+ live connections manager
* filter by X per page showing clients, search client field, auto navigate multi page
* show status, mac adress/device, stream, IP,City, ISP, Server connected, Player (useragent) format (mpegts/hlsm etc), time online, max connections allowed (1of 1 or 1of 2 etc)
on actions button it should have options : blacklist ip, blacklist isp, kill connection, send fingerprint to device/user, check connection status , disable user
+ server management
* manage servers ( overview all servers (main server and loadbalancers )
Show server status, servername, server ip, serverlocation(contry flag) / http port / https port / client slots of connected to / load avg / memory ysage / latency
actions for servers: rebuild iptables, rebuild cahce, start/stop all streams, move streams, kill connections, optimize db settings ,
resetart services, reload nginx, reconfigure server, clear cache, clear redis cache, reboot server, edit, delete
* Add Server -> for adding new loadbalancers and main servers
servername / domain / ip / ssh port /serveer ip / network settings (interface card selection (ensp0 etc) / additional ips addable./ max connections to server example 1000 of 5000 clients
http streaming ports settings : backend panel port/ http port/ additional http ports/ rtmp enable disable rtmp port / rtmp domain / create loadbalancer or main selection
https streaming settup > enable /disable ssl /letsenscript/ panel port/streaming port/ additional https streamin ports / ssl email domain etc
GeoIP restrictions setup/ multi dns and proxy setups, nginx and redis cache setups
+ Subscriptions
* Users
- Overview users show status, banned yes no, owner(resellers), line, mac adres, expire date, package, trial yes no, connection info, last watched channel, reseller notes,admin notes
actions: send message to device(fingerprint), disable, download line, renew extend, convert to mag, kill connection, ban line, edit, delete
download line has multiple options: enigma1.6 enigma2.0, m3u, m3u with options, gigablue, enigma2 auto scripts
- Create line , force connect to list of servers ( or empty auto send user to best latancy server)
- Manage line
- Mass edit userlines
* Mag degvices
- Overview mag devices, show status, banned yes no, owner(resellers), line, mac adres, expire date, package, trial yes no, connection info, last watched channel, reseller notes,admin notes
actions: send message to device(fingerprint), force channel to play, reload device, close device, disable device, device setup, renew extend device, kill connections,
ban device, convert to line from mac adres, edit, delete
- Add Mag device force connect to list of servers ( or empty auto send user to best latancy server)
- Manage Mag device
- Mass edit mag devices
RTMP Management
- Incoming streams = overview coming streams inside the panel
- Security => security for publish or play from panel (streams) whitelist ip, if not ip added not able to connect
Live / Radio / Stream Management
- Overview live streams with all metrics, like stream on witc hserver, howmany connections to stream, audio video bitrate codec settings restart stop delete edit stream
- Add stream, single mode, multi mode with m3u, possible to add multi source for same stream, stream icon,
category assign to stream, bouqets/ possible to add on multiple bouqets., stream note area.
stream options: generate time stamps , stream all doces found video, is adult or not stream, direct source, return direct url no restream,
read input source native frames, auto rreststart stream on specific days and times or x hours
advanced options for stream: restart on audio los, restart on video los, etc etc
selection streaming servers: loadblanacers make a design howto stream should be redstributed to load balancers.
rtmp settings enable disable output
- Mass edit streams
- Manage streams
it means multi source option also and all ffmpeg parameters should be use able if selected.
- same for create radio channels all options need work
Manage Categories
- Streams, Movies, Series , Radios
- manage create categorys, sub category, main category, id, logo, order created categories, up down etc edit delete
EPG - Management
- overview EPG ( countryname, country flag, total services) edit delete disable
- create/edit epg country select, url xml for epg reload epg , clear epg, days to keep, update time x update days // hours selection
Ticket system
- created tickets by resellers,
- open closed in progress all sort, reply close etc.
Group management
- multi level roles > Super Admin , Admin, Master Reseller, Reseller, Subreseller, Channel Management, Vods& Series management
-> Superadmin can remove admins and all other things,
-> Admin can remove master resellers and other things,
-> Master reseller, can remove edit add resellers/ give mutli sub reseller option yes or not, dns for customers
-> reseller, own dashboard show total credits, packages, bouqets, clients, mag devices, userlines, extend by credits, credit history, ask for fund add
-> sub reseller, can only cominucate with his parent reseller, for getting credits or packages etc
-> Vods& Series management =? only create upload change series vods/ episodes access to create edit episodes etc etc
-> Channel Management, for edit, change streams stop start, transcode profiles usage,
Bouqet management
- overview bouqets, howm any channels in bouqet etc, edit delete bouqet order sort up down etc
- create bouqet, add channels, left box to right box, dubbel clik send in to bouqet etc etc.
Settings Main System
- General settings domain ip setup for main server, tmdb api key settings etc
- streaming settings, nginx vars, rebuild nginx, nginx buffer live vods nginx buffer size count etc enable disable buffer live / vods
- stalker player settings, custom urls, stalker portal etc
- backup settings, create ssh conenction add server for backup sql database of panel very 1 day 7 day or 14 weeks options
- secyrity settings conutry blockking etc etc and stremaing things like loadbalancers and main servers protection/ dont allow
main server ip in stremain list etc etc/.
To get categories, vods, series , live tv it should use [login to view URL] and [login to view URL] from xtreamcodes backend same for output list of m3u users
the hole system should be written by you, only if you are very familar with streaming technologies, like xtreamcodes and ffmpeg you can assign to project
Here some same things maybe i missed things
- Live connections
- Subscriptions, create mag device,edit mag device, fingrprint send mag device, reload mag device , extend mag device, block mag device, isplock on off, bouqets, serial and mac lock, disable enable lock types. country lock.
the same for creating streaming line with user pass, possible to convert to mag line/pair. add bouqets etc. advanced m3u enigma2 output list
- Streamin servers, create, edit, remake servers, load balancers, split mode loadbalancing, etho card settings, max con limit users, and al other streaming stufs what needed be work etc etc
- proxy setup & Dns management for servers
- rtmp management
- nginx management, rtmp / key/ reload, change ports streaming, enable ssl/disable ssl, etc etc
- Live streams management, overview, mas edit, manage stream, add stream, multi input, and all options for ffmpeg streaming, restart stream days etc timing rtmp denable disable etc
- Created channels * add channel, put videos to gether make channel auto play channel, manage channel created
- Vods and Series management, create vods, vod categories, series ,series categories, serie episodeds etc etc it should work with covers pictures , tmdb api key, and xc api to get vods and series.
- Bouqets creation multiple with assign options for channels
- Packages creation, create multiple creation packages, 1 day trail x credit, 30 day x credit, 3months x credit, 6months x credit, 12 months x credit
- Credit system log, add funds /credits to resellers, show activity of credits, like paid, funded, chargeback, refund take back from reseller etc etc.
CREDIT action user > target user > reason, amount, before, after, note , date
- User line activity log, show all security things, log date time , type access, ip adres, respond error code(invalid creds,blocked, max con reached, server type connection, connection url, user agent