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Geometry is a branch of mathematics which deals with the properties of space and their relationships, often using lines, angles, arcs, and points to measure them. A freelance Geometry specialist can be employed to draw up mathematical proofs based on geometric theorems, calculate the areas of shapes and figures, develop complicated geometric models for use in statistical analysis, or even help design complex structures for construction or engineering projects.
When interviewing an experienced Geometry professional for your project, be sure to ask them about their educational background and any key projects they have already completed. Pay rates for Geometry specialists vary significantly depending on their level of expertise and complexity of the project. Generally, you should expect to pay between $35-$200 per hour.
Regardless of your budget, Freelancer.com has a variety of experienced Geometry specialists available right now to work on your project. With access to over 28 million skilled professionals worldwide, you can rest assured that you’ll find a qualified expert at a competitive rate. So why wait - hire a Geometry specialist now on Freelancer.com!