Design a Global Website
$10-100 USD
Maksettu toimituksen yhteydessä
We need a great and professional looking design for a global travel company called [login to view URL]; You need to design the home page, posts page, single post page mainly. The entire design should be a full width fluid design along with crispy and eye catching look and feel. Also we are giving the freedom to the designs to come back to us with a best one. But please make sure not to waste our time. Only short listed candidates will be able to face the interview for the next phase. Happy Bidding!
Projektin tunnus: #10349352
Tietoa projektista
12 freelanceria on tarjonnut keskimäärin $91 tähän työhön
hello, Thank you for the Opportunity, As per your requirement,I have seen your requirement & i would like to tell you that we have a very strong experience of more than 3+ years in the field of Web design, Graph Lisää
Dear Sir, Let me do it for you ! Being a full stack .NET developer for more than 7 years, experienced in .Net C# development, especially in website building within ASP.Net, MVC Pattern, WCF Service, Entity Framework, Lisää