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Asiakkaat arvostelivat meidän Windows API Programmers
4.92 5:stä
yhteensä 23 032 arvostelusta
Miten palkata hyvä freelance Windows API Programmer
Every application that works on the Microsoft Windows operating system needs to interact with the core OS for performing core functions like showing a message, opening and closing files, etc. This is achieved with a set of DLLs known WinAPI, which are specially provided by Microsoft to developers. Every function that any Windows application can perform is initiated with a call to the Windows APIs first. Hence, knowledge of WinAPI is critical for developing any application that can run on Windows.
Any wrong implementation of the WinAPI will render the application unusable, and may even make your Windows system unstable. So If you are planning to develop an application for the Windows platform or to port it to Windows from another platform, you will need professional developers who are thoroughly conversant with the Windows API. They will be able to either develop the application for you on their own, or even advise any other developers who might be creating the application for you.
Hire a freelance WinAPI expert to get access to a world-class developer at very competitive rates.
Freelance WinAPI experts will help you to upgrade your software and troubleshoot any bugs that may have crept in at the time of development. Worried about what will happen when the versions of these Windows APIs change? These programmers can help you with that as well.
Wondering how you will get access to these freelance WinAPI programmers?
It’s actually quite easy. Freelancer.com will enable you to get in touch with these programmers on its platform. Operating over 247 countries across the world, Freelancer.com gives you the opportunity to access the best WinAPI experts across the world at one go.
All you have to do is post a job for FREE. That’s it! You don’t have to even look around for the freelance programmers yourself. They will notice your job posting and will bid on your project. You can then interact with as many freelancers as you want to find the perfect one. Features like freelancer rating, repeat hire rates, feedback left by previous employers will help you in making the right decision.
If you need help finding the best freelancer, Freelancer.com team is available 24/7 for you. All you need to do is choose the recruiter option at a nominal cost while posting the project. The freelancer recruiter team finds the preferred freelancers who have the best WinAPI skills. The recruiter team handholds you through the entire process. And the best thing is the recruiter program comes with the freelancer guarantee. If you are not satisfied with the preferred freelancer you are working with within 24 hours of commencement of project, we change the freelancer at no extra cost.
Big or small, all projects are important to us. The freelancers work with the utmost dedication to ensure that you get the best final product possible. And how do we ensure that the quality of the delivery given to you is the best? You make payments only when you are 100% satisfied with your work.
Your road to success starts now! Find the perfect freelancer for your next WinAPI project today!