.NET Developers Palkattavana paikassa Spain

  • .NET
  • Spain
  • Online Users


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Tuntihinta (USD)



Näytetään 1 tulosta
  • Palkkaa     strato100
Palkkaa     strato100

    strato100 strato100

    Spain $5 USD / tunti
    Tecnico en desarrollo web
    Graduated in technology management from the National University of La Matanza. Web development technician received at Universidad de la La Matanza. Development and implementation of improvements in web applications. I worked on different projects learning the use of some of the most used technologies in the...
    Graduated in technology management from the National University of La Matanza. Web development technician received at Universidad de la La Matanza. Development and implementation of improvements in web applications. I worked on different projects learning the use of some of the most used technologies in the world. Specialized in HTML, Javascript, Angular, Java, PHP, Wordpress, .Net vähemmän
  • Palkkaa strato100

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