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Do you want to send a message to bulk customers? Are you looking for someone to design attractive campaigns to advertise your business? Do you need someone to transform your company’s message into an email to send to your clients? You are looking for an expert in email development! Email development is the use of an electronic message sent between users and their computers. There are two types of email development including HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) Email and Plain text email, which both provide a template to deliver a message. HTML email is formatted like a web page, using colours, graphics, table columns and links while a plain text email only includes text.
So what does an email developer do? An email developer is a professional capable of creating the front-end information of a message or page. They have the skills to generate codes in HTML and send personalised mail to suit both the needs of the company and the individual recipient. This can include re-establishing a password and confirming a message.
Hiring an expert email developer via Freelancer.com helps an employer find a committed individual with experience in the technicalities of a email. Through the knowledge required by a professional email developer your digital desires can be clearly represented. Via Freelancer.com, employers have access to a range of experts who have the time and information to dedicate to their cause.
An expert email developer has knowledge in HTML and the production, coding, proofing, testing and troubleshooting of email development. The key skills of a professional email develope include:
Clear communication skills - An expert email developer is able to clearly communicate between the needs of the business, the computer and the recipient through the use of codes, designs and clear details.
Eye for detail - The role of an email developer largely focuses on coding, developing and testing HTML emails. An expert is experienced in the intricacies of these codes and can note slight details to ensure greater success in the email production.
Technical Online Understanding - A professional email developer has the ability to code HTML and CSS and knowledge of applying this skills into HTML emails. In addition to technical coding proficiency, knowledge in Adobe Dreamweaver, Illustrator, Photoshop and Acrobat.
Finding the perfect professional email developer for your case and goals is simple with the help of Freelancer.com. All you need to do is click on the “Post a Project” button then fill out a small description of the project and hit “Submit”! If you have a certain developer in mind you can search through the responding experts by their experience, reputation, qualifications and any other skills that might be useful for your objective. You can then personally select the candidate capable of complying to your product’s needs.
What are you waiting for? The Freelancer Directory is the premier source for employees for hire on the web and will give you access to the perfect email developer. Post a project on Freelancer.com today.