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Asiakkaat arvostelivat meidän PitchBook Professionals
4.81 5:stä
yhteensä 3 698 arvostelusta
Miten palkata hyvä freelance PitchBook Professional
PitchBook is a market leading platform for private and venture capital investors, providing powerful data and analytics capabilities. A freelance PitchBook consultant can help a business make the most of the platform by helping to build out new models, conduct detailed analyses on portfolio companies and investments, provide research insights into specific sectors or industries, and advise on how best to extract and use actionable information from PitchBook.
When hiring a freelance PitchBook analyst, you should be looking for somebody with extensive experience across multiple areas of the platform. Ask potential candidates about their previous projects to ensure they have the right skill set. Their hourly rate will vary depending on their professional background but typically range from $20 - $70 USD per hour.
Freelancer.com provides clients with access to pre-vetted, highly qualified professionals from around the world. With this platform you can access experienced PitchBook analysts at competitive rates and with the added benefit of no recruitment costs, making it an attractive option for hiring your next expert analyst. Hire now to get quality services within your budget!