Photo Editing: Person Removal & Blending
- Tila: Closed
- Palkinto: $10
- Vastaanotetut työt: 9
- Voittaja: mehtabbutt5
Kilpailun tehtävänanto
I have a photo that requires basic retouching, it is attached. I need you to remove the woman in the foreground in the blue and white outfit raising her hand, and then professionally blend in the background.
First Freelancer to remove the person and send back the edited image of acceptable quality wins.
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Työnantajan palaute
“Professional and responsive, with excellent quality. Thank you sir.”
swkester, United States.
Kilpailun parhaat työt
Melhosary Egypt
rakibUL109 Bangladesh
alinafig016 Bangladesh
mithun08deb Bangladesh
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