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Kendo UI is an advanced JavaScript framework used to rapidly create responsive, interactive cross-platform applications. It allows developers to quickly create rich interfaces using minimal coding knowledge. Building a professional application using Kendo UI requires a thorough understanding of the technology, therefore it’s essential to hire a Kendo UI Developer.
In addition to building app functionality, a good Kendo UI developer should be able to develop the user interface, deploy active widgets and templates, debug errors and handle security issues. They should also have strong knowledge of HTML, CSS and JavaSript technologies for developing mobile and web applications.
To select a competent Kendo UI developer, you should run a careful background check on the Freelancer's past projects and portfolios. You can then arrange a series of remote interviews with shortlisted candidates to gauge their understanding of the technology. A Kendo UI developer typically charges an average hourly rate of around $35-$70 USD depending on the complexity of their tasks.
Hiring an experienced Kendo UI Developer on Freelancer.com today provides the perfect combination of quality and value for your budget. You'll benefit from an accelerated timeline and the assurance that you are working with experienced professionals.