Freelancer: LycanBoy
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3D Garden Imagery

here's the proposal that I'm working on so I will be appreciated for your feedback

Kilpailutyö #31 kilpailussa                                                 3D Garden Imagery

Julkinen selvennystaulu

  • LycanBoy
    • 2 kuukautta sitten

    thank you i will share my new proposal with new updates in panorama view soon.

    • 2 kuukautta sitten
  • anishrag
    Kilpailun järjestäjä
    • 2 kuukautta sitten

    Hi Mohamed,
    It's nice! I think it would be better for the plants to be on the edge. maybe one corner with that arrangement.

    Also, I know you're just drawing but I would like the end product to be incorporated in the panorama image I sent. I guess you could set my panorama as the background in whatever software you are using.

    If you look at the example I mentioned in the clarification board, that garden isn't very nice (I'm looking for a nicer garden) but I want it integrated in the panorama like that one does.

    Hope this helps!

    • 2 kuukautta sitten