Asterisk PBX: Video Calls Problem

Suljettu Julkaistu 3 vuotta sitten Maksettu toimituksen yhteydessä
Suljettu Maksettu toimituksen yhteydessä

Hello Isabella PBX Experts,

I do have an Isabella PBX-hosted Contabo company. I enabled the video calls but when we first started the Audio was not working. We fix this by enabling NAT on each extension.

Now, my problem is that the Video calls are not working.

Attached all the extra configuration that I add it to fix the Audio problem (as I said before the Audio problem was fixed and now it's working perfectly)

[login to view URL]

put nat=yes in user definition and in [general] tag


externip=[login to view URL]

localnet=[login to view URL]



/etc/asterisk/[login to view URL]





rasterisk -vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv

core reload

-- Each extension NAT = YES

Please help me to fix the Video Calls Problem

Asterisk PBX VoIP

Projektin tunnus: #29623272

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2 ehdotusta Etäprojekti Aktiivinen 3 vuotta sitten

2 freelanceria on tarjonnut keskimäärin $70 tähän työhön


Hi, I have 18 years of experience in VOIP and asterisk. I offer my services for your project. Please have a look at my profile to see all my experience details. I assure you of a high quality professional service. I am Lisää

$20 USD 7 päivässä
(56 arvostelua)