Contest of ideas to allow the monetization of a land
- Tila: Pending
- Palkinto: $10
- Vastaanotetut työt: 2
- Voittaja: aryanti2025
Kilpailun tehtävänanto
¬ Project Description:
We are seeking innovative and also clasic ideas to monetize a piece of land. The land is located next to a big town (300.000 inhabitants), and it has 550 sqm, it is a bit inclined, in an area with hills, requires the crossing of a 10-meter bridge. Our goal is to explore various ways to generate revenue from this property, whether through development, leasing, or other creative uses.
¬ Evaluation Criteria:
Creativity and feasibility of the idea.
Clarity and detail in the proposal.
The shorter & concise the description, higher appreciated.
!! All proposals/entries, where it is clear that AI was used, are excluded from the start. !!
Suositellut taidot
Kilpailun parhaat työt
aryanti2025 Indonesia
mirazhossain2190 Bangladesh
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