This script is for a training business.
When a customer sends in money for a training program, I need to put the participants email, phone number and name into a web form.
The script will send an email out to the customer notifying them they are enrolled in the class and will give them a link to confirm that they have received the email. Once they confirm, it will change their status to confirmed. If they revisit the link, it will remind them they are already confirmed for the class. I assume this would be done with a unique id within the link.
I have many different classes and depending on what class they are enrolling in, depends on what information is sent. So I will need a form to set up each possible class and what text and weblinks to send them.
I will also need an report page of who has confirmed and not and I need to be able to search by class type and or date.
Here is what should happen when a persons enrolls.
1. I put in their information into a password protected form page and choose the date, time and type of class using a drop down boxes.
2 . They receive an email with the confirmation and other text specific to the class enrolled in. They also need to click on a link in the email that will bring them to a web page thanking them for confirming and will trigger the database showing they are confirmed.
3. An automatic email is sent to them after they confirm thanking them for enrolling in the class. It needs to to send the class date and time and have customizable text that I can change using an online form (for the address and anything else that will be send with all emails). I also need to receive an email once they have confirmed.
4. 36 hours before the class date, they receive a reminder email automatically about the class with the date and time along with some customizable text I can change with an online form.
I need to be able to extract all email addresses to put into a mass email list. This can just be a web output of all the addresses, one address per line.
To set up the classes, this is what I need:
A form with the following fields,
Class Title
Custom Text for Email
The class title will be available in the drop down box then I send out the confirmation email and the custom text for the email will automatically be inserted into the email.
I also need a simple webpage that will allow a visitor to my site to check on their enrollment status by putting in their phone number and it will show what UPCOMING class they are enrolled in. They should also be able to click a link to resend confirmation email and then will take them to a page that says " email resent sent to (their email address) " It should not show classes on previous dates. I will need to be able to set the custom color of the web page as it will be run in an Iframe within another page.
Sri Technocrat is marvelous in its quality. We have been maintaining the quality in every field whether it is services or training. We have proved our stability. We have been working with the same grace & quality. Our Clients find us better than the so called best. We believe that Customer Satisfaction and Trust will always be our Key for success. Sri Technocrat provides the best breed of designing and application solutions to small and medium sized businesses around the world. A strong Dedicated Executive Team consists of leaders from Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) and various industries and backgrounds aimed at helping execute the plan.
With Regards Sri Technocrat.
Hello, I have over 10 years application development experience, including 4 years developing using PHP. Please see Private Message for details. Thanks.