Quick Logo Job $30-250 USD Julkaistu yli 14 vuotta sitten
$30-250 USD Maksettu toimituksen yhteydessä
Budget is $30 or less, and project is simple. I'll send you a low-res logo, you make it high-res, change colors, and take out one aspect of it.
Projektin tunnus (ID): 712624
Tietoa projektista 8 ehdotukset
Aktiivinen 15 vuotta sitten
Haluatko ansaita rahaa? Sähköpostiosoite Hae vastaaviin töihin Freelancerin tarjouskilpailun edut Aseta budjettisi ja aikataulu
Rekisteröinti ja töihin tarjoaminen on ilmaista
8 freelancerit tarjoavat keskimäärin $30 USD tätä projektia
Lets Start & Get it done in 2 Hours....check your ++++++++++++++++INBOX++++++++++++++THANKS
We are ready to do this job.
Thank you
Ready to start immediately...kindly check PM
Please check PMB for details, Thank you
Let's Start..! Discussion and my previous works in PMB
Let us start! I am expert in vectorisation of any type of raster image. Have above 10 years of experience in coreldraw and illustrator. Awaiting your valuable order.
I am a professional graphic designer. see my portfolio to judge my design abilities. Thank you.
I have a good deal of skill and experience with similar projects and would be able to deliver the project completed in a short negotiable period of time.