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Volusion is an e-commerce software program which the functionality of enabling users to create online stores using ecommerce templates to sell products and service online using mobile commerce technology.
Ideal for businesses that want a DIY option for their website development, Volusion is loaded with features and is fully functional for ecommerce.
Businesses use Volusion for e-commerce to allow a simple online business solution partnered with a range of open source solutions. The program helps users to set up online web stores and offer attractive templates and designs to customize the sites to suit their brand and style.
Features of Volusion:
All in one systems
Fully hosted on your behalf with guaranteed uptime
SEO friends
Integration tools
Unlimited support and resources
Online payment
Social media sharing functionality
Benefits of using Volusion include:
Easy set up – Volusion’s easy to use platform allows business owners and developers to create stores easily using a wizard. The templates are completely customizable and are designed to appeal the masses and improve sales and interaction.
Simple to use – the platform is simple for users of all abilities to interact and use for online sales. Online tutorials provide additional support and hints for newcomers that need a little extra assistance.
Flexible functions – set up a range of advanced solutions to interact with customers including recurring billing, customer accounts, eBay and Amazon store integration, gift certificates and coupons, newsletters and ROI tracking.
Security – Volusion has a guaranteed security system that protects users from fraud and hacking. Security used by Volusion includes secure socket layer, cardholder information security, and payment card industry protection program.
Customized design – create the perfect look for your website with a customizable design option including layout, menus, color schemes, so your website is unique and engaging for your target market.
If your business is looking freelance Volusion expert to install and launch your new Volusion website, log onto Freelancer.com to see the extensive range of freelancers with the right experience for your job. Freelance Volusion experts can quickly and efficiently install and customize your new ecommerce platform, using up to date skills and knowledge of the latest version of Volusion.
Log onto Freelancer.com today and view the range of freelancers with Volusion experience who are ready to start work on your project. Simply review their feedback, qualifications, and experience and select a freelancer to suit your project needs.