ATX Massage Ad
- Tila: Closed
- Palkinto: $10
- Vastaanotetut työt: 25
- Voittaja: alamin17890
Kilpailun tehtävänanto
As a business owner in Dallas, TX, I am looking to create a regional ad for my massage therapy services when traveling to the Austin, Texas area. The goal of the ad is to drive more business and increase awareness of my services. I am open to any ideas for the ad content and want it to be produced in a medium that can reach a regional audience. The most effective medium for this ad will be Twitter. I understand the importance of creativity and am keen to try new approaches to ensure the success of the ad. With robust targeting options, Twitter is the best platform for me to reach the right audiences in the areas I'm targeting with my ad. I'm confident that through a targeted Twitter campaign, I can increase the visibility of my services and boost sales in the regions I'm targeting.
Stress. Headache. Anxiety. Insomnia. Depression. Chronic Pain. Muscle Aches and Tension....LET IT ALL GO! I GOT YOU! BOOK A MASSAGE! New Clients Get 5% Off towards your first treatment. Refer a friend, you and your friend receive 5% off towards your massage. The North Austin Domain area Austin, Texas May 20th - 25th
Suositellut taidot
Työnantajan palaute
“It was great”
Doubledribble298, United States.
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