Box Packaging into Renders for Presentation

  • Tila: Open
  • Palkinto: $200
  • Vastaanotetut työt: 30

Kilpailun tehtävänanto

I'm in need of a skilled freelancer to render some standard box packaging into images for a presentation

The renders should depict the boxes from a 3D angled view.

There are 5 outputs all up includes:
- 2 x of Box #1
- 2 x of Box #2
- 1 x of Boxes on shelf

Attached is a PDF explaining everything in detail, including render layout examples and copy for each section of the box.

Assets needed are also attached.

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Julkinen selvennystaulu

  • Freelancing55
    • 3 tuntia sitten

    Please check #18. Thanks

    • 3 tuntia sitten
  • abrish18
    • 4 tuntia sitten

    #12 my entery

    • 4 tuntia sitten
  • Freelancing55
    • 5 tuntia sitten

    Can you please attach the fonts used in your design?

    • 5 tuntia sitten
  • Freelancing55
    • 5 tuntia sitten

    Please don't Close Early. I am working!

    • 5 tuntia sitten

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