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3D Rigging is the process of constructing and animating an articulated object such as a character or a vehicle. An experienced 3D rigger typically uses specialized software along with their knowledge of anatomy and physics to prepare the object for 3D animation. This can include designing motion controllers and skeletons, body skinning, and rig simulating.
You might hire a 3D Rigger to create highly realistic characters for game or movie cut scenes, to create dynamic vehicles, or to configure simulations of natural or abstract phenomena. A 3D Rigger could also help refine existing designs, enhance existing rigs, or even animate pre-existing models.
When interviewing potential 3D Rigging professionals, you should ask questions related to their prior experience, software proficiency, education credentials and portfolio. All of these factors should be taken into consideration when selecting the right professional for your project. Expecting an average rate of around $45 per hour is reasonable.
Freelancer.com offers the perfect platform to quickly hire an experienced 3D Rigger at the right price. Make sure you check out the freelancer profiles and set goals to reach the desired project outcome. Hire now and get started on your next great project!