Twilio (or SignalWire) Call Flow/IVR, Google Contacts, Google DialogFlow CX
$250-750 USD
Maksettu toimituksen yhteydessä
We are looking for a developer to build a prototype app on Twilio.
A caller will dial a Twilio (or SignalWire) number and first their Caller ID will be screened against a list of contacts that is synchronized with Google Contacts; if they are a match, the call will be forwarded to another number. If they are not a match, they will be prompted to say the name of the person they are trying to reach. If that name is approved, they will be prompted to answer a few more questions. All of those questions are converted from speech to text and then forwarded via text to a SMS destination or Apple Push Notification. Simultaneously, an outbound call is placed and that information is played. If the person answering the call presses 1, the call is connected; if they press 2 the caller is told that no one is available and to call back; if they press 3, the caller is told that no one is available and to try a different method and the number is added to the block list. You should be familiar with Twilio (or SignalWire) development, integrating with Google Contacts to maintain the list of phone numbers, and Google DialogFlow CX to evaluate the speech and answers to questions (and convert those to text to send as a push notification). The information captured is also stored. During the call, the recipient can press * to record the call; that recording is also stored. Numbers that get added to the block list are banned from calling and should be hung up immediately on subsequent attempts.
This is a small project as a prototype.
Projektin tunnus: #33782997
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8 freelanceria on tarjonnut keskimäärin $573 tähän työhön
Hi there, ★★★ Twilio (Bulk SMS / Voice Call / IVR) Expert ★★★ 9+ Years of Experience ★★★ I've read requirements and ready to build a prototype app on Twilio.. I have finished lots of task like SMS-Call forward, SMS Ch Lisää
hello, I can make such prototype in around 4 to 7 days max, waiting for your reply so I can clear all my doubts right away
Hello, Greeting of the day... Yes, I can do Twilio (or SignalWire) Call Flow/IVR, Google Contacts, Google DialogFlow CX I have carefully read the job description and I am more than 100% sure that this is my yard and Lisää
Hi there, I have read the brief details on the job listing. You can check my experience, customer feed backs and my portfolio here: https://www.freelancer.com/u/AwaisChaudhry?w=f I believe its a doable job I have grea Lisää