App detailed specifications document

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We are working on a services based uber like app. I want someone to check the competetitors applications and make a detailed specification document about all features and each screen. So that i can give it to UI designer for designs.

Mobile App Development iPhone Android Graafinen suunnittelu Käyttöliittymä/informaatioarkkitehtuuri

Projektin tunnus: #34429202

Tietoa projektista

9 ehdotusta Etäprojekti Aktiivinen 2 vuotta sitten

9 freelanceria on tarjonnut keskimäärin $26 tähän työhön


Dear Client, Is there only one competitor in general or you need a research for more than one? Kindly specify what niche are you targeting so I can confirm the project completion time line and costs. The bid pric Lisää

$50 USD 12 päivässä
(42 arvostelua)

App detailed specifications document Hello i read your project completely and would like to offer you my service can u please message me so we can discuss. I am Good at User Interface / IA, Mobile App Development, i Lisää

$10 USD 1 päivässä
(339 arvostelua)

App detailed specifications document Hello i read your project completely and would like to offer you my service can u please message me so we can discuss. I am Good at Mobile App Development, Android, Graphic Desig Lisää

$10 USD 1 päivässä
(256 arvostelua)

Hi there, I just read your posting. It sounds like you need a User Research Expert. I have a background in UI/UX Design and Web design and have been doing this for 2 years. Web & Mobile app interface is what I special Lisää

$28 USD 2 päivässä
(5 arvostelua)

Hello there! I’m a beginner tattoo artist and professional graphic designer ! I would really like to work with you and I’m available even today if you notice me early!:) I’m hard working and willing to work and help! I Lisää

$15 USD 7 päivässä
(0 arvostelua)