Add an 'X to My Logo
- Tila: Closed
- Palkinto: $79
- Vastaanotetut työt: 737
- Voittaja: Caport
Kilpailun tehtävänanto
I'm seeking a skilled graphic designers to use their creativity to add the letter X to my current logo.
The X will go after Trick Shot. I need the X to stand out, however, not so much that is takes away from the movement of the balls in the logo.
Some Ideas:
-I like using the same green color as the tennis ball already used in the logo.
-I have thought about making an X with hockey sticks or field hockey sticks to make an X.
-Use a font that is an outline of the letter X.
-Use a cool sports font.
I look forward to seeing how you can incorporate the X into my logo without overpowering the rest of the logo.
Suositellut taidot
Työnantajan palaute
“Lyzo was responsive and completed project. ”
boilermakertodd, United States.
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