Move wordpress installation
$10-30 USD
Maksettu toimituksen yhteydessä
Need help to move wordpress site from cloudways to GoDaddy.
Projektin tunnus: #28501870
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Myönnetty käyttäjälle:
51 freelanceria on tarjonnut keskimäärin $26 tähän työhön
Hello, i can help you move wordress website, i need cpanel old host and new host, i will complete fast for you. kind regards
Hi there, I've read your project description. I'm WordPress Expert. Ready to move WordPress Installation from cloudways to goDaddy right now. Thanks
hello i can do this i can start now i have do many site before give me replay so we chat more thanks
I can move the site to godaddy for you. I am a skilled wordpress developer with over 15 years experience. let discuss more via private message.
Hi, I read your project detail.I iwll move your wordpress website from cloudway to godadday.I am ready to start work right now. I will complete it asap by today. Thanks Gautam
Hey, How are you? I read your " Move wordpress installation" and really interested in this job. I’m an experienced developer in Wordpress. I’m offering best quality and highest performance at lowest price. I can comp Lisää
Hello, Moving WordPress installation? Seems easy to me. Kindly provide me with more information so that I can check. Thanks
Hi, I can move your wordpress site from cloudways to GoDaddy.I am expert in migration of web site,WordPress with more than 6 years of experience in web development. thank you
I have read the description and I will move website to another hosting. I can start now and will do it asap.
Hello sir! I am ready to move Your wordpress on Godaddy Right Now. Lets talk and do it. Thanks!
hello I can move wordpress installation, can you please provide me the cpanels of both hostings? can we have a chat?
Hiy, I will move your webiste to Godaddy just in one day Perfectly.. Message me so we can proced further. Thank you
CLOUDWAYS TO GODDAY Hi ,I went through your requirements and can provide you services you are looking for,i am an experienced Wordpress developer and can migrate your existing Wordpress website from cloudways to godd Lisää
hey i can move your WordPress site from cloudways to GoDaddy .. can you share your site details so we can proceed further. thanks
Hi, Based on your description, I see you are looking for a developer who can start your project right away. I am a senior web developer with extensive development background. I have more than 10 years of development ex Lisää
I am an experienced WordPress developer and I will move wordpress site from cloudways to GoDaddy with losing any data or file.
To move from one server to another I need an access of both the hosting provider. Please let me know.
Hi, I can help you to migrate your wordpress website to your Godaddy server. Pease initiate a chat session so we can discuss more about it. Thank you.
It'll take a few hours to do migration and if it's changing domain it might take up to 48hours to propagate, let me know further via chat I'm available right now!