, post, logo, video, connect, social media, marketing response, engage, clicks, content, feedback, targeting, visuals, creative, newsletter, traffic, audience, engagement, trends, influence, branding, boost, media, online campaign, reach, conversion, #Hashtag, brand loyalty. Key Requirements: - The style of the word art should be modern and sleek. - The color scheme should be bright and bold colors. - Orientation of the word art can be horizontal, vertical or circular, use your discretion. - The final word art should be delivered in both vector (e.g....

    €20 Average bid
    €20 Keskimäär. tarjous
    25 tarjoukset
    Modify Word Quotation Document / template
    6 päivää left

    PLEASE NOTE: YOUR BID IS CONTRACT. If you cannot achieve the SOW then DO NOT BID. Do not think you can outbid other Freelancers and renegotiate after. I will be reporting all "false bids" to Freelancer. This file will remain IN WORD. An excel file can be used to attain external data such as addresses and contact information. Payment will be made on COMPLETE project with no partial payments. Our quotations are made from a MS Word document. I am looking for someone to modify this quotation document with the following information. Please indicate if these requests are feasible without any 3rd party software and preferably form only 1 outside excel file for data. We will create an Excel “Contacts” document that will contain all our customer information. Thi...

    €77 Average bid
    €77 Keskimäär. tarjous
    44 tarjoukset
    YouTube Growth & Audio Setup Consultant
    6 päivää left

    I'm on the hunt for an experienced professional to help me enhance my YouTube channel, which primarily focuses on interviews and podcasts. I specifically need guidance on setting up my audio equipment, which currently consists of a USB microphone, and general advice on how to drive channel growth. Key Requirements: - Experience with audio setup equipment - Background in podcasting and w...Background in podcasting and webcasting - Proven track record in YouTube channel growth - Proficiency in video editing tools and software While I would consider myself at an intermediate level with audio setup and editing, I'm eager to learn and improve. Your role will be pivotal in helping me understand the intricacies of audio production and channel management. The budget for this project i...

    €142 Average bid
    €142 Keskimäär. tarjous
    15 tarjoukset
    Microsoft Word TOC Creation for Manual
    6 päivää left

    I need assistance with my Microsoft Word manual that is 50-100 pages long.I'm working on a manual/report in Microsoft Word that's over 100 pages long. I need a freelancer who can create a Table of Contents (TOC) with automatic page numbering for it. Ideal skills include: - Proficiency in Microsoft Word - Experience with creating TOCs - Attention to detail - Ability to meet deadlines The Table of Contents should include both headings and subheadings. Please use custom styles for formatting the Table of Contents. The Table of Contents should use bold and indented custom styles.

    €6 - €18
    €6 - €18
    73 tarjoukset